Environmental Ethics, المجلد 12John Muir Institute for Environmental Studies and University of New Mexico, 1990 |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-3 من 71
الصفحة 98
... concern for the environ- ment , how could we also account for our traditional interpersonal responsibilities and social duties , accommodate all these intermediate new moral concerns to boot , and then order and mutually reconcile the ...
... concern for the environ- ment , how could we also account for our traditional interpersonal responsibilities and social duties , accommodate all these intermediate new moral concerns to boot , and then order and mutually reconcile the ...
الصفحة 158
... concerned about what states of affairs human beings bring about . Although it is true that human actions do have a ... concern is to encourage a better relationship between humans and their environment . Their ideas about what we ...
... concerned about what states of affairs human beings bring about . Although it is true that human actions do have a ... concern is to encourage a better relationship between humans and their environment . Their ideas about what we ...
الصفحة 284
What ought to concern us , and at the deepest level does concern environmen- talists , Evernden holds , is " not the ... concerned to " save the world " in Heidegger's sense of these terms ( " free into its own essence " ) , and ...
What ought to concern us , and at the deepest level does concern environmen- talists , Evernden holds , is " not the ... concerned to " save the world " in Heidegger's sense of these terms ( " free into its own essence " ) , and ...
Native American Beliefs | 27 |
حقوق النشر | |
3 من الأقسام الأخرى غير ظاهرة
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Abstracts act of ecosabotage aesthetic Aldo Leopold animals anthropocentric approach argue argument Arne Naess Baird Callicott biocentric biological Bioregional biosphere Bookchin California civil disobedience claim concept context creatures critical culture deep ecology Department of Philosophy Dewey Dewey's discussion domination Earth Eckersley ecofeminism ecofeminists ecologists ecophilosophy ecosaboteurs Ecosophy ecosystems egocentric ethic environment Environmental Ethics Environmental Philosophy environmentalists evolution example experience feminism feminist Foreman framework goals habitat historical human Ibid imperium important individual intrinsic value issues John justified land ethic Leopold Levins and Lewontin liberal living Marxist means metaphysical moral pluralism movement Murray Bookchin Naess Nash Native American natural world NEPA oppressive organisms perspective plants political principles problems rationality reason relationship Sand County Almanac Science sense social society species spiritual suggests theory things tion tradition University Press utilitarian Western wilderness reservations wildness women York