As fine as five-pence is her mein, As soft as pap her kisses are, As smooth as glass, as white as curds, Brisk as a body-louse she trips, Clean as a penny drest; Full as an egg was I with glee, But false as hell, she like the wind, Chang'd, as her sex must do; Though seeming as the turtle kind, And like the gospel true. If I and Molly could agree, Till you grow tender as a chick, You'll know me truer than a die, And wish me better sped; Flat as a flounder when I lie, And as a herring dead. Sure as a gun she'll drop a tear And sigh, perhaps, and wish, When I am rotten as a pear, And mute as any fish. MISCELLANIES. ELEGY ON A LAP DOG. SHOCK's fate I mourn; poor Shock is now no more : Ye Muses! mourn; ye chambermaids! deplore. Unhappy Shock! yet more unhappy Fair, Doom'd to survive thy joy and only care. Thy wretched fingers now no more shall deck, And tie the favourite ribbon round his neck; No more thy hand shall smooth his glossy hair, And comb the wavings of his pendent ear. Yet cease thy flowing grief forsaken maid! All mortal pleasures in a moment fade: Our surest hope is in an hour destroy'd, And love, best gift of Heaven, not long enjoy'd. Methinks I see her frantic with despair, Her streaming eyes, wrung hands, and flowing hair; Her Mechlin pinners, rent, the floor bestrow, And her torn fan gives real signs of woe. Hence, Superstition! that tormenting guest, That haunts with fancied fears the coward breast; No dread events upon this fate attend, Stream eyes no more, no more thy tresses rend. Though certain omens oft forewarn a state, And dying lions show the monarch's fate, Why should such fears bid Celia's sorrow rise? For when a lap-dog falls, no lover dies. Cease, Celia, cease; restrain thy flowing tears, Some warmer passion will dispel thy cares: In man you'll find a more substantial bliss, More grateful toying, and a sweeter kiss. He's dead. Oh! lay him gently in the ground! And may his tomb be by this verse renown'd; 'Here Shock, the pride of all his kind, is laid, • Who fawn'd like man, but neʼer like man betray'd." THE QUIDNUNKIS. OCCASIONED BY THE DEATH OF THE DUKE REGENT OF FRANCE. How vain are mortal man's endeavours!. 'All at a stand? you see great changes? To show his parts, bestride a twig; * A coffee-house at that time near St. James's, |