rit. IN THE FIELDS. Concluded. a tempo. p (Chorus in Unison..) 117 sang his song of love :- He sang, that first sweet Christmas, The song that shall never cease,. f "Glory to God in the highest, On earth good will and peace.' 1. Slowly fall the snow-flakes, Clothing earth in white, Sweetly bells are chiming On this Christmas night; 2. Slowly fall the snow-flakes, Virgin-white the sod, In the chill de-scend-ing, Like the grace of God; 3. Slowly fall the snow-flakes, Hang the holly high, Bright its berries, greeting God in-car-nate nigh; Dark the earth a-fore-time, White on Christmas morn; Christ the curse reversing,-Mary's Son is born. Wild the varied chim-ings, One tale on-ly tell- Lies in Bethlehem's manger Great EMMANUEL. Dark the earth no longer, Barren nev-er - more, Grace-flowers spring to blossom On th' eternal shore. |