صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

miseries of both sorts, 375; no man free,
miseries' effects in us, sent for our good,
377; miseries of students and scholars,


Mitigations of melancholy, 423
Money's prerogatives, 176

Moon inhabited, 326; moon in love, 401,

Mother how cause of melancholy, 137
Moving faculty described, 103
Music a present remedy for melancholy, 367;
its effects, 367; a symptom of lovers, 576,
577; causes of love-inelancholy, 541


NAKEDNESS of parts a cause of love-melan-
choly, 524; cure of love-melancholy, 596
Narrow streets where in use, 333
Natural melancholy signs, 260

Natural signs of love-melancholy, 550
Necessity to what it enforceth, 151–231

Neglect and contempt, best cures of jealousy,

Nemesis or punishment comes after, 41)
Nerves what, 34

News most welcome, 344
Nobility censured, 381

Non-necessary causes of melancholy, 210
Nuns' inelancholy, 271

Nurse, how cause of melancholy, 218


OBJECTS causing melancholy to be removed,

Obstacles and hindrances of lovers, 609
Occasions to be avoided in love-melancholy,

Odoraments to smell to for melancholy, 455
Ointments for melancholy 147
Ointments riotously used, 527
Old folks apt to be jealous, 632
Old folks' incontinency taxed, 654

Old age a cause of melancholy, 136; old men's

sons often melancholy, 138

One love drives out another, 593
Opinions of or concerning the soul, 103
Oppression's effects, 241

Opportunity and importunity causes of love-
melancholy, 530

Organical parts, 96

Overmuch joy, pride, praise, how causes of
melancholy, 193

PALACES, 342, 343


Paleness and leanness, symptoms of love-
melancholy 550

apists' religious symptoms, 696, 697
Paracelsus' defence of minerals, 435
Parents, how they wrong their children, 616;
how they cause melancholy by propaga
tion, 136; how by remissness and indul-
gence, 219

Parænetical discourse to such as are troubled
in mind, 724

Particular parts distempered, how they cause
melancholy, 246

Parties affected in religions melancholy, 665
Passions and perturbations causes of melau

choly, 164; how they work on the body,
162; their divisions, 169; how rectified and
eased, 358

Passions of lovers, 555, 556

Patience a cure of misery, 417

Patient, his conditions that would be cured,
301; patience, confidence, liberality, not.
to practise on himself, 302; what he must
do himself, 359; reveal his grief to a friend,
Pennyroyal good against melancholy, 441
Perjury of lovers, 545

Persuasion a means to cure love-melancholy,
367; other melancholy, 505
Phantasy, what, 101

Philippus Bonus, how he used a country
fellow, 347

Philosophers censured, 194; their errors, 194
Philters cause of love-melancholy, 546; how
they cure melancholy, 607

Phlebotomy cause of melancholy, 445; how
to be used, when, in melancholy, 416; in
head melancholy, 450

Phlegmatic melancholy signs, 201
l'hrenzy's description, 88

Physician's miseries, 205; his qualities if he
be good, 299

Physic censured, 426, 449; commended, 428;
when to be used, 429

Physiognomical signs of melancholy, 135
Pictures good against melancholy, 348; cause
love-melancholy, 534

Plague's effects, 83
Planets inhabited, 326
Plays more famous, 343
Pleasant palaces, 340

Pleasant objects of love, 478

Pleasing tone and voice a cause of love-me-
lancholy, 533

Poetical cures of love-melancholy, C03
Poets why poor, 203

Poetry a symptom of lovers, 550
Politician's pranks, 674

Poor men's miseries, 230; their happiness,
402; they are dear to God, 391

Pope Leo Decimus, his scothing, 223
Pork a melancholy meat, 141

Possession of devils, 90

Poverty and want causes of melancholy,
their effects, 227; no such misery to be
poor, 389

Power of spirits, 127

Predestination misconstrued, a cause of do-
spair, 750

Preparatives and purgers for melancholy, 447
Precedency, what stirs it causeth, 175

Precious stones, metals, altering melancholy,

Preventions to the cure of jealousy, 652
Pride and praise causes of melancholy, 193
Priests how they cause religious melancholy,
674, 675

Princess' discontents, 183
Profitable objects of love, 476

Progress of love-melancholy exemplified, 337
Prognostics or events of love-melancholy,
581; of despair, 644; of jealousy, C44; of
melancholy, 281

Prospect good against melancholy, 335
Prosperity a cause of misery, 403
Protestations and deceitful promises of lovers,


Pseudo-prophets, their pranks, 699; their
symptoms. 695

Pulse, peas, beans, cause of melancholy, 144

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Redness of the face helped, 453
Regions of the belly, 96, 97

Relation or hearing a cause of love-melan-
choly, 506

Religious melancholy, a distinct species, 6C0;
its object, 661; causes of it, 669; symptoms,
683; prognostics, 700; cure, 702; religious
policy, by whom, 674

Repentance, its effects, 727

Retention and evacuation causes of melan-
choly 152; rectified to the cure, 310
Rich men's discontents and miseries, 188, 396;
their prerogatives, 227

Riot in apparel, excess of it, a great cause of
love-melancholy, 527-533
Rivals and corrivals, 629

Roots censured, 144

Rose cross-men's or Rosicrucian's promises,


SAINTS' aid rejected in melancholy, 207
Salads censured, 145

Sanguine melancholy signs, 262
Scholars' miseries, 200

Scilla or sea-onion, a purger of melancholy,

Scipio's continency, 589

Scoffs, calumnies, bitter jests, how they cause
melancholy, 422; their antidote, 423
Scorzonera good against melancholy, 432
Scripture misconstrued, cause of religious
melancholy, 780; cure of melancholy, 353
Sea-sick, good physic for melancholy, 433
Self-love cause of melancholy, his effects, 193
Sensible soul and its parts, 100

Senses, why and how deluded in melancholy,
278, 279

Sentences selected out of humane authors, 423
Servitude cause of melancholy, 225; and im-
prisonment eased, 404

Several men's delights and recreations, 335
Severe tutors and guardians causes of me-
lancholy, 218

Shame and disgrace how causes of melan-
choly, their effects, 173
Sickness for our good, 442

Sighs and tears symptoms of love-melan-
choly, 551

Sight a principal cause of love-melancholy,


Signs of honest lore, 450

[blocks in formation]

Singing a symptom of lovers, 576; cause of
love-melancholy, 533

Sin the impulsive cause of man's misery, 375
Single life and virginity commended, 605;
their prerogatives, 606
Slavery of lovers, 567

Sleep and waking causes of melancholy, 163:
by what means procured, neiped, 457
Small bodies have greatest wits, 35C
Smelling what, 101

Smiling a cause of love-melancholy, 525
Sodomy, 497

Soldiers most part lascivious, 636
Solitariness cause of melancholy, 160, 161;
coact, voluntary, how good, 101; sign of
melancholy, 259

Sorrow its effect, 170; a cause of mean-
choly, 171; a symptom of melancholy, 201;
eased by counsel, 407

Soul defined, its faculties, 98; ez traduce
as some hold, 103

Spices how causes of melancholy, 144
Spirits in the body, what,

Spirits and devils, their orders, kinds, power,
&c., 120

Spleen its site, 95; how misaffected cause of
melancholy, 246

Sports, 344

Spots in the sun, 328

Spruceness a symptom of lovers, 575

Stars, how causes or signs of melancholy,
133; of love-melancholy, 500; of jealousy,

Step-mother, her mischiefs, 241

Stews, why allowed, 653

Stomach distempered cause of melancholy,


Stones like birds, beasts, fishes, &c., 316
Strange nurses, when best, 217

Streets, narrow, 333

Study over-much cause of melancholy, 198;
why and how, 199, 277; study good against
melancholy, 348

Subterranean devils, 126

Supernatural causes of melancholy, 114
Superstitious effects, symptoms, 657; how
it domineers, 667, 697

Surfeiting and drunkenness taxed, 148

Suspicion and jealousy symptoms of melan-
choly, 256; how caused, 276

Swallows, cuckoos, &c., where are they in
winter, 316

Sweet tunes and singing causes of love-
melancholy, 534

Symptoms or signs of melancholy in the
body, 250; mind, 252; from stars, mem-
bers, 260; from education, custom, con-
tinuance of time, mixed with other dis-
cases, 264; symptoms of head melancholy,
268; of hypochondriacal melancholy, 209;
of the whole body, 271; symptoms of
nuns', maids', widows' melancholy, 271;
immediate causes of melancholy symptoms,
275; symptoms of love-melancholy, 550;
cause of these symptoms, 555; symptoms of
a lover pleased, 557; dejected, 557; symp-
toms of jealousy, 640; of religious melan-
choly, 684; of despair, 720.
Svnteresis. 106

Syrups, 457


FALE of a prebend, 416
Tarantula's stinging effects, 243
Taste, what, 101

Temperament a cause of love-melancholy, 502
Tempestuous air, dark and fuliginous, how
cause of melancholy, 157
Terrestrial devils, 124

Terrors and affrights cause melancholy, 219
Theologasters censured, 329

The best cure of love-melancholy is to let them have their desire, 609

Tobacco censured, 441
Toleration, religious, 702
Torments of love, 556
Transmigration of souls, 104

Travelling commended, good against melancholy, 335; for love-melancholy especially, 590

Tutors cause melancholy, 218


VAINGLORY described, a cause of melancholy,


Valour and courage caused by love, 575
Variation of the compass, where, 314
Variety of meats and dishes cause melan-
choly, 308

Variety of mistresses and objects a cure of melancholy, 593

Variety of weather, air, manners, countries, whence, &c., 320

Variety of places, change of air, good against melancholy, 335

Vegetal soul and its faculties, 98

Vegetal creatures in love, 492

Vegetal soul and its parts, 98

Veins described, 95

Venus rectified, 312

Venery a cause of melancholy, 153
Venison a melancholy meat, 142
Vices of women, 600, 601

Violent misery continues not, 376
Violent death prognostic of melancholy, 92;
event of love-melancholy, 583; of despair,
723; by some defended, 285; how to be
censured, 288

Virginity, by what signs to be known, C43 Virginity commended, 606

Virtue and vice principal habits of the will, 108

Vitex or agnus castus good against lovemelanchoy, 586


UNCHARITABLE men described, 487 Understanding defined, divided, 105 Unfortunate marriages, effects, 184, 240

[blocks in formation]

Witty devices against melancholy, 366, 591 Wit proved by love, 575

Withstand the beginnings, a principal cure of love-melancholy, 588

Witches' power, how they cause melancholy, 130; their transformations how caused, 131; they can cure melancholy, 294; not to be sought to for help, 295; nor saints, 297 Wives censured, 623; commended, 623 Women, how cause of melancholy, 192; their vanity in apparel taxed, 525; how they cozen men, 526; by what art, 526; their counterfeit tears, 545; their vices, 600; commended, 624

Woodbine, amni, rue, lettuce, how good in love-melancholy, 586 World taxed, 182

Wormwood good against melancholy, 431 Writers of the cure of melancholy, 293 Writers of imagination, 166; de consolatione, 371; of melancholy, 454; of love-melancholy, 579; against idolatry, 692; against despair, 723


YOUNG men in love with a picture, 554 Youth a cause of love-melancholy, 498


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