صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

ly Conference, on a proper exon, signed by the President and retary, and after his character sed in examination before, and obtained the approbation of, nual Conference.

- 3. What shall be the time of on of a local deacon for the f an elder?

A local deacon shall be eligihe office of an elder after he has ed four years from the time he dained a deacon, and has oba recommendation from the rly Conference, on a proper exion, certifying his qualifications rine, discipline, talents, and usesigned by the President and the ry. He shall present to the Anonference such recommendation, note certifving his belief in the

-the whole being examined by Annual Conference; and if approv he may be ordained.

Ques. 4. What farther directions given concerning local preachers?

Ans. 1. It shall be the duty of lo preachers to aid the preacher in char of the circuit, station, or mission which they belong, in supplying t people with the ministry of the wor They shall accordingly be applied by the preacher in charge, as soon he enters on his work, to state wha amount of service they are able and wil ling to perform; he may then draw u a plan by which their labors shall b regulated; and they shall be authorized to form new congregations, to take a list of the names of all candidates for Church-membership, and, if expedient, receive them into the Church; pro


didates, and members be reported, as soon as possible, to the preacher in charge, in order that they may be placed immediately under his pastoral care; and they shall report in writing the extent and result of their labors to the fourth Quarterly Conference.

2. Every local elder, deacon, and licentiate shall have his name recorded on the journal of the Quarterly Conference of which he is a member.

3. When any traveling preacher is located, he shall be amenable to the Quarterly Conference of the charge last filled by him, until he presents his certificate of location to some other Quarterly Conference.

4. When a local elder, deacon, or licentiate removes from one circuit, station, or mission, to another, he shall procure from the Presiding Elder of



Ques. 1. How shall we receive those ministers who may offer to unite with from other Christian Churches?

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