In-to joy from sadness; Loosed from Pharaoh's bitter yoke Jacob's sons and daughters; Led them with unAs a sun hath ris- en : All the winter of our sins, Long and dark, is flying From His Light, to Comes its joys to render; Comes to glad Je -ru-sa-lem, Which with true af-fec-tion, Welcomes in un 1. Shine, Sun, in splendor bright, Emblem of the Lord of Light, Who this day rose from the dead, And cap2. Now the flowers budding sweet, In the soil beneath our feet, Raise themselves from sleep like death, Praising 3. All the trees and plants in spring To the Re-sur- rec-tion bring Signal offerings, and declare, Christ is 9: Chorus. tiv'-ty captive led. Sing joy-ous-ly, ye mor- tals, For Christ hath op'd the portals Of life to all a God with fragrant breath. ris- en ev'ry-where. gain. Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, A-men, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen. 130 CHRIST IS RISEN. Full. Maestoso. GEO. C. PEARSON. 9: Christ is risen! Alle luia! Ris- en our victorious head! Sing His praises ! Decani. Andantino. our Alleluia ! Christ is risen from the dead! 1. All the doubting and de- jec- tion Of trembling hearts have ceased; "Tis His day of hell shall us en resurrection, Let us rise and keep the feast. thrall. Be with Christ, in Him for -ev - er We have triumphed over all. LET THE MERRY CHURCH Fast. BELLS RING. 135 1. Let the merry church bells ring! Hence with tears and sigh- ing! Frost and cold have fled from spring, Life hath 2. Let the birds sing out a - gain From their leaf - y chapel, Prais - ing Him, with Whom in vain Sa tan conquered dy ing. Flowers are smil-ing, fields are gay, Sun ny is the sought to grapple; Sounds of joy come fast and thick, As the breez-es |