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النشر الإلكتروني



only to his Catholic but also to his Jewish neighbors, and made him many friends among them This was genuine Christian kindnessit was a splendid illustration of the divine law, overcome evil with good." And what was the result? Most noble! Different sects lived in the utmost peace and harmony, where the good Oberlin possessed an influence-bigotry was disarmed of its sting, and sectarian bitterness gave place to Christian charity. And when the funeral of Oberlin was attended, the effect of his truly sublime conduct was more than ever brought to light. To use the language of the Editor of the Expositor :† "On the day of interment, a vast concourse assembled, consisting indiscriminately of Catholics and Protestants. The funeral procession reached two miles.Throughout the immense multitude, one general expression of grief prevailed. Sectarian

feelings can hardly be said to have been suspended on the mournful occasion: they had long before been eradicated. Even the Roman Catholic women surrounded the burial place, all dressed in mourning, and kneeling in silent prayer; and several Roman Catholic priests, habited in their canonicals, took their seats among the members of the Consistory, and evidently par

*Quoted in the Universalist Expositor, vol. iii, p. 127.
t Vol. iii. p. 128.


ticipated in the general affliction." This most beautiful exhibition of Christian toleration, breathes proof of all that has been advanced on the subject; and demonstrates, that wherever it is practiced, contention and ill-will must cease, and kindness and affection must generally prevail.

A very admirable illustration of the power of kindness to subdue opposition, when manifested by a member of one sect towards the members of another sect, is given in Bancroft's History of the United States. It manifests itself in the conduct of John Archdale, who was chosen Governor of South Carolina, by the proprietaries of that colony, in 1695. "With the Spaniards at St. Augustine friendly relations sprung up: a Quaker could respect the faith of a Papist. Four Indians, converts of the Spanish priests, captives to the Yammasees, and exposed to sale as slaves, were ransomed by Archdale, and sent to the governor of St. Augustine. I shall manifest reciprocal kindness," was his reply, and shall always observe a good correspondence with you;' and when an English vessel was wrecked in Florida, the Spaniards retaliated the benevolence of Archdale,' The instance now to be introduced, is one of

*Vol. i: p. 17.

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the most extraordinary character, pouring a flood of light upon the facts we are considering. This instance is given in a discourse preached by Rev. Claudius Buchanan in Bristol, England, February 26, 1809.*

"Two Mahometans of Arabia, persons of consideration in their own country, have been lately converted to the Christian faith. One of them has already suffered martyrdom, and the other is now engaged in translating the Scriptures, and in concerting plans for the conversion of his countrymen. The name of the martyr was Abdallah; and the name of the other, who is now translating the Scriptures, is Sabat; or, as he is called since his Christian baptism, Nathaniel Sabat. Sabat resided in my house some time before I left India, and I had from his own mouth the chief part of the account which I shall now give to you. Some particulars I had from others. His conversion took place after the martyrdom of Abdallah, 'to whose death he was consenting:' and he related the circumstances to me with many tears.

"Abdallah and Sabat were intimate friends, and being young men of family in Arabia, they agreed to travel together, and to visit foreign. countries. They were both zealous Mahome

* See Buchanan's Researches in Asia, p. 236 and onward.

tans. Sabat is son of Ibrahim Sabat, a noble family of the line of Beni-Sabat, who trace their pedigree to Mahomet. The two friends left Arabia, after paying their adorations at the tomb of their prophet at Mecca, and travelled through Persia, and thence to Cabul. Abdallah was appointed to an office of state under Zemaun Shah, king of Cabul; and Sabat left him there, and proceeded on a tour through Tartary.

"While Abdallah remained at Cabul, he was converted to the Christian faith by the perusal of a Bible (as is supposed) belonging to a Christian from Armenia, then residing at Cabul. In the Mahometan states, it is death for a man of rank to become a Christian. Abdallah endeavored for a time to conceal his conversion, but finding it no longer possible, he determined to flee to some of the Christian churches near the Caspian sea. He accordingly left Cabul in disguise, and had gained the great city of Bochara, in Tartary, when he was met in the streets of that city, by his friend, Sabat, who immediately recognized him. Sabat had heard of his conversion and flight, and was filled with indignation at his conduct. Abdallah knew his danger, and threw himself at the feet of Sabat.— He confessed that he was a Christian, and implored him, by the sacred tie of their former friendship, to let him escape with his life. But,

Sir,' said Sabat, when relating the story himself, I had no pity. I caused my servants to sieze him, and I delivered him up to Morad Shah, King of Bochara. He was sentenced to die, and a herald went throughout the city of Bochara, announcing the time of his execution. An immense multitude attended, and the chief men of the city. I also went, and stood near to Abdallah. He was offered his life, if he would abjure Christ, the executioner standing by him with his sword in his hand. 'No,' said he, (as if the proposition were impossible to be complied with,) I can not abjure Christ.' Then one of his hands was cut off at the wrist. He stood firm, his arm hanging by his side, with but little motion. A physician, by desire of the king, offered to heal the wound, if he would recant. He made no answer, but looked up steadfastly towards heaven, like Stephen the first martyr, his eyes streaming with tears. He did not look with anger toward me. He looked at me, but it was benignly, and with the countenance of forgiveness. His other hand was then cut off. But, Sir,' said Sabat, in his imperfect English, he never changed, he never changed. And when he bowed his head to receive the blow of death, all Bochara seemed to say, 'What new thing is this?''

"Sabat had indulged the hope that Abdallaḥ

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