صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني







In Bills, Read 1o, 2o, 3o, or 1a, 2a, 3a, Read the First, Second, or Third Time.-In Speeches
1R., 2R., 3R., Speech delivered on the First, Second, or Third Reading.-Amendt., Amend-
ment. Res., Resolution.-Comm., Committee.-Re-Comm., Re-Committal.-Rep., Report.-
Consid., Consideration.-Adj., Adjournment or Adjourned.-cl., Clause.-add. cl., Additional
Clause.-neg., Negatived.-M. Q., Main Question.-O. Q., Original Question.-O. M., Original
Motion.-P. Q., Previous Question.-R. P., Report Progress.-A., Ayes.-N., Noes.-M., Ma-
jority.-1st. Div., 2nd. Div., First or Second Division.-l., Lords.-c., Commons.

When in this Index a* is added to the Reading of a Bill, it indicates that no Debate took
place upon that stage of the measure.

When in the Text or in the Index a Speech is marked thus *, it indicates that the Speech
is reprinted from a Pamphlet or some authorized Report.

When in the Index at is prefixed to a Name or an Office (the Member having accepted or
vacated office during the Session) and to Subjects of Debate thereunder, it indicates that the
Speeches on those Subjects were delivered in the speaker's private or official character, as the
case may be.

Some subjects of debate have been classified under the following "General Headings:


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ADVOCATE, The Lord (Right Hon. G.
YOUNG), Wigton, &c.

Education (Scotland), Comm. 22; Consid. cl. 3,
Amendt. 168; cl. 6, ib.; cl. 58, Amendt.
169, 170; cl. 66, ib., 172; Amendt. 173, 174,
175, 176; cl. 69, 178, 180; cl. 72, ib. ; cl. 77,
Amendt. ib., 181

Education (Scotland)-Teachers of Parliamen-
tary Schools, 425


ANSTRUTHER, Sir R.-cont.

Intoxicating Liquor (Licensing), 2R. 989;
Comm. cl. 7, 1679; cl. 9, 1686; cl. 14, 1900;
cl. 15, 1910; cl. 24, 1956

Mines (Coal) Regulation, Comm. cl. 4, 32, 36;
cl. 15, 305, 667

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AGAR-ELLIS, Hon. L. G. F., Kilkenny Co. ARBUTHNOT, Major G., Hereford City

Ireland-Galway Election Petition, Res. 1853
Thames Embankment (Land), Comm. 1587

[blocks in formation]

Army-Depot Centres, 1127

Volunteers, Efficiency of-Draft Scheme,

Army Control Department, Motion for a
Commission, 1472

Army Estimates - Control Establishments-
Wages, &c. 1549, 1553

Canada, Dominion of-Defence of the Country,

Supply-Medical Establishments, 108

ARCHDALL, Captain M. E., Fermanagh Co.
Ireland-Irish Constabulary-Hillier, Colonel,
Costs of, 946

Parliament-Grand Jury Presentments (Ire-
land), 700

ARGYLL, Duke of (Secretary of State for

Court of Chancery (Funds), 2R. 419
Education (Scotland), 2R. 674, 689; Comm.
cl. 1, 1015, 1020; cl. 3, 1022; cl. 20, 1023;
cl. 35, 1024; cl. 50, 1025; cl. 51, 1026;
cl. 52, 1027; add. cl. 1028; cl. 57, ib.;
add. cl. 1029; cl. 65, 1030; cl. 66, ib.;
cl. 74, 1032; Preamble, 1033, 1035, 1036;
cl. 15, Amendt. 1224; cl. 43, ib.; cl. 64,
1225; cl. 66, 1226, 1237; 3R. 1352


India Kirwee Prize Money, Motion for an
Address, 1405

Indian Mutiny-Ex-Royal Family of Delhi,
1356, 1358

Mayo, Countess of Queen's Message con-
sidered, 1499

Wild Birds Protection, 2R. 1884


Army Re-organization

Army Commissions-Ensigns and Lieutenants,
Question, Lord Claud Hamilton; Answer,
Mr. Cardwell July 8, 795

Depôt Centres - Hereford, Question, Major
Arbuthnot; Answer, Mr. Cardwell July 15,
1127-Oxford, Question, Observations, The
Marquess of Salisbury; Reply, The Mar-
quess of Lansdowne; short debate thereon
July 5, 668; Question, Colonel C. Lindsay;
Answer, Mr. Cardwell July 8, 797

Royal (late Indian) Engineers, Question, Sir
Charles Wingfield; Answer, Mr. Cardwell
June 24, 103


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Miscellaneous Questions

Camp at Harwich, Question, Colonel Lear-
month; Answer, Sir Henry Storks July 26,

Cavalry Remounts, Observations, Question, Mr.
Brown; Reply, Sir Henry Storks July 12,

Employment of Soldiers, Question, Mr. Han-
bury-Tracy; Answer, Mr. Cardwell July 18,

Gun Cotton Committee, Question, Mr. Corrance;
Answer, Sir Henry Storks July 25, 1754
India-Issue of Ball Ammunition, Question,
Sir Robert Anstruther; Answer, Mr. Grant
Duff July 18, 1362

Medical Regulations, 1866-7, Question, Mr.
R. Torrens; Answer, Mr. Cardwell July 8,

Royal Military Hospital, Dublin, Question,
Mr. Mitchell Henry; Answer, Mr. Cardwell
June 27, 283

The 9th Lancers-Case of Lieutenant Tribe,
Question, Mr. Callan; Answer, Mr. Card-
well June 27, 286; Notice of Motion, Lord
Elcho June 21, 77

Army-Control Department

Amendt. on Committee of Supply July 19, To
leave out from "That," and add " an humble
Address be presented to Her Majesty, praying
that She will be pleased to cause full inquiry
by means of a Royal Commission into the
working of the Control Department of the
Army, and that the said Commission may
be required to frame a Report embodying
suggestions, if found necessary, for such
alterations, both of principle and detail, as
may conduce to efficiency and economy in
the Civil and Administrative Departments of
Her Majesty's Army" (Major Arbuthnot)
v., 1472; Question proposed, "That the
words, &c.;" after debate, Question put, and
agreed to

Army-Royal Military Academy, Wool-

Moved, "That an humble Address be presented
to Her Majesty for Copy of Correspondence
between Lord Redesdale, as President of
Cheltenham College, and the Secretary of
State for the War Department in relation
to the times appointed for the examinations
for admission to the Royal Military Academy,
Woolwich" (Lord Redesdale) June 27, 281 ;
after short debate, Motion agreed to
Copy of Correspondence laid before the House
July 4

Army-Staff Officers

Amendt. on Committee of Supply June 28, To
leave out from "That," and add "it is de-
sirable that there should be appointed a per-
manent Chief of the Staff of the Army, and
a Department formed for the special train-
ing of Staff Officers, to collect all informa-
tion necessary for the efficient performance
of Staff duties, and for certifying the compe-
tence of Officers employed on the Staff"
(Sir Harry Verney) v., 412; Question pro-
posed, "That the words, &c.;" after short
debate, Amendt. withdrawn
3 T 2


Army-The Scientific Corps-Promotion | AYRTON, Right Hon. A. S.-cont.
in the Artillery and Engineers

Her Majesty's Answer to the Address of the
18th instant, reported June 27, 267; Moved,
"That the House do now adjourn" (Earl
of Longford); after short debate, Motion

Army-The Scientific Corps-Promotion
in the Artillery and Engineers

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Amendt. on Committee of Supply June 28, To
leave out from That," and add "a Select
Committee be appointed to inquire whether
the intended promotion to the rank of Regi-
mental Major of First Captains of Artillery
and Engineers at an annual cost to this
Country of over £20,000, and at a further
addition to the Indian Military Expenditure
not yet stated to Parliament, is justified by
any commensurate advantage to the Public
Service" (Sir Percy Herbert) v., 405; Ques-
tion proposed, "That the words, &c. ;"
after debate, Amendt. withdrawn

ASSHETON, Mr. R., Clitheroe

Intoxicating Liquor (Licensing), Comm. cl. 12,
1687; cl. 14, 1908

Mines (Coal) Regulation, Comm. cl. 33, 332,
333; Consid. cl. 15, Amendt. 1006, 1007

Royal Parks and Gardens-Regulations, 1373,

Supply-Houses of Parliament, 439, 446, 447,


National Gallery, 458

Natural History Museum, 740

New Offices in Downing Street, 449, 450,
453, 457

Post Office and Inland Revenue Buildings,
460, 461

Public Buildings, &c. 435
Report, 854, 855

Royal Parks and Gardens, 433, 434, 435
Science and Art Department, 461

Survey of the United Kingdom, &c. 465,
467, 468

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BAILEY, Sir J. R., Herefordshire
Mines (Coal) Regulation, Comm. cl. 4, 34;
cl. 7, 43

Coleridge), Exeter

Capital Punishment Abolition, 2R, 1736, 1737
Commons Protection, 2R. 599

County Court Circuit-Mid Wales, 637, 957
County Court Judges-Circuit No. 22, 949
Criminal Law Tichborne v. Lushington"


-Prosecution, &c. 1138
Ireland-Galway Election Petition, 634, 1145,
1635; Res. 1809, 1817

Judicial Organization-Report of Committee,
Res. 1940

Justices of the Peace-"Dedimus Potestatem,"
Writ of, 1513

Law Officers (England) Fees, 3R. 1856
Married Women's Property Act, 1124
Mines (Coal) Regulation, Comm. cl. 48, 519,
641, 656

Supply-Post Office Packet Service, Report,

[blocks in formation]

Elementary Education-Revised New Code
(1871), Res. 1470

Bakehouses Bill (Mr. Locke, Mr. Holms,
Mr. William Henry Smith)


c. 2R. put off for three months June 21 [Bill 54]

BAKER, Mr. R. B. Wingfield, Essex, S.
Intoxicating Liquor (Licensing), Comm. cl. 21,
Amendt. 1917, 1918

BALL, Right Hon. J. T., Dublin Uni-

Ireland-Galway Election Petition, 1635; Res.

Judicial Organization-Report of Committee,

Res. 1944

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Bankruptcy (Ireland) Amendment Bill | Bastardy Laws Amendment Bill

[H.L.] (Lord O'Hagan)

7. Report of Select Committee June 27

[blocks in formation]

Considered July 25


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[Bill 227]

1. Read 1

Read 2a

July 26

Committee (on re-comm.); Report; Considered; BATES, Mr. E., Plymouth

July 26

Baptismal Fees Bill [H.L.]

(Bishop of Winchester)

(No. 244)

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[blocks in formation]

BARCLAY, Mr. A. C., Taunton

Intoxicating Liquor (Licensing), Comm. cl. 13,
Amendt. 1701

BARNETT, Mr. H., Woodstock

Albert and European Life Assurance Companies,
Res. 391

BARTTELOT, Colonel W. B., Sussex, W.
Army Estimates-Army Reserve Force, 1520
Provisions, Forage, &c. 1553
Warlike Stores, 1553, 1556, 1557
Education (Scotland), Comm. 22
Intoxicating Liquor (Licensing), Comm. cl. 19,
1914; cl. 22, 1919; cl. 24, 1971, 1980
Military Forces Localisation (Expenses), 1211
Public Health, 345; Comm. 1079, 1261; cl. 10,
Amendt. 1391, 1392; cl. 12, Amendt. ib.,
1393; cl. 15, 1395; cl. 16, 1396; cl. 41,

Public Health (Salary), Report, 1074
Railways (Ireland), 2R. 1340
Supply-Harbours, &c. 470

Survey of the United Kingdom, &c. 468
Volunteer Corps, 141

[blocks in formation]

Threatening Letters, 1038

BATH, Marquess of

Army Regulation Act, 6

Church of England Fire Insurance, Comm. 279
Ireland-Galway Election, 865, 870

Limited Owners Improvements, 2R. 11

Mines (Coal) Regulation, Comm. cl. 6, 1877

BAXTER, Mr. W. E. (Secretary to the
Treasury), Montrose, &c.
Ireland-Superannuation Allowances-Valua-
tion Department, 1040

Parliament-Select Committees-Expenses of
Witnesses, 99, 100

Post Office-Telegraph Clerks, 788, 1130
Telegraph Establishment, 1147
Scotland-Customs Department, 746

Register of Sasines, Edinburgh, 288
Supply-Harbours, &c. 469, 470, 471
Inland Revenue Department, 747
Portland Harbour, 471

Post Office Packet Service, 155
Retired Allowances, 746
Wellington Monument, 471

BAZLEY, Sir T., Manchester
Railways (Ireland), 2R. 1311

BEACH, Sir M. E. HICKS-, Gloucester-
shire, E.

Burials, Comm. Amendt. 220, 221
Intoxicating Liquor (Licensing), Comm. cl. 12,

Ireland-Galway Election Petition, Res. 1855
Municipal Corporations (Borough Funds),
Comm. 1673

Parliamentary and Municipal Elections, 292;
Lords Amendts. 362, 363, 365; Amendt. 376,
1055; cl. 33, 1061, 1067

Public Health, 345; Comm. 1082; cl. 3, 1379;
cl. 10, 1391; cl. 15, Amendt. 1395, 1396;
cl. 20, 1399; cl. 24, Amendt. 1401
Public Health (Salary), Report, 1071


Church of England Fire Insurance, Comm. 280
Education (Scotland), Comm. cl. 50, 1025


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