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النشر الإلكتروني




Third Division of "The English Cyclopædia,"








209495 MAR -7 1917






The asterisk prefixed to the name indicates that the subject of the memoir is still living.


CABALLERO, FERMIN, a Spanish author, journalist, and statesman, was born in 1800, of poor labouring parents, who exerted themselves to procure him a superior education. He showed very early a predilection for geographical studies, and at the age of fourteen had produced a plan of his native town, Barajas de Melo, in the province of Cuenca. The first work that brought him into notice was a series of criticisms on Miñano's Geographical Dictionary of the Peninsula, a work of great extent (10 vols. 4to), and of apparent value, but in reality compiled with inexcusable carelessness. Miñano was an especial favourite with King Ferdinand VII.; and his book, though expensive, was subscribed for, however unwillingly, by every person who held an official post throughout the kingdom. The attacks of Caballero, which began in 1829 and extended to as many pamphlets as Miñano's 'Dictionary' counted volumes, were as witty as they were just, and were productive of unexpected benefit to their author. The minister Calomarde, who was undoubtedly jealous of the influence of Miñano over the king, bestowed substantial favours on his antagonist; and Caballero, who had hitherto been an obscure lawyer, was soon known in the character of a landed proprietor. It may be observed, that Miñano's work is now completely superseded by Madoz's Diccionario de España,' in 16 closely-printed volumes-a treasure of topographical information and research, which would do honour to any country in Europe. In 1833 Caballero set on foot a journal of note, the 'Boletin de Comercio,' and when that was suppressed by the minister Burgos, followed it up with the 'Eco del Comercio,' which, chiefly owing to the talent of his leading articles, became and continued one of the most influential journals in Spain. After the peaceful revolution produced by the 'Estatuto Real,' he was elected to the Cortes by the town of Cuenca, and was known as one of its most decidedly radical members. While the contest between Carlos and Christina was still doubtful, he voted that Carlos should be put to death if taken; and he afterwards voted that Christina should be deprived of the guardianship of her children. On the accession of his friend Lopez to the ministry, in 1843, he formed one of the cabinet, was expelled with Lopez by Espartero, and again resumed office on Espartero's fall. His tenure of it on the second occasion was but short, and his activity has since been mainly of a literary kind. His reputation was materially injured by the publication of a work entitled 'Commentaries on Anquetil,' the French historian, in which, to the astonishment of the public, the principles of absolutism were avowed and defended. In reply to the attacks upon him, Caballero made the singular defence, that though the book was published in his name the objectionable passages had been inserted without his consent by an old academician connected with the censorship, Don Pedro Maria Olive. The friends of Olive indignantly denied the charge, and the matter appears never to have been satisfactorily cleared up. His other works are almost entirely of a geographical character. The two most important are, a quarto volume entitled 'Manual geografico administrativo de España, a work of great and varied information, and a small pamphlet on the Geographical Learning of Cervantes,' which will supply some valuable notes to future editors of 'Don Quixote.'

CABANIS, PIERRE JEAN GEORGE, a distinguished physician and philosopher, the son of Jean Baptiste Cabanis, an able agriculturist, was born at Conac in 1757. His natural disposition appears to have been somewhat violent, and the earlier period of his youth was passed in continual struggles against the severity of the treatment



which he seems to have received both from his father and his teachers. During a short interval, in which he was under the care of a kind and judicious instructor, he indicated a decided taste for classical literature; but being soon removed from a teacher who saw and endeavoured to develop his latent talents, and being again subjected to harshness, he lapsed into such a state of idleness and obstinacy, that at the age of fourteen his father in absolute despair sent him alone to Paris, where, feeling he had no sort of influence over him, he abandoned him to his own course. The moment he felt himself free, this youth, hitherto so indolent and intractable, became a diligent student, and for the space of two years devoted himself with an intensity which has been rarely exceeded to the study not only of the Greek, Latin, and French classics, but also of the works of the metaphysical writers both of England and France. His love of poetry was ardent, and he soon acquired no inconsiderable celebrity for some poetical pieces of his own; but seeing nothing cheering in the prospect of the pursuit of literature as a profession, he chose the study of medicine, chiefly, as he himself states, on account of the varied sciences to which it obliged him to direct his attention. Under the guidance of a friend, an able physician, he applied himself for six years to the study of medicine with so much intensity that his health began to fail him, and being on this account obliged to leave Paris, he went to reside at Auteuil, where he became acquainted with the widow of Helvetius. This acquaintance determined the character of his future life. At the house of this lady, who in a manner adopted him as her son, he became intimate with the most celebrated men of that age, Turgot, D'Holbach, Franklin, Jefferson, Condillac, and Thomas. Here too he lived familiarly for many years with Diderot and D'Alembert, and occasionally saw Voltaire. He appears to have formed a strong attachment to Mirabeau, for which he was exposed to no little obloquy; he was the chosen friend of Condorcet, and he had the gratification of being able to soothe the last moments of both these remarkable men. He married Charlotte Grouchy, sister of General Grouchy and of Madame Condorcet, with whom he lived happily until his death, which happened somewhat suddenly on the 5th of May 1808, in the fifty-second year of his age. He had borne no inconsiderable part in the events of the revolution; was one of the Council of Five Hundred, and afterwards a member of the senate. He was the author of several works of great celebrity in his day; but that which has given to his name a permanent distinction is his treatise on the relation between the physical and moral nature of man. This work, entitled 'Rapports du Physique et du Moral de l'Homme,' is partly metaphysical and partly physiological, and displays no ordinary power of observation and analysis. It is remarkable too as being the first attempt to treat, in a systematic form, the interesting but difficult subject which it investigates. This work may still be read with interest and instruction by the physician and metaphysician, and the practical educator.

CABET, ETIENNE, leader of the French Communists, or Icariens, was born at Dijon, January 2, 1788. His father, a cooper in that city, give him a liberal education; in due time he was admitted a member of the bar; and he appears to have early acquired some practice. In 1816 he defended General Veaux, who, with several others, was tried for conspiring against the restored Bourbons; and Cabet's ardour on that occasion drew down upon him so large a measure of official displeasure, that he found it necesssary shortly after to quit Dijon. At Paris M. Cabet, failing to obtain distinction in his


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