136 SING, OH SING, Chorus.-Joyfully. GEO. C. PEARSON. 4 Sing, oh sing, ye children, Sing ye joy fully; Christ our Lord hath ris en From death's cap-tiv-i - ty. Ris- en is our Sav-iour, Christ our Lord and King, Therefore sing ye Verse.-A little slower. praises, Joy - ful hom - age bring. 1. Dark and sad the evening, When His foes pregarden, To the rock - y 138 THE FOE BEHIND. Full. Moderato. JOHN HULLAH, 2 1. The foe be- hind, the deep before, Our hosts have dar'd and pass'd the sea; And Pharaoh's warriors strew the shore, And Is-rael's ransom'd tribes are free. Lift up, lift up your voices now! The whole wide world re joi ces now! The Lord hath triumph'd glo-rious-ly! The Lord shall reign vic-to-rious-ly. 1st Choir. THE FOE BEHIND. Continued. 2d Choir. 139 19 2. Happy morrow, Turning sorrow Into..... peace and mirth! 3. Bondage ending, Love descending... 4. Seals assuring, Guards securing, Watch His earthly prison: 5. Seals are shattered, Guards are scattered, Chris-tians dead; For death is hallow'd in to sleep, And ev 'ry grave be- comes a bed. |