صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

aura vraissemblablement en quelque succès, nous espérons aussi que M. de Niverville aura de son côté fait faire quelques prisonniers et que d'une façon ou de l'autre M. de Boishébert sera instruit de la situation et des vues de nos ennemis nous lui recommandons de faire son possible pour y penetrer non seulement pour ce qui concerne la partie de l'accadie mais même par raport à tous les autrès projets qu'il pourroit avoir formés sur cette colonie, il aura une attention particuliere à nous en instruire

Nous sommes bien persuadé que M. de Boishébert saisira et recherchera même toutes les occasions pour nuire à nos ennemis, mettre obstacle à leurs projets et arrêter leurs progrès, mais nous ne pouvons lui prescrire rien de positif à cet égard, les mouvements qu'il pourroit faire etant subordonnés à la situation où se trouveront les accadiens et les sauvages et aux ressources qu'il pourra avoir pour les faire agir.

Il hatera dès la prime de la Navigation le depart des Batiments qui sont destinés à aller chercher des Morües à Gaspé ou à la grande Riviere il excitera d'ailleurs les accadiens et les sauvages à se procurer par leur industrie à la chasse et à la pêche des ressources pour vivre et pour suppléer aux secours que nous ne sommes point presentement en état de leur faire passer.

Nous nous proposons de faire part à M. de Boishebert des premieres nouvelles que nous aurons de la Cour mais dans le cas que les deux couronnes eussent fait leur paix nous le prevenons qu'il doit se tenir toujours en état de se maintenir dans les postes que nous occupons et même de rentrer dans la possession du terrein que les anglois pourroient abandonner, il en sent lui même toute la consequence.

Nous nous en raportons à M. de Boishebert pour tout ce qui concerne la destination de Mrs. de Beaubassin, de Villejoin et des autres officiers qui sont sous ses ordres, nous nous en raportons aussi à lui sur tous les cas aux quels nous ne pouvons prévoir connaissant son zèle et l'expérience qu'il s'est acquise dans la partie que nous lui avons confiée

Fait à Montréal le 5 mars 1759.


Endorsed: Marquis de Vaudreüil's Orders to Capt. Boisheberé

in B. G. Monckton's of Oct. 8th. 1759.

Disposal of the Staff of the Army up the River
St. Lawrence.

Brigadier General Monckton to New York

Brigadier General Townsend to England

Brigadier General Murray Remains at Quebec

Colonel Carlton Quarter Master General to England.

Major Barré to General Amherst

Captn. Leaslie Assistant Qr. Mr. General Remains at Quebec.

Captn. Caldwell Assistant Qr. Master General to England to join his Regiment

Captn. Bell Aid de Camp to late General Wolfe to England to join his Regiment

Captn. Smith Aid de Camp to late General Wolfe by Leave to England on his private Affairs

Brigade Majrs. Maitland & Dobson remain at Quebec.
Brigade Majr. Guilham prefer'd Returns to his Regt,

Brigade Majr. Spital badly Wounded to New York.

[blocks in formation]

By Colonel Hale who sailed on the 22d. of September, in the Leostaffe Man of War, Brigadier Townshend wrote You of the Success

of His Majesty's Arms, up this River, and I had the Honour of writing You a few lines on the same subject-since which Sir we have been so continually emploied in repairing Quarters for the Troops, landing Provisions and Stores, and getting in Feuel, that it has not been in my power to carry on any further operations against the Enemy. They have been for some time past intrenched at a place called Jacques Cartier, about Thirteen Leagues up the River from hence, the Country to it is much cut with Woods, and it might have been attended with much difficulty for us to have acted against them there, beside Sir, the Season being so far advanced, and the many very necessary preparations we have to make against the severity of the Winter, would not allow of it.

Since the Surrender of the Town I have published a Manifesto allowing the Inhabitants to return to their Farms, and to get in their Harvest upon condition that they give in their Arms, and take the Oath of Fidelity, which most of the Inhabitants of this Town, and of the Villages about here, have already complied with. You have herewith Sir, a copy of the Manifesto, it is of much the same purport as the one General Wolfe published, at our first coming up the River.

By what Intelligence I can get (not having heard from Genl. Amherst a long time) the French are still fearfull of His advancing, as the bad Weather does not set in so soon with Him as it does here, and I am this day informed that a Party from His Army, have fallen upon, and destroyed a French and Indian Settlement called St. Francis in Lake St. Pierre, -as some of the Indians were not returned home from the French Army, they escaped.

There are yet, a number of French Ships up the River (two of them Frigates) at the Grondines, Batiscan, and above the Falls of Richelieu. The Deserters say they intend to try to push by, when most of the Men of War are gone.

The Admiral intends leaving only two Sloops of War here the Winter (and two Line of Battle Ships as long as the weather will permit them to stay) as He cannot find any place, where a two decked Ship can remain in Safety for the Winter,

You have inclosed a Return of the Army for the month of September and a State of the Garrison that is to remain the Winter & a return of

the Guns Mortars and Amunition, found in the Town and on the Beauport Shore as far as We have been able to come to an exact Account of them, -in regard to other King's Stores, it is impossible to send an Account of them, by this opportunity,—but as there are a good many Shoes and coarse Cloth, in the Public Stores, I have taken upon me, to direct Brigadier Murray to distribute to the Soldiers some of the Shoes and Cloth to make Waiscoats, to keep them warm in the Winter, as a Reward for the great Spirit, with which they went through the Campaign, and their Gallant Behaviour on the 13th of September-my doing this I Hope Sir will be approved of.

I have tried to make an Exchange with the Marquis de Vaudreuil for some officers of Ours, that He has in His Hands, but I find it impossible to have any Dealings with Him, as His Letters on that Head, are always filled with Untruths, and only tending to persuade me to keep their prisoners here, thinking that in the Winter We should be glad to get rid of them at any Rate--I shall therefore send them to England, as fast as their Wounds will admit of it (seven of them go now).

The inclosed Memoire and Letter, both signed by Mr. Vaudreuil will shew you Sir the Methods He purposes making use of, should there be a Peace, and what methode He has used to make the Canadiens take up Arms, these were found in some of the Villages, with other papers, by some of our parties.

The Louisbourg Grenadiers I have sent back, and only purpose keeping One Hundred of the Rangers, Colonel Williamson, with one Company of the Artillery, and the heavy Train is gone to Boston.

Would I listen to it, I am informed I might have proposals for a Cessation of Arms during the Winter (such is their distress) and that Colonel Bougainville, who came to me some days past, from the Marquis de Vaudreuil and the Chevalier de Levis, about an Exchange of Prisoners, was charged with this Commission, but some Liberties He had taken, in going about too much having obliged me to restrain Him within a particular Limit, He went away offended, without mentioning it Himself-but the Commissary of War, with whom He lived, has since dropped some hints tending that way-I have given him to understand that nothing of the kind will be list'ned to, and that if the Marquis de Vaudreuil should send any Parties to exercise Cruelties, that We shall

retaliate them upon such of theirs as We have in Our hands, although it is what We would gladly avoid.

As the Surgeons are of opinion, that it will be absolutely necessary I should go to a more moderate climate, on Account of the Wound which I received on the 13th of September, and the Winters here being very severe, I purpose appointing Brigadier Murray to act as Governor and Colonel Burton (who is second in Command) as Lieutenant Governor untill His Majesty's pleasure be known, to which I have added the fellowing very necessary Staff.

A Town Major

2 Town Adjutants for the upper & lower Towns

A Secretary

A Paymaster of the Public Works

A Barrack Master

A Boat Master to take care of the flatt bottomed Boats and floating Batteries with some few others of inferior Rank, as assistants.

As General Wolfe had appointed a Provost Martial, and had delayed giving Him a Warrant only for the Want of a Form, he being a very necessary officer here I have given him a Warrant to act as such untill His Majesty's pleasure be known.

General Wolfe and Admiral Saunders having some time ago agreed to incorporate the men of Col. Strode's and Col. Colvill's Regiments (being about 230, serving as Marines under the Command of Maj. Hardy) into the Regiments here, I have complied with their Intentions, being for the Good of the Service, and I have ordered that the Agents of the several Regiments which received them, to give the usual Credit of £5 p man to the Agents of Col. Strode's and Col. Colvil's Regiments.

The French Commisary of War having represented to me, the miserable state the Grand Hospital (in which there are now upwards of 300 Sick & Wounded, 15 of which are French officers and about So Soldiers Prisoners of War 40 Religieuse and Servants attending the same) must be reduced to. without some assistance from us, and M. Vaudreuil having.

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