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النشر الإلكتروني

Extracts from Amherst's letter to Pitt dated Camp of Crown point October 22d. 1759.

Written in the form of a journal from the 7th August to the 22d October


7th. August ... wrote to M. Genl. Wolfe, whom I had likewise wrote to the day Tionderoga was abandoned, sent an Ensign of the Rangers with it, who was confident he could easily joyn the Army under the command of Major Genl. Wolfe, by the Kennebeck River; but it is a round about way and must take up great Time.

8th. Captain Kennedy of late Forber's offered to go through the Country a much nearer way to the River St. Lawrence, and as it is of great consequence that I should hear from M. Genl. Wolfe as well as that he should from me, I sent Captain Kennedy with Lieut. Hamilton of the Royal, Captain Jacobs & four Indians, to go through the Settlements of the Indians on the South of the River St. Lawrence with a proposal from me, and with orders to take their answer to M. General Wolfe that they might be treated accordingly, this in all probability was the quickest method of conveying intelligence to M. Genl. Wolfe.

16th. A Deserter of the Regt. of Languedoc came in from four Vessels which lay below les Isles au quatre Vent-.... the four Vessels are La Vigilante of ten Guns 6 & 4 Pounders a Schooner-a Sloop called Masquelonguy of two brass 12 Pounders and six Iron 6 pounders. La Brochette of Eight Gunns 6 & 4 pounders. L'Esturgeon of Eight guns 6 & 4 pounders, all have Swivels mounted, three of the vessels were built this year one is an old one, & another is repairing, Monsieur de le Bras a Captain of Man of War commands them with a Monsr. Rigal and other Sea officers, part of the Piquets of Languedoc, Bearn and La Sarre are on board......

30th. Augt. I sent an officer to Louisburg by which opportunity I wrote to M. Genl. Wolfe & Admiral Saunders-The Radeau building, and I am promised the Brigantine shall soon be ready, I then shall be able either to take or force away the Enemy's Vessels on the Lake & to proceed to the other end.

7th. Sept. ....I directed Major Ord to prepare a number of hand Carcasses loaded with Grenades which may be of service if I should have an opportunity at trying to surprise Montreal-I ordered Petards likewise to be prepared.

Ioth. The Captain of the Guard boats sent me some letters, he had stopped Captain d'Isserat of the Regt. de la Reine nine miles off who was very unwilling to part with his despatches without delivering them himself at Crown point, contained a letter from Mons. de Montcalm not dated, acquainting me Capt. Kennedy & Lt. Hamilton were Prisoners, I answered the letters & sent an Aid de Camp to sift out in what manner Capt, Kennedy was taken whether in going to M. General Wolfe or in returning.

11th. Sep. Captain Kennedy was unluckily taken by some of St. Francis Indians who were out a hunting, as he was going to M. General Wolfe.

25th. Letters from Boston bring an account of Major General Wolfe having encreased his batteries on Point Levi on the 11th August. I have not yet heard from him, and he may likely be in the same situation in regard to me, tho' I have taken all the precautions I could in writing by different conveyances that some might arrive safe at hand.

9th. October. in the night Ensign Hutchings of the Rangers who I had dispatched to M. Genl. Wolfe & arrived there the 4th. of Septr. came with Capt. Stobo of the Virginians, they quitted M. Genl. Wolfe on the 7th. of Septr. and got out of the River St. Laurence in four days, but unfortunately were taken the 29th. by a Pirate twelve leagues off Halifax and had thrown all their dispatches over board, and the Pirate stript them of every thing else, put them on board a Schooner with some more men he had taken-gave them one days provision & they got to Halifax in three, from thence they came by Boston here— the Pirate had fifty men & four Swivels, was fitted out from Miramichi & had taken four Vessels.

enclosure 10 in M. Genl. Amherst's to Pitt of Oct. 22. 1759

Montcalm to Amherst.

Au Camp de Beauport le 30 Juillet 1759.


J'ay l'honneur de remercier Votre Excellence de la Lettre qu'elle m'a fait celui de m'Ecrire en datte du 17. et de m'avoir fait passer des Lettres du Sieur de La Miltiere officier Prisonnier. J'ai fait remettre au Seuir Grant du Regiment Ecossois de Montgomery. La Lettre de Votre Excellence et les Cent Livres Sterling qu'elle a fait compter au Sieur Bonneau, Capitaine au Regiment de Guyenne. J'attens toujours Votre derniere décision pour L'Echange des Prisonniers en exécution du Cartel.

A l'Egard du Sauvage de Cayionga dont Votre Excellence me parle qui a déclaré Assassiné Le Sieur Michel à L'instigation des François; Le Nom même de cette Nation nous est Inconnu, nous n'en avons jamais eû dans nos Armées, Il faut que ce soit du Côté de la Louisiane; et Je rends egalement Justice aux François de cette Colonie; Et de quoi n'est pas capable un Sauvage Condamné à des Suplices, et qui croit pouvoir se les Epargner par une fausse declaration, ce n'est pas sur de pareilles que Je Jugerois de La Nation Angloise! Aussi suis-je persuadé que Votre Excellence pense de même.

La Necessité de Secourir La Capitale de Cette Colonie, me prive de l'honneur de faire la Campagne vis à vis d'un General de Votre Reputation, quelqu'en eût été l'evenement, J'en aurois été flatté, ce n'est pas que Je ne sois rempli aussi d'estime pour la personne du General Wolff, vis à vis duquel Je me trouve; Il y a aujourd huy dix huit Jours qu'il paroit occupé d'Incendier Quebec, car independamment des bombes & boulets, il y Jette beaucoup de pots a feu et Carcasses; Par des lettres au Marquis de Vaudreuil, il paroit surpris que nous nous Servions d'Indiens, comme si Les Gouverneurs et Generaux de Sa Majesté Britannique n'en avoient Jamais Employés.-Ses Billets et Déclarations tour à tour melés de Douceur et de Menaces pour débaucher les Troupes provincialles Dont Sa Majesté très chrétienne se sert ainsi que le fait Sa Majesté Britannique, reproduiront aucun effet-Nos Armées sont, on ne Sauroit plus près, Il faut Esperer que nous pourrons nous Mesurer et Meriter reciproquement l'Estime que nos Nations quoiqu'en guerre sont faites

pour s'accorder.-Personne n'est plus penetré que Moi de ces Sentimens pour la Nation Angloise & pour Ses Generaux.

Je prens la Liberté de recommander à Votre Excellence une Lettre du Chevr. de la Miltiere pour son Frere

J'ay l'honneur d'Etre, avec la plus haute consideration,


Votre très humble et très obéissant Serviteur


Endorsed In Relation to the Exchange of Prisoners; disavowing the Cayuga Indian Executed for the Murder of M. Michael, committed by his (the Indians) own Confession at the Instigation of the French; And Informing the General, that General Wolfe, "ily a dix huit Jours paroit occupé d'Incendier Quebec." Amherst's reply to above letter dated 15 August | 59 chiefly respecting the Cayuga Indian & the exchange of prisoners

My Lord

Wolfe to Barrington

Neptune at Sea. 6th. June 1759

Since my arrival in America I have had the honour to receive two letters from your Lordship, one of an old date concerning my stay in this country, in answer to which, I shall only say, that the Marshal told me, I was to return at the end of the Campaign, and as General Amherst had no other commands than to send me to Winter at Halifax under the orders of an officer, who was, but a few Months before put over my head, I thought it was much better to get into the way of Service, and out of the way of being insulted; and as the Stile of your Lordships letter is pretty strong, I must take the liberty to inform you, that tho' I shou'd have been very glad to have gone with G. Amherst to join the Army upon the Lakes, & offer'd my services immediately after the reduction of Louisbourg to carry a reinforcement to Mr. Abercrombie, if Quebec was

not to be attack'd; yet rather than receive orders in the Government of an officer younger than myself (tho' a very worthy man) I shou'd certainly have desired leave to resign my commission; for as I neither ask, nor expect any favour, so I never intend to submit to any ill usage whatsoever. Your Lordship's letter with the Cartel concluded between his Majesty and the French King is come to my hands; Brigr. Genl. Murray & Colonel Howe having represented to me, that an Ensign of Amherst's Regiment, and two of Anstruther's had not join'd their Corps, since their Commissions were out, and that General Amherst's intentions were to superceed these officers, & put others in their room more dispos'd to serve, I have therefore taken upon me to appoint officers to these Commissions in conformity to the General's intentions, and for the good of his Majesty's service, waiting however to within a few days of our sailing for the arrival of these Gentlemen. There are no less than 100 Invalids, absolutely unfit for Service in this Corps of Troops (47 of Fraser's Regt.) 60 are to go home in the Nightingale, & 40 in a Cartel Ship appointed by the Admiral to carry Prisoners to France. I have filled up the Vacancies in these Regiments, & enclose my report of it

I have the honour to be wt. great Respect My Lord Your Lordships most obedient & most Humble Servant


P. S.-The 3 Ensigns Commissions are dated before the letters but this is to give their proper Rank to the Voluntiers who succeeded.

Namur 1st November 1758.


I have the honour to acquaint you, that in the latter end of August, I received General Amherst's orders to take the command of three Battalions, and to proceed with the Squadron under Sir Charles Hardy into the Gulph of St. Lawrence: The General's instructions directed me to destroy the settlements at Gaspé, Baye des Chaleurs, & Miramichi, and to go as far up the River St. Lawrence, as the Season of the year would permit. The Squadron sail'd from Louisbourg the 28th. August, and anchored in the Bay of Gaspé the 5th. September; the Inhabitants (few

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