صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

our Armies now advancing into the Heart of the Country, we cannot take upon us to advise, altho' we cannot but be convinced that a decisive affair to our disadvantage must enable the Enemy to make head against the army under the Command of General Amhurst already far advanced by the diversion this Army has made on this side.

Plan of Opperations in consequence of the

above answer

By the Brigadiers,

It is proposed to remove the Ordnance and Troops from Montmorency in three days, beginning with the heavy Artillery to morrow night, the Stores to be carried to the water side directly to gain time.

The Troops to be transported to the Isle of Orleans, some Corps may go from hence to-morrow night that they may assist in putting the Works at the point of Orleans in a good State of defence. The sick to be transported the day after to morrow, by which time provisions must be made for them in the Hospitals. 600 Men of the Marines and Hardy's Corps for the defence of Orleans-600 for point Levy and 1000 for the Batteries.

The Army to encamp on the other side of the Etchemin, as many Transports as will contain Two Months provisions to get up the first Opportunity. The boats of the Fleet will disembark 2500 Men, the remainder of the Troops or any part of them to be sent on board the ships which are to be stationed so as to be ready to land the Men as immediately as possible to sustain the first Corps that disembark from the Boats. There can be no difficulty to effectuate a landing in the night without the least loss, it may be done any where for an extent of a few Leagues, viz, from the heigth of St. John to Cap rouge River. Two attempts may be made, either of which succeeding is sufficient. Allowing the transports cannot get up in a few days the Enterprize need not for that Reason be delayed a moment. We have a sufficient number of Carts to make a dépot at the Camp of the Etchemin, and we have a further resource from our Boats which at all times we know, without interruption, can pass and repass the Town. Another method of effecting the landing on

the North Shore, 2000 Men to embark at the Point of Levy in the Boats at low water the middle of the night: By break of day they will have passed the Town, have arrived and disembarked at a proper place for the purpose half a League above the River Cap Rouge. The same night the Troops to move up to the Camp of the Etchemin already mentioned. Previous to this it will be right to fill the Ships already above the Town with as many Troops as they will contain. That may be done from Gorham's Post in three nights without giving the smallest jealousy by the Boats already above, but for this purpose the Ships already above must fall down to a proper Station. The Ships already above the Town will contain for the requisite time 2000 Men, consequently 4000 Men may in one tide be landed without the least jellousy given to the Enemy, and the remainder may be brought over with any number of Artillery, the next from the Etchmin Camp.

Whitehall Janry 9th. 1759.


Rear Adml. Saunders.

I send you inclosed a copy of my Letter of the 29th. past, to Rear Adml. Durell, by which you will be informed of the Orders, that the King has thought proper to give him, with regard to the Disposition of such of His Majesty's Ships, now under your command, as are already in America; And you will take the earliest opportunity to renew the said orders, in the strongest manner, as nothing can be so essential to the Success of the important Expedition against Quebec, as effectually blocking up the River St. Lawrence, as early in the year, as shall be practicable.

I am also to signify to you the King's Pleasure that you do, agreeably to what is mentioned in the latter Part of my Letter to Mr. Durell, give the necessary Orders for not less than Four of the Ships of the Line, now under your command, to proceed to Halifax, so as to arrive there by the month of April.

I am &c.


Pitt to Saunders

Whitehall, 12th. Janry. 1759.


Rear Adml. Saunders,

His Majesty having directed the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to take up Twenty Thousand Tons of Transport Vessels, & to cause the same to be victualled with Six Months Provisions for ten thousand Men, & to be provided with Bedding & fitted in every respect for the Reception of Troops, at the rate of one Ton and a half a Man; & the King having also ordered that the said Vessels, so fitted & provided, should be put under your Command, I am to signify to you his Majesty's pleasure that you do forthwith send all the Transport Vessels above mentioned to New York in America; with all Expedition, under such Convoy, as you shall judge proper ; & you will direct such officer, as you shall think fit to appoint, to assist in the Embarcation of such part of His Majesty's Forces in North America, as are ordered to be embarked for Louisbourg together with Artillery, & Stores; for which purpose you will direct the officer, whom you shall to appoint as above, on his, Arrival at New York, immediately to acquaint Major General Amherst, or the Commander in chief of the King's in North America therewith, & deliver to him the inclosed Letter; And having fitted the said Transport Vessels with all possible Expedition for the Reception of the Troops, Artillery & Stores destined for Louisburg, that he should concert with the said General, in what Divisions, & at what place or places, either at New York or elsewhere, it may be most proper & convenient to embark the same, in order to their proceeding, as soon as shall be practicable, without Loss of time to Louisburg, under such Convoy or Convoys, as shall be judged necessary & most expedient to allot them.

I am further to acquaint You, that a Quantity of Artillery & Ordnance Stores are now embarked on board Vessels in the River, which are ordered to proceed, as soon as possible to Spithead, & there to put themselves under your command; And I am now to signify to you the King's pleasure, that you do forthwith cause such a Disposition to be made of the Arms, Tents &c. &c. on board the said Vessels, & such part thereof to be taken out of the same, as shall be directed by the Board of Ordnance, after which the said Vessels are to proceed, with the Artillery, Stores,

&c. &c. on board to Louisburg, under such Convey, & at such time as you shall judge proper, taking Care, that they do sail, so as to arrive there by the End of April at latest; & with regard to such part of the arms, Tents, &c, &c. which shall be so taken out as above; it is the King's pleasure, that you do send the same to New York, on board the Transport Vessels, ordered, in the former part of Letter, to proceed to that place, where the said Tents, Arms &c. &c. are to be put on shore, & delivered to Major Genl. Amherst, or such person, as he shall appoint to receive the same: And you are also to direct two Companies of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, now at Portsmouth, to be embarked on board the said Transport Vessels destined for New York, at which place, the said two companies are to be disposed, as Major Genl. Amherst, shall direct.

I ain, &c.


Whitehall Januy. 12th. 1759.


Major Genl. Amherst.

This Letter will be delivered to you by the Officer, who will be directed by Rear Adm. Saunders (appointed Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Ships in Nt. America) to assist in the embarkation of the Troops, Battering Train, Stores &c., which you have been order'd to send to Louisburg, to be employed in the Expedition against Quebec; and the said officer is accordingly order'd to proceed to New York, with the Transport Vessels, which I acquainted you, in my Letter of the 29th past, were preparing here for that Service; It is therefore the King's Pleasure, that, on the arrival of the said officer, you do use the utmost diligence, in concert with him, in causing any necessary repairs to be made to the said Transport Vessels, & in fitting them for the reception of the Troops, Artillery, & Stores, at such Place or Places, as you, and the said officer, shall judge most proper & convenient for the Embarkation of the same, and that they do proceed with all possible Expedition to Louisburg; and it is the King's Pleasure, that you cause the said Troops, according as any parts of them, & the Transports which are to

carry them, shall be first ready, to sail in such competent & proper Divisions, as shall be judged most expedient for avoiding all Delays, and conducive to the Expediting this most essential service; and as the Success of the most important Enterprize against Quebec, depends in so great measure, on the Troops assembling at Louisburg in due time, I cannot too strongly enforce to you the necessity of exerting your utmost care and Application, that the Troops, Artillery, & Stores, be all rendezvous'd at Louisburg, as near as possible, by the time prescrib'd in my Letter of the 29th past.

Having in my letter above mention'd of the 29th. past, acquainted you, that the King had been pleased to order 10,000 Arms, & 6000 Tents to be forthwith sent to New York for the Service in North America; I am now to inform you, that 2000 of the said Arms, & 2000 of the Tents, will be sent from hence to Louisburg directly, for the use of any of the Troops order'd to assemble there :-The remaining Quantities, viz. Sooo Arms, & 4000 Tents, are put on board the Transports sent to New York, & will be there landed, & deliver'd to you, or such person as you shali appoint to receive them, and you will dispose of the same, as you shall judge most expedient for the service of the Troops, which are to be employed on the continent of No. America.

I am &c.


Whitehall Janry. 13th. 1759.


Major Genl. Amherst.

Brigadier General Wolfe having represented that it will be of the greatest Utility to the Health of the Troops, employed on the Expedition under his Command, to have a Quantity of Molasses to make Spruce Beer, and also of Rum, to serve the said Troops for Six Months, which Articles, He informs me, You will be able to procure at New York, and will know the Quantities of Each, necessary for the Time above mentioned; I am, therefore, to recommend it to you to provide, and send to Louisburg, if possible, with the Troops, an ample Supply of each of the above Articles for Six Months, or for as near that Time, as you shall be


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