OF SACRED LITERATURE. ILLUSTRATED BY EIGHT STEEL ENGRAVINGS. EDITED BY THOMAS WYATT, A. M. AUTHOR OF "THE SACRED TABLEAUX," ETC. ETC. "Scatter diligently in susceptible minds BOSTON AND CAMBRIDGE: JAMES MUNROE AND COMPANY. KF 7080 HARS Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1848, BY JAMES MUNROE AND COMPANY, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. BOSTON: THURSTON, TORRY AND EMERSON, 31 Devonshire Street. PREFACE. He is supremely happy, who, by well directed efforts, is able to advance the cause of Sacred Literature, and the means of unfolding to the reader of holy things, those mysteries of the Bible which to some are so dark and intricate. The Editor rejoices that he is permitted to be the instrument in the presentation of the following work to the Christian public. In it he trusts is embodied, under the names of truly eminent writers, a mass of sacred erudition; where the most remarkable incidents in the Holy Scriptures are clearly elucidated, and made equal to the capacity of the humblest reader. He would here present his grateful thanks to those who so generously aided him in this valuable work; and refer them to that beautiful promise of the same Bible from which they have chosen their subjects: "Cast thy bread upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days." T. W. |