صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

THE FOE BEHIND. Concluded.

Full. Coda.

dwell with Christ is better life. 10. Where our ban - ner leads us, We may safely



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He our guide will be; Christ hath gone be - fore us; Christians! follow

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Full Chorus. With Animation.



Sing, O earth, God's praises, Breathe them soft, O air! Re-sur-rection's beauty, Springeth everywhere. 2. Haste, O spring, with gladness,Flowers, now come forth, With bright hues adorning The green sods of earth; 3. Sweep rich tides of mu-sic The new world a - long, Pour in full-est measure, From sweet lyres a song. 4. Clap your hands, ye mountains! Valleys, now resound! Leap for joy, ye fountains! Hills, now catch the souud!



Storm's black clouds have vanished, Showers gently fall, Blossoms now are peeping, At the sunshine's call. Violets so ten - der, And sweet blue-bells bright, All your color blend-ing With the lil-ies white. Tell the wondrous story Of the joy - ful hour, For the grave is conquered, By His mighty power. E-ver in the heavens Reigneth Christ our King! Throng we then His temple, And glad homage bring.

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ABIDE with me..

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•Henry Francis Lyte. 68
Century. J. M. Neale, tr.
Angelo A. Benson.
Jas. Montgomery. 1819.
Francis Pott.



Glory to the Father give...
Glorious things of thee are spoken.
God eternal, mighty King..



...J. M. Neale, tr.


.Bp. Ken. 1709.


All glory, laud and honor.
All my heart this night rejoices...
Angels from the realms of glory..
Angel voices ever singing....
Art thou weary, art thou languid.
Awake, my soul, and with the sun..

BRIGHTLY gleams our banner...

CAROL, Sweetly carol.

Children of the heavenly King......
Children's Litany.....
Christ is risen, alleluia.
Christian children must be holy..
Christ hath arisen....

Christ the Lord is risen to-day..
Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Ďove..
Come, ye faithful, raise the strain..
Come, ye lofty, come, ye lowly...

DEEP the gloom and still the night..
Do no sinful action.....
EVERY morning mercies new..

FILL the Easter font with care...
Forward be our watchword..
From all Thy saints in warfare.
From Egypt lately come...
GLORY be to Jesus.....

T. J. Potter. 105

Fanny Crosby. 118
John Cennick. 1742. 101

.........J. S. B. Monsell. 130
Cecil F. Alexander. 35
.E. A. Washburn, D.D. 48
C. Wesley. 52
.Isaac Watts. 1709. 56
.J. M. Neale. 128
..Archer Gurney. 122

G. P. Grantham. 124


G. Phillimore. 61

Bp. A. C. Coxe. 47
Dean Alford. 112
Lord Nelson. 1867. 59
..... Thos. Kelly. 1812. 73

..Italian, tr. Ed. Caswall.

HAIL, Thou long-expected Jesus.
Hail to the Lord's anointed..
Hark! the herald angels sing..

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Hark! the glad sound! the Saviour....Philip
Hark! what mean those holy voices...
Hark! hark, my soul, angelic songs.
Hasten the time appointed..

He is risen! He is risen !.
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God almighty.
Holy offerings, rich and rare..
Hosanna to the living Lord.

Hosanna we sing, like the children dear..
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds..
Hymn and melody of the 12th century..

.Bp. Heber. 1827. 58
.Bp. Heber. 1811. 29
.John Newton. 1779. 97
..Lyra Domestica. 81

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Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me. Mary Lundie Duncan. 1830. 103
Joy fills our inmost hearts......" Church Hymns and Tunes." 126

LET all the world, in every corner sing.... Geo. Herbert. 1632. 87
43 | Lead, kindly light.............
..John Henry Newman. 1833. 102

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Sleep, my Saviour, sleep..
Slowly fall the snow-flakes.
Soldiers of Christ, arise.....
Stars all bright are beaming..

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Summer suns are glowing......" Church Hymns and Tunes."

Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dear.



Jas. Montgomery. 77
F. W. Faber. 98
Jas. Montgomery. 1825.

O Thou from whom all goodness flows.. Thos. Haweis. 1792.
Oh, hark the sound of voices....

Oft in danger, oft in woe..

On our way rejoicing..

Once in royal David's city..


Caroline L. Jackson. 55
H. Kirke White. 94
"Church Hymns and Tunes." 109
Cecil F. Alexander. 34
Onward, Christian soldiers........... S. Baring Gould. 1860. 110
Our day of praise is done.....
Open stood the gates of heaven....... Sarah Geraldina Stock. 115

PLEASANT are Thy courts above...Henry Francis Lyte. 1834.
Praise, O praise our God and King....Sir Henry Baker. 1861.

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From a Latin Hymn. 142
E. H. Plumptre. 111
..J. S. B. Monsell. 40
..A. M. Toplady. 1776. 41
....J. H. Hopkins, D.D. 132
.J. Ellerton. 63
Bp. Wordsworth. 54
S. Parker. 129
Marcus Lane. 136
..J. S. B. Monsell. 76
W. Laying. 123

SAVIOUR, again to Thy dear name we raise..
See the Conqueror mounts in triumph..
Shine, O sun, in splendor bright.
Sing, my soul, His wondrous love..
Sing, oh sing, ye children...

Sing to the Lord a joyful song.....
Sing ye the songs of praise...

TEN thousand times ten thousand..
The church's one foundation..
The fields bedecked with flowers.
The foe behind, the deep before..
The hours of day are over..
The Lord is risen indeed.
The Son of God goes forth to war..
The strife is o'er, the battle done...
There came three kings..
There is a green hill far away.
There is no night in heaven.

Thou art the way, to Thee alone..
Thou art gone up on high...

To Thy pastures fair and large.
Though often here we're weary..

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