صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Motte, M. de la, iv, 135.
Mulgrave, Lord, adopts Bougain-
ville's plan to reach the north
pole, iii, 180.

Munro, Lieut. Col., i, 188.
Murray, George, on the death of
Wolfe, iii, 218.

Murray, Honourable James, the
third Brigadier under Wolfe, ii,
7; first military governor under
British regime, ii, 8; destroys
magazine of great value at Des-
chambault, ii, 219; long absence
of causes delay, ii, 222; rockets
ordered to be thrown up to hasten
his return, ii, 227; at Gorham's
post ii, 266; in command of the
army, iii, 161; battalions under,
iii, 81; sent to destroy houses at
St. Anthony, iv, 288; account of
his transactions up the river, v,
44; letter to Wolfe, vi, 50.
Musket shot, distance of, iv, 249.

NATIONAL Assembly, the, main-
tains the grant made to Mont-
calm's family, iii, 198.
Naudière, Madame de la, Note, i,
222; iv, 181.

Navy, chapter on, iii, 37; corps de
réserve of, v, 24.

Nevill, V., letter to Monckton, vi,


New Hebrides, Islands so named by
Captain Cook, iii, 179.
Newman, Miss Edythe, iii, 332.
New Scotland, iv, 240.
Nightingale, the, arrives from New-
York with Fraser's Regiment, ii,


Niverville, le Chevalier de, iv, 168;
takes post at Sillery, v, 310.
Noailles, de, i, 10.
Notre Dame, Mountains of, iv,

Notre-Dame des Victoires, ii, 174.

OCHTERLONEY, the family of, ii,

Ochterloney, Sir David, Bart., a des-
cendant of the family, ii, 165.
Ochterloney Captain David, of the
Royal Americans, wounded in a
duel with a German officer, ii,
159; wounded in the lungs, at
battle of Montmorency, ii, 159;
refuses to leave the field, ii, 160;
discovered by a French colonial,
offers to surrender, ii, 161, at-
tacked by the Indians, ii, 162; the
French send for his effects under
flag of truce, ii, 163; Wolfe sends
twenty pounds for the soldier of
Guyenne's Regt.-money return-
ed by Vaudreuil.- Wolfe thanks
madame de Ramezay for her care
of Capt. Ochterloney, ii, 164;
flag of truce on 24th August, re-
turning effects of Captain Ochter-
loney who had died of his wounds.
Townshend expostulates with the
French on the treatment of Och-
terloney while on the beach, ii,

Officers, names of, killed at the
battle of the Plains, iii, 184.
Officers, French, names of, killed at
the battle of the Plains, iii, 187.
Oliver, Sieur, iv, III.

Onontio, French Governor, ii, 196.
Orders for embarkation, v, 49; text
of, for final attempt, iii, 18.
Original Correspondence of Wolfe,
vi, 1.

Orleans, Island of, invalids removed
to a sheltered spot on, ii, 167;
described by Johnson, ii, 63, iv,


Otway's Regiment, services of iii,

PALLISER, Capt., lands in Lower
Town, iv, 276.

Palmoral, M. de, iv, 79, 83, 87.
Paraclete, Convent of, iv, 238.
Parkman, Francis, iv, ix, author
of Montcalm and Wolfe."
Park, Race course acquired by city
of Quebec, for a, ii, 289.
Paulmy, M. le Mis. de, Minister of
War, i, 201.

Péan, Madame, her residence, i,


Péan, Michel, Seignor of St. Michel,

i, 218; his association with Bigot,
ii, 42.

French account of ii, 113, 179;
rendevous of French army, iv,
257; La Rochebeaucourt's post
at, iv, 15.

Pointe de Levi, iv, 91; fires on,
iv, 239.

Point de Lesse, iv, 250.
Pointe des Pères, Batteries at, ii,
82; the erection of batteries, a
perilous undertaking, ii, 83; ad-
ditional batteries at, ii, 100;
heavy guns removed from, ii,
170; batteries at, v, 39.

Penissault, M., his trial and sen- Polowtzow, Privy Counsellor Ana-

tence, ii, 43.

Pepperel's volunteers, i, 13.
Perrault's Hill, ii, 297.
Peyton, Ensign, of the Royal Amer-
icans, ii, 159; wounded in the leg
at battle of Montmorency, ii, 162;
attacked by Indians on the beach,
kills his assailant with dagger,
ii, 160; rescued by men under
Captain Macdonald, ii, 163.
Pickawillany, village of, ii, 197.
Pickets, firing of attracts attention
of Wolfe, iii, 81.
Pilgrim Islands, iv, 306.
Pilots, the, unwilling to perform
their tasks, ii, 60.

Pitt Win., Sec. of State, determines
to attack the French, i, 75; his
determination to break the power
of France, ii, 2; relations with
Lord Temple, ii, 13; iv, 157; let-
ters to Saunders, vi, 94, 95, 99;
letter to Amherst, vi, 96, 97, 99;
secret letter to, vi, 109; letter to
Durell, vi, 108.

Plains of Abraham, ground com-
monly known as, not site of bat-
tle, ii, 289.

Plan of operations by the Briga-
diers, ii, 241.
Point-aux-Ecureils, the King's fri-
gate and ship La Fronsac at, ii,
172; descent made at, ii, 112,

[blocks in formation]

Porcupine, H. M. S. Sloop, iv, 245;

stationed below the Fall, v, 8.
Porte St. Louis et St, Jean, iv, 131.
Portneuf, Rivière de, iv, 46.
Portneuf, M. le curé of St. Joachim,
death of, ii, 226.

Powder Magazine, the, in danger—

powder distributed in suburbs of
St. Louis and St. John, ii, 103.
Pouchot, M., Captain of Béarn's, i,
205; on Montcalm, iii, 169; iv,
182, 219.

Pouliot, M., of Ste Foye, killed by
a shell, ii, 104.

Preparations for the campaign of
1759, ii, 1; for the campaign in
Canada, ii, 25.

Preston Pans, victory of, iii, 51.
Prévost M., character of, pupil of

Bigot, i, 110; wounded, ii, 253;
iv, 6; wounded at Pointe aux
Trembles, v, 39.
Pringle, iv, 44.

Prison at Quebec, the Doctor of, ii, | Raguenau, father Paul, ii, 187.

Prisoners, taken to the town from
Amherst's regiment, ii, 101; in-
terrogation of, Correspondance de
Bougainville, iv, 5.
Pym, Mrs., owner of Gainsborough
portrait of Wolfe, ii, 311.

QUAI du Palais, batteries at, ii, 27,
iv, 241, V, 304.
Quebec, deplorable condition of, i,
211, ii, 108, iii, 268, 326; decided
on as the place of attack, ii, 2;
garrison of, ii, 51; as seen by the
British, ii, 63; destress of inha-
bitants revealed in an intercepted
letter, ii, 124; maladministration
of the affairs of, ii, 212; Journal
of an inhabitant of, quoted, ii, 214;
ruinous condition of, after the
battle, iii, 267, v, 24 ; inhabitants
of, desire to capitulate, iii, 267;
fate of, trembling in the balance,
iii, 30; fire in Lower-town, v, 44;
description of city, v, 14; num-
ber of houses destroyed in, during
the siege, v, II; damaged by fire,
vol. v, 5; account of guns found
in, iv, 276; investiture of, by Bri-
tish, references to disposition of
army, iv, 272; short description
of, in 1759, iv, 279; the fall of,
news received in England, iii,

Queen's Battery, iv, 253.
Quiberon Bay, iv, 238.

RABY, M., Pilot under Saunders, ii,
60; V, 234,

Race Course, recent sale of, for
Public Park, ii, 292; owners of,
ii, 291; location and deeds of, ii,

291, 292.
Rafts, the construction of rafts for
transportation commenced, ii, 100;
trial of transport rafts, ii, 104.

Ramezay, Monsieur de, commander
of the town, ii, 79; illness of, ii,
212; advised of the British land-
ing, iii, 104; three field pieces
sent by, iii, 132; reviews the gar-
rison, iii, 259; holds a council of
war, iii, 272, 273, 292; iv, 10,
I27, 208.

Rangers, the, iii, 71.
Regiments, British, commanders of
the, at the battle of the plains,
iii, 121; iv, 271; in the camp at
Montmorency, iv, 261.

Regnaut, Christophe, relation of,
ii, 193.

Relation du Siège de Québec, v, 303.
Remigny, Letters of, in Correspon-
dance de Bougainville, iv, 95, 104,
106, 121.

Renau, M., iv, 129.
Repentigny, Mlle Marie Madeleine
de, and the votive lamp, iii, 187,


Repentigny, Captain de, his post
near Montmorency, ii, 100; led
the attack on the French side at
the Fords, ii, 127; Indians under,
ii, 215; services of, iii, 188; iv, 61.
Reymond, M. de, iv, 102.
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, Portrait of

Madam Hale, ii, 314; portrait of
Townshend, ii, 313.

Resche, M., parish priest of Notre
Dame, iii, 195.

Richelieu, Falls of, iv, 247.
Rickson, Lieut. Col. note referring
to his services, iii, 227.
Rigaud de Vaudreuil, i, 160.
River St. Lawrence, Navigation of,
iv, 234, 235.

River St. Charles, two hulks at, iv,

Robert, Mr., iv, 19.

Robeau, Sieur de, sent to Pointe
aux Trembles, with 300 men, ii,
116; iv, 122.

Roche, M. de la, iv, 23.
Rodney cutter, sailed for England,
iv, 290.

Rogers, Major, attacks the village
of St. Francis, ii, 206; his method
of sending a letter, iii, 135;
Rogerie, M. de la, iv, viii.
Romney, his painting of Wolfe, i,

Ross, Capt, killed at the battle of

the plains, iii, 184.

Rotot, M., his house destroyed by
fire, ii, 116.

Rous, Capt., at Chateau Richer, ii,
232; iv, 41, 247.

Royal Americans, the, services of,
iii, 67; cover the landing place,
iii, 122.

Royal Artillery, the, iii, 71.
Royal Engineers, Corps papers of,
V, 33.

Royalists, under Cope, at Preston
Pans, i, 14.

Royal Roussillon, Regiment of, its
services, iii, 136; 156.
Ruisseau de Beauport, iv, 223.
Rum, a salutary drink when mixed
with water, i, 115.

Rumine, le Comte Michel Bestou-
jeff, iv, 145.

SABOURIN, le Sieur, iv, 74.
Sabourin, M. iv, 171.
Sackville, Lord George, at Stirling,
i, 28; application made to, for ap-
pointment, i, 48; Wolfe's confi-
dence in him, ii, 7.
Samos, Picket at, ii, 231; battery
at, silenced, iii, 92; firing at, iii,
100; battery of, iii, 177; iv, 76;
30 men at, iv, 96, 99.
Saunders, Admiral, his portrait, i,
121; sails from Portsmouth, ii,
17; sends dispatch to Admiralty,
ii, 56; takes soundings in chan-
nel, ii, 222; his distribution of
the Fleet, iii, 2; biographical


sketch, iii, 2; returns to England,
iii, 4; honours and decorations,
iii, 4; thanked by the House of
Commons, iii, 4; death of, iii, 4;
buried in the abbey, iii, 4; on the
difficulty of the ascent, iii, 80;
his tactics at Beauport favour the
troops, iii, 94; successful feint
made by, iii, 100; sends artillery
and ammunition to the British
camp, iii, 242; his reference to
the death of Wolfe, iii, 244; iv,
146, 242; movement of Squadron
disconcerts French, iv, 299; let-
ter of, v, 197; letter to Town-
shend, v, 273; 278; letter to
Monckton, vi, 66, 67; to Admi-
ralty, vi, 110, 113, 120.
Sault-au-Matelot, ii, 174.
Sault St. Louis, ii, 199,
Saxe, Marechale, i, 12.
Scafford Basque. iv, 305.
Scalping by Indians, iv, 244.
Schomberg, Captain, letter of, v, 59.
Scott, the Rev. F. G., D.C.L., Son-
net on the King's Bastion, Que-
bec, iii, before ch. i.
Scottish Jacobites, hopes destroyed
at Culloden, i, 27.

Scottish Clergy, compelled to pray
for the King, i, 27.
Scot's Rangers, ii, 222.
Secret Instructions of the King to
Wolfe, ii, 17; quoted, ii, 19; vi,
Seminary, students of,
ii, 101; dam-
aged by fire, iv, 196.
Senezergue, M. de, in command of
centre of camp, ii, 78; character
of, iii, 113, iv, 12, ordered to
proceed to the heights, iii, 113;
death of, iii, 186, iv, 156.
Seymour, Lieut., killed at the battle
of the plains, iii. 184.
Shade, Capt, ii, 153.

Ships, British, pass the town, ii,
106; at St. Augustin, ii, 234.

| St. Peter's Bay, iv, 302.
St. Paul's Bay, iv, 308.
St. Paul's, Island of, iv, 302.

Signals for embarkation, the, iii, 10.
Sillery, French expect an attack at,
ii, 130; Picket at, ii, 231.
Site of battle, erroneous conceptions | St. Roch, suburb of, iv, 207.
of, ii, 293.

Smith, Captain Hervey, aide-de-
Camp, ii, 10; escorts captured
ladies to town, ii, 115; ordered
to stop Townshend, ii, 153;
Drawings by, ii, 312; His Mili-
tary Service. ii, 311; death of,
iii, 221.
Smith, James, a prisoner at Fort
Duquesne, ii, 199.

Smythe, Capt. Hon. Lionel, i, 277.
Soldier's Friend, ii, 222.
South Shore, operations changed
to, iii, 1.

Ste. Anne, iv, 73.

St. Antoine, parish of, iv, 18.
St. Augustin, burning of houses at,
iv, 36; Moulin de, iv, 60.
Saint-Barnabé, parish of, iv, 221.
St. Croix, village of, Wolfe gives
orders for its destruction, ii, 212.
Ste. Foye Road, iv, 132; route
taken by British troops, iv, 254.
St. Henri, British reported to have
entered parish of, ii, 127.

St. Ignace, village of, i1, 187.
St. James' park, iv, 147.
St. Jean, la porte, iv, 87.
St. Joachim, priest's house at, ii, 221.
St-Laurent, M. de, iv, 191.
St. Lawrence, River, navigation of,
iv, 236.

St. Laurence, village of, iv, 236.
St. Louis Gate, ii, 261.

St. Malo, merchants of, iii, 179.
St. Martin, M. de, iv, 53.
St. Michael's, iv, 247.

St. Nicholas, camp at, ii, 212; Bri-
tish effect landing at, ii, 176;
Mill at, iv, 76; British army at,
iii, 10.

St. Ours, family and services of,
iii, 186.

St. Rome, M. de, iv, 128.
St. Sauveur, M. de, iv, 190.
Saint Sauveur, Letter of, in corres-
pondence de Bougainville, iv, 91.
St. Simon, M. de, iv, 56.
St. Ursule Bastion, the, iii, 171.
St. Valier, Bishop, iv, 164.
St. Vincent, M. de, iv, 166, 213.
Stadford, Mr., prisoner at Quebec,
ii, 235.

Stanwig. Brigadier General, iv, 157.
Steele, George, Royal Americans,
prisoner of war, interrogation of,
iv, 8.

Stobo, Major, Gibson's reference to,
ii, 115; his influence sought, ii,
230; gives valuable information
to British, was not at Quebec
when Wolfe chose the Foulon, or
when battle was fought, ii, 114,
and note; prisoner in hands of
French, sentenced to be hanged,
restored to liberty as hostage,
makes his escape, ii, 113.
Strength of English and French
forces at Carillon, 1, 229.
Strong, Mrs. E. T., i, 276.
Strozzi, Col., iii, 134.
Spital, Capt., Major of Brigade, ii,
Io, iv, 44.

Squerrye's Court, i, 6.
Surveyor of King's ships, iv, 244.
Sutherland, the, ii, 246.
Swindon, Rev. S. F., i, 3.
Swiss guide, a, directs Gorham's
Rangers, ii, 220.

TALON, Denis, note, i, 133.
Temple, Lord, history of Wolfe's
bravado, ii, 12.

Terror of France, the, ii, 267; v, 9.
Terre Neuve, Banc de, iv, 216.
Terry, Capt. de, iv, 166.

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