speak-ing free-dom, Bringing and be stowing good; Glo-rious in the garb He wears, Glorious how glo-rious, To His people, is the sight! Sa tan conquered, and the grave, Je - sus remaining, None the contest to maintain Fallen they are, no more to rise; All their people, never, Cease to sing what Thou hast done; Thou hast fought Thy people's foes; Thou hast none 2 in the spoil He bears? Who is this that comes from E-dom, now is strong to save: 'Tis the Sav-iour now vic - to- rious, glory prostrate lies: Why that blood his rai-ment stain-ing? healed Thy people's woes: Migh-ty Vic-tor, reign for - ev - er; All His rai-ment stain'd with blood? Helio-trope and mignionette: From their fragrance comes a voice, Bidding Christian hearts re-joice; Whispering thro' their lips of bloom, Christ is risen from the tomb. Amen. 48 CHRIST HATH ARISEN. DR. LOWELL MASON. 4 1. Christ hath a - ris en! Death is no more! Lo! the white-rob-ed ones Sit by the door. 2. Break forth in sing - ing, O world new-born! Chaunt the great Eas-ter-tide, Christ's ho-ly morn. 9:24 4 Dawn, golden morning! Scatter the night! Haste, ye disciples glad, First with the light. Dawn, gold-en Chaunt Him, young sunbeams, Dancing in mirth! Chaunt, all ye winds of God, Coursing the Earth! Chaunt Him, young morning, Scat-ter the night! Haste, ye disciples glad, First with the light, First with the light. sunbeams, Danc-ing in mirth! Chaunt, all ye winds of God, Coursing the Earth! Coursing the Earth. |