صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

other subjects, and, among them, on the Fables of sop, so, out of what has just now been said, there arises some confirmation of that remark, as applied to those fables. For if the prototype of the constellation Orion (namely, the Isle of St. Domingo), be observed with its north side uppermost, it will be seen to resemble a tortoise; the head at the east end; the left foot formed by the Isle de la Saone; the right by the promontory near the Bay of Neybe; the left foot at Cape Mole, the right at Cape Tiburon; the shell extending through the north coast: and as it has already been shewn that the Island of Jamaica resembles a hare, if it be recollected that St. Domingo is situate to the eastward of Jamaica, and that though both islands set out together upon the axis of the globe, yet the former (the tortoise) must necessarily come first to the meridian, we shall have a simple explanation of the fable.— When these volumes come to be examined by the Public, I much fear it may be thought that the hare has been my example rather than the

tortoise; and, indeed, it would have been my endeavour to render them more fit for the public eye; but, during the time of making the last corrections, many interruptions have occurred, the account of which have added a page or two to a somewhat eventful story.


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