صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

4. State the quantity of lime in one fluid ounce of "Liquor Calcis Saccharatus", and also the quantity in one fluid ounce of "Liquor Calcis".

5. What are the colour and appearance of the following tinctures when diluted with an equal bulk of distilled water:-"Tinctura Asafoetida", Tinctura Benzoini Composita", "Tinctura Gentianæ Composita", and "Tinctura Cannabis Indica"?


6. Name the drugs which cause dilatation of the pupil, and those which cause contraction of the pupil, when applied to the eye, or administered internally.

7. State the composition of "Mistura Creasoti", and of "Pulvis Rhei Compositus".

8. In what respect does "Extractum Ergote Liquidum" differ from "Ergota"?

9. Name the preparations of Belladonna in the British Pharmacopoeia, the part of the plant from which each preparation is made, and their respective doses and modes of administration.

10. Write a prescription in Latin, without abbreviations, for a tonicaperient mixture.



1. Write the formula of crystallized phosphoric acid in its tribasic condition; explain also how the acidum phosphoricum dilutum of the Pharmacopoeia is made, how its strength is determined, and how it is tested for nitric and for monobasic phosphoric acid.

2. Enumerate the different, phosphates of which mention is made in the Pharmacopoeia; and explain the process by which the calcis phosphus præcipitata is made; mention also any experiment by which it may be distinguished from alumina.

3. How is bismuthum album made? what is the formula which represents its composition? and how would you show that nitric acid is a constituent of it, and that it does not include either lead or arsenic ?

4. What is the formula of potassæ permanganas? how is it made? and what is the reaction exerted by it on green vitriol in the presence of hydrochloric acid?

5. Give in symbols the composition of crystallized borax; and explain how it is made in Tuscany from boracic acid, and how this acid may be separated from it.

6. When calx chlorata is dropped into muriatic acid, chlorine is developed; give the theory of this reaction, and describe the volumetric process by which the exact amount of the chlorine disengaged may be determined volumetrically.

7. What is Schneider's process for separating arsenious acid from organic matter? State also how, when the separation is accomplished, the amount of the arsenic is determined by him.

8. How is the protein of Mulder made? and what evidence is obtained in the course of its preparation that unoxidized sulphur is an element of the proteinic compounds?

9. Mention the colour-tests for morphia, quinia, and cinchonia; and explain how you would ascertain the amount of each of these alkaloids in a mixed solution of their hydrochlorates.

10. Enumerate the various tests for albumen in solution, and state how you would distinguish coagulated albumen from fibrin.



1. Give the symptoms of caries of the vertebræ, arranged accordingly as the disease exists in the cervical, dorsal, or lumbar vertebræ.

2. Give the symptoms of the disease which proceed from spinal caries, and consequent symptomatic abscess.

3. Give also those produced by irritation extending from the bones to the membranes of the spinal marrow, and to the medulla spinalis itself.

4. Give the prognosis which should be formed as to the probable results to be expected from the disease, as it exists in the cervical, dorsal, and lumbar regions of the spine, respectively.

5. Describe a case of dry gangrene of the foot, called "Pott's gangrene."

6. Give Baron Dupuytren's opinion as to the gangrena senilis of Pott, and its cause.

7. Give the treatment of the disease recommended by Mr. Pott. 8. Give the treatment also recommended by Baron Dupuytren. 9. Describe a case of ranula.

10. The surgical treatment of this disease?



1. Describe a well-marked case of pulsating bronchocele.

2. Mention the local conditions that retard or prevent the union of fractures.

3. What constitutional causes produce the same effect?

4. Enumerate the methods of treating disunited fractures.

5. Causes, symptoms, and treatment of traumatic hernia cerebri ?

6. Give the pathology of congenital hernia cerebri; mention the diagnostic characters of the tumour.

7. With what morbid states of the eye is "tremulous iris" connected ?

8. Forms of inflammation and abscess that occur in the parotid space? 9. Characters of a benign nasal polypus ?

10. Mention the forms of retro-pharyngeal abscesses; what symptoms and dangers attend them?



1. Contrast the vascular supply of the scalp with that of the integument elsewhere; and mention how this influences reparative action after injury.

2. Enumerate the bony connexions of the superior maxilla.

3. What arteries are necessarily divided, and what are liable to injury, in the operation for the removal of half of the lower jaw?

4. Describe anatomically. the several steps of the operation for ablation of the tongue after Syme's method.

5. Mention any cases you are acquainted with of ligature of the internal iliac artery, and describe the operation.

6. Give the attachments, and describe the relations of the anterior annular ligament of the carpus.

7. For what disease has the division of this ligament been recommended, and by what surgeon ?

8. What arterial anomalies may give rise to danger in the operation for strangulated femoral hernia?

9. Up to what age is disjunction of the lower epiphysis of the femur possible?




The Gospel of St. John.

1. Give a summary of Alford's account of the gradual personification of the Λόγος.

2. “ Comprehended it not.” Discuss the words. The meanings of καταλαμβάνω and παραλαμβάνω?

3. Hengstenberg differs from the E. V. here; for what reason? What parallel is cited from the Epistle to the Romans?

4. οἳ οὐκ ἐξ αἱμάτων οὐδὲ ἐκ θελήματος σαρκὸς οὐδὲ ἐκ θελήματος ἀνδρὸς, κ. τ. λ. State the interpretation of Euthymius, and the erroneous views of Augustine and of Bleek.

5. "Which lighteth every man that cometh into the world." The Hebrew periphrasis adduced in connexion with this passage is not applicable ?

6. Discuss the different modes of interpreting the passage if the participle be taken as a nominative; and give an instance of the construction to be preferred as the best, from the first chapter of St. John.

7. Why does Hengstenberg prefer the reading Βηθαβαρᾷ

8. ἴδε ὁ ἀμνὸς τοῦ Θεοῦ ὁ αἴρων τὴν ἁμαρτίαν τοῦ κόσμου. State the reason which Hengstenberg gives for not deriving the reason of this designation of Christ exclusively from Isaiah.

9. Alford denies that the dominant idea in the πασχα was the remov ing of sin; give Hengstenberg's reasons on the other side.

ro. What distinction (according to Hengstenberg) between the paschal sacrifice and other sin offerings?

Ir. What meaning does he assign to ὁ αἴρων, and what reasons for rejecting the other two chief significations ascribed to it?

12. ἀγαθὸν ἀνδρὶ ὅταν ἄρῃ ζυγὸν ἐν νεότητι αὐτοῦ. (Lamentations.) πέμπει τὰ παιδάρια μήποτε ἔχθραν ἄρῃ μεγάλην πρὸς τὸν λαόν. (I. Maccab.)

αἴρειν τὸν σταυρόν.
αἴρειν τὸν ζύγον.

Give some account of the bearing of these passages on the question at issue.

13. κἀγὼ οὐκ ᾔδειν αὐτὸν. Tholuck enumerates several modes of reconciling this with Matthew, iii. ?

14. ὁ ὤν εἰς τὸν κόλπον τοῦ πατρὸς.

ἄγγελος κατέβαινεν ἐν τῇ κολυμβήθρα.
πάντα δέδωκεν ἐν τῇ χειρὶ αὐτοῦ.
ἐντετυλιγμένον εἰς ἕνα τόπον.

What is Winer's view as to the interchange of prepositions of rest and motion; and how are the above passages to be explained accordingly?

15. Buttmann alleges examples to the contrary?

16. ¿okývwoev ev yuiv. How is this phrase illustrated and explained from the Hebrew ?

17. Whence do we get the word Shekinah, and what is its meaning?

18. In what part of St. John's narrative is the Temptation to be placed? Give the opinion of Hengstenberg and Wieseler as to the locality of this Temptation.

19. Point out any differences between the first and last temple purification, showing that Matthew knew of that mentioned by John.

20. Hengstenberg points out two prophecies-one relating to the first temple-cleansing, and the other to the last?

21. The quotation from the Psalms on the subject would not have been appropriate to the second purification, according to Hengstenberg?

22. Enumerate the other passages in the same Psalm of a directly Messianic import.

23. "Forty and six years," &c. From what (non-scriptural) sources is the accuracy of this statement established, and how?

24. ἐπίστευσαν τῇ γραφῇ.

τὴν γραφὴν, ὅτι δεῖ αὐτὸν ἐκ νεκρῶν ἀναστῆναι.

State the passages supposed to be referred to, giving the opinion of Hengstenberg.

25. ὅ ἐστι μεθερμηνευόμενον Χριστός. Why is Χριστός anarthrous ? 26. 66 Hereafter ye shall see heaven open," &c. Discuss the reading άπ' aρri, and its signification.

27. How does St. John indicate the point of incidence of his Gospel with that of St. Matthew at the early part of our Lord's ministry?

28. Aivov iyyus To Eaλeiμ. What is the current hypothesis (held by Jerome and Eusebius) about these places?

29. What three cities (including two with names resembling the above) are mentioned by Joshua as at the extreme south of Judah ?

30. A passage in Zechariah confirms the view that they were at the extreme south?

3r. How does this locality agree better with the words ὕδατα πολλὰ ἐκεῖ ?

32. And with the circumstances of the imprisonment of John the Baptist?

33. Discuss the question of the two Bethsaidas. What makes it necessary that there should have been a second; and what evidence of the fact independently of the Gospels?

34. On what grounds is the meaning of the phrase yɛvvněÿ ävwlεv determined by Tholuck, Hengstenberg, Alford, Grotius, against Origen, Cyril, &c.?

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