II. International Obligations of the United States......W. B. LAWRENCE. III. An Advertisement for a New Religion........... ...AN EVOLUTIONIST. IV. A Senator's Fidelity vindicated............ .EDWARD L. PIERCE.. V. The Position of the Jews in America. Part II.......Rabbi G. GOTTHEIL. VI. The Outlook...... VII. Debtor and Creditor.... VIII. The Native Army of India.......... IX. Contemporary Literature: WENDELL PHILLIPS. SR. P. BLAND, M. C. 1. WILHELM GESENIUS'S Hebräisches und Chaldäisches Handwörterbuch über das Alte Testament.-2. VON REUMONT'S History of Tuscany,—3. DELITZSCH'S Commentary on the Song of Songs and Ecclesiastes.-4. Stebbins's Charlotte Cushman: Her Letters and Memories of her Life.-5. PALFREY'S Memoir of William Francis Bartlett.-6. KLEIN'S History of the Drama.-7. D'ANCONA, Origini del Teatro in Italia.-8. LINDSEY'S Rome in Canada.-9. DAUDET'S Le Nabab. NEW YORK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, LONDON: TRÜBNER & Co.-PARIS: THE GALIGNANI LIBRARY.-BERLIN: A. ASTER & Co.- TERMS.—Five Dollars a year. Single number, One Dollar. OF THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW. CONTENTS. JANUARY-FEBRUARY. Points in American Politics. RICHARD H. DANA, Jr. Daniel Deronda. EDWIN P. WHIPPLE. Richard Wagner's Theories of Music. E. GRYZANOWSKI. The Triumph of Darwinism. JOHN FISKE. MARCH-APRIL. Hon. CHARLES R. BUCKALEw. The Electoral Commission and its Bearings. Christian Policy in Turkey. LAURENCE OLIPHANT. English Arctic Expedition (with Circumpolar Map). Judge CHARLES P. DALY. The Centenary of Spinoz. SAMUEL OSGOOD, D. D. Contemporary Literature. MAY-JUNE. The American Constitution. Senator MORTON. Revelations of European Diplomacy. KARL BLIND, African Explorers (with Maps). LAUREnce Oliphant. The Relations of Debt and Money. Elizur Wright. The Progress of Painting in America. THE EDITOR. JULY-AUGUST, The Electoral Conspiracy. Judge J. S. BLACK. The War in the East (with Maps). General G. B. MCCLELLAN. The American Constitution Part II. Senator O. P. MORTON Moral Reflections. A JAPANESE TRAVELER. New Russia. M. W. HAZELTINE. How shall the Nation regain Prosperity? DAVID A. Wells, America in Africa. Part I. GILBERT HAVEN. Contemporary Literature. SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER. The "Electoral Conspiracy" Bubble Exploded. E. W. STOUGHTON. The War in the Eas (with Maps). Part II. General G. B. MCCLELLAN. Perpetual Forces. RALPH WALDO EMERSON, How shall the Nation regain Prosperity ? Part II. DAVID A. WELLS. "Fair Wages." A "STRIKER." Reformed Judaism. Conclusion. FELIX ADLER. The Recent Strikes. THOMAS A. SCOTT. Progress in Astronomical Discovery. Contemporary Literature. NOVEMBER-DECEMBER. Resumption of Specie Payments. HUGH MCCULLOCH. Judge W. D. KELLEY, David A. WELLS, General THOMAS EWING, JOSEPH S. ROPES, Secretary SHERMAN. Cavalier de la Salle. FRANCIS PARKMAN. The War in the East. General G. B. MCCLELLAN. The Functions of Unbelief THOMAS HITCHCOCK. The Southern Question. CHARLES GAYARRÉ, of Louisiana. Michelangelo and the Buonnarroti Archives. T. ADOLPHUS TEOLLOPE. The Situation in France. A PARIS RESIDENT. How shall the Nation regain Prosperity P Part III. DAVID A. WELLS. Price, unbound, $5.00; bound in cloth, $6.00; in half morocco, $8.00. IT INTERNATIONAL OBLIGATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. By DEBTOR AND CREDITOR. By R. P. BLAND, M. C., and HENRY THE NATIVE ARMY OF INDIA. By Lieutenant-General Sir 1. Wilhelm Gesenius's Hebräisches und Chaldäisches Handwörterbuch über das Alte Testament, 157.-2. Von Reumont's History of Tuscany, 159.-3. Delitzsch's Commentary on the Song of Songs and Ecclesiastes, 161.-4. Stebbins's Charlotte Cushman: Her Letters and Memories of her Life, 163.-5. Palfrey's Memoir of William Francis Bartlett, 164.-6. Klein's History of the Drama, 167.-7. D'Ancona, Origini del Teatro in Italia, 169.-8. Lindsey's Rome in Canada, 171.-9. Daudet's Le KIN BEYOND SEA. By the Right Hon. W. E. GLADSTONE, TORPEDO WARFARE. By D. D. PORTER, Admiral, U. S. Navy 213 |