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or three of the bolder among them, having at length summoned up sufficient courage to steal to the mouth of the burrow, could see there no such creature as had been described, and finally returned with the intelligence that they had failed to discover a reason for their companion's alarm.

Upon this, the timid animal was, after much argument, persuaded to go with the others, and point out the creature that had so overwhelmed him with terror.

With fear and trembling he crept out of the hole, but had no sooner done so than the brilliant sunshine, casting a large shadow of his own person directly in front, caused him to utter a loud squeal, and, to the greater astonishment of all his companions, he again plunged into the burrow, declaring that the dreadful monster was surely right at his heels.

Three Modern Knights

In a big tenement on the East Side of New York, where very poor people live, two brothers and a tiny sister of four live on the first floor. On the top floor of the big house lives a crippled peddler. He is poor, but he loves children, and he especially loves the tiny little girl on the first floor. She did not fear him because he was deformed; she probably did not notice it, for he was so kind, gentle, and generous to her. When she knew he was home, she would go up the long flights of stairs, dark and dirty, to the little crippled peddler, and he would play with her and

tell her stories.

One day, recently, the little girl went upstairs to her friend; it was so cold and the streets were so full of snow that the peddler could not go out.

Suddenly through the great tenement rang the cry of "Fire !" In a minute there were shouts and cries all through the house and the street. The peddler knew he could not carry the tiny little girl down stairs. What was to be done? Suddenly the little nine-year-old brother burst into the room and caught his little sister in his arms and started down the long flights of stairs. When he reached the ground floor, the smoke was so thick and he was so tired that he could carry his little sister no further. Both stood in the smoke in the dark hall clinging to each other and crying, when through the smoke came another small boy-the twelve

year-old brother. He joyfully caught up his little sister in his arms, took his brother by the hand, and hurried through the smoke into the street just as the fire

men came.

The peddler at the top of the house knew that a man who could not move lived in the room below his own. He went down to him, carrying his bedclothing to wrap the man in, and got him near the fire-escape, for he knew the brave firemen would raise ladders to them and help them out of the burning building.

These people did not look like heroes. The peddler is just a push-cart man, weak, crippled, not clean. Doubtless boys have often thrown snowballs at him, and laughed at him if he grew angry. The two brave, loving brothers were two little Jew boys to the people who knew them, with jackets not overclean, and hands that could not be kept clean. But under their dirty jackets and in the twisted body of the push-cart peddler were hearts brave, true, and loving as ever beat under armor of knights of old or modern knight going to free the Cuban from Spanish injustice.

A Little Girl's Visit to the Queen Mr. Gladstone's little granddaughter, Dorothy Drew, was a great favorite with her noble and distinguished grandfather. She spent a great deal of time with him, and, as the greatest people in the world thought it an honor to meet Mr. Gladstone, it is doubtful if any little girl has ever met a greater number of distinguished people than little Dorothy Drew. She was invited to visit the Queen at Windsor Castle, and this is what she says:

An Indian man whom the Queen likes very much was at the door. The next moment we served for sixty years. She was just another stood before the great Queen whom grandpapa woman like grandmamma, with a white cap on her head. I courtesied and kissed her, and told her my name, Dorsie, and of grandpapa, and all our pet names at Hawarden Castle. The Queen put on her glasses and asked me to go to the other side of the room so that she could see me better. Then she took a little

jewel-case and said, "This is for you." I opened it and saw a darling little brooch with a diamond V, a diamond R, a turquoise I, and a little crown at the top, made of red enamel. I courtesied and kissed her hand, and said, "Thank you very much." She looked very nice and kind, and I liked her very much. The Queen kissed me again, and mother and I went away.

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Vol. 61

The Outlook

General Gomez and

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ognize the fact that independence is not to be obtained by keeping up a useless army and a vociferous "Assembly," but by learning to carry on an efficient administration, by maintaining peace and safety, and by restoring material prosperity. Such acts of brigandage as have been committed by the six robbers captured by the rural police near San Luis last week are sporadic and not typical, and the courage and efficiency of the native police in capturing the brigands is an encouraging indication.

The Philippines Campaign

The action of the sothe Assembly called Cuban Assembly in removing General Gomez from the command of the Cuban army by a practically unanimous vote only emphasizes the incongruity of the existence of such a body as this Assembly under present circumstances. It was never in any true sense a representative body, and its asserted function as a military council has ceased to have any vitality. Its hostility to General Gomez is based on the desire of the Assembly to hold in its own hands the distribution of the money which the United States has offered to the Cuban soldiers as a recognition of their services to Cuba and as a necessary preliminary to their return to civil life. This sum is not offered as pay for their military service. Their final payment is a matter to be settled when civil government is finally established in Cuba; naturally and properly it will be a charge on Cuban finances. For the Assembly to attempt to raise $15,000,000 for the purpose, as it has talked of doing, is an absurdity, for it has no power to bind the future government of Cuba and no actual ability to secure a loan; for the Assembly to try to force our Government to offer a larger sum than $3,000,000 is very much like a threat. General Gomez seems to have the approbation and confidence of most of the Cuban soldiers, and there is little doubt that they will grate- up-and-Fights-in-the-Middle-of-the-Night." fully receive the money now on the way, and will then disperse and go to work; if this takes place, the grandiloquent Assembly will vanish and the road will be clear for the building up of a true Cuba Libre. It is to be noted that all the utterances of both Gomez's friends and enemies among the Cubans assume the ultimate independence of the island as an assured fact; and it is a hopeful sign that so many rec

News of a general advance of the American lines is expected daily from Manila. There are two reasons for this: the approach of the rainy season next month, which makes immediate aggressive action desirable if the enemy is to be crushed this spring; and, secondly, the recent arrival of our reinforcements under General Lawton. General Lawton. It is thought probable that General Lawton may be put by General Otis in charge of the advance military operations, while General Otis gives his attention to the administrative problems and, of course, holds supreme command at headquarters. General Lawton is a famous Indian fighter, and his dashing quality is indicated by one of his Indian sobriquets meaning "The-Man-who-Gets

The excellence of our new transport service-that by the transports Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan-is receiving favorable comment from foreign military authori ties. On Monday General Wheaton's Divisional Brigade advanced toward Pasig, supported by a river gunboat, captured Guadaloupe and shelled but did not occupy Pasig, with a loss of a few wounded men ; the movement was carried out with military

precision and skill, while the resistance was slight. The Filipinos lost thirty killed and many wounded. Manila is quiet and well policed. General Otis, however, is discouraging the residence of officers' families in Manila; he is reported to have said: "Manila is no place for women; this is a war, not a picnic."

The New Census Appointments

There was probably no position in the gift of the President which in its nature ought to have lifted its bestowal more completely above all claims for party service than the Directorship of the Census; and it is not too much to say that the President disappointed all those who hoped the most from his administration, and who are disposed to give his acts the most generous interpretation, when he appointed ex-Governor Merriam, of Minnesota, to that position. The ex-Governor had never been a Civil Service Reformer. He was pre-eminently what is called a practical politician; and everybody knows that the word "practical" in this connection means, not one who serves the people in the most effective and businesslike way, but one who gets the most for his party and himself out of politics. ExGovernor Merriam had also been, unless he is misreported, a persistent office-seeker. Two days later the President made an ideal choice when he named Mr. Frederick H. Wines, of Illinois, Assistant Director; for Mr. Wines is one of the few men in the country who combine the right kind of ability with the right kind of service. He is in every sense a man educated for the position, with a long, honorable, and useful record of public service behind him. Here, then, appeared to be the bestowment of a great position for party reasons on a practical politician who was to have the honors of the place and to draw the chief salary, and the selection of a trained and capable subordinate to do the work of the place and to receive the secondary salary.

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tical politician and the expert, the new Director has issued an official statement, in which he declares that all applicants for positions under him will be subjected to examinations as rigid as those before the Civil Service Commission; that no political influence will put any employee on the census pay-roll, and that any employee on that pay-roll who is found incompetent on trial will be dropped, without regard to political backing. No appointments are to be made within thirty days. Professor Gannett, who was the political and statistical geographer of the last census, will have charge of the same work on the coming census, with an absolutely free hand. Three hundred supervisors will be appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, and in the selection of these supervisors there will be consultation with the Senators and Representatives of the respective States. These supervisors will in turn appoint forty thousand enumerators, whose appointments must have the approval of the Director. Governor Merriam is entitled to full faith in his statement that he will conduct the taking of the new census on scientific principles; and he has the opportunity of entirely removing the unfavorable impression which his appointment made on many of the most thoughtful people in the country.

In Nebraska the ReSenatorial Ballotings publican legislators at last came together and elected to the United States Senate their recent candidate for Governor, Mr. Hayward, whom the despatches speak of as a lawyer of ability and "comfortable fortune." In Utah and Delaware, however, the Legislatures have adjourned without electing a Senator, while in Pennsylvania the deadlock continues as before. In Delaware an appeal was made by General Grosvenor, of Ohio, and other leaders in the National Republican organization that the antiAddicks Republican minority should accept the candidate of the majority; but the minority rightly felt that they had conceded enough in offering to unite with the majority on ex-Congressman Willis, an Addicks supporter. The responsibility for the failure to elect rests upon Mr. Addicks, whose motto of "Addicks or

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