1. Christ the Lord is risen to - day, Sons of men and an gels say: 2. Love's re- deem-ing work is done, Fought the fight, the victory won: triumphs high, Sing, ye heavens, and earth reply, Halle lu- jah! Halle - lu - jah Hal - le men. Hallelujah! Hal-le- lu - jah! Christ the Lord is risen to - day. 3 Vain the stone, the watch, the seal, 4 Soar we now where Christ hath led, Made like Him, like Him we rise, 54 SEE THE CONQUEROR MOUNTS IN TRIUMPH. MARY PALMER. 4 4 1. See the Conqu'ror mounts in triumph, See the King in royal state, Riding on the clouds, His 9:24 224 lu - jahs sing, And the por-tals high are on lifted To receive their heavenly King. the throne: Migh-ty Lord, in Thine As-cen-sion We by faith be - hold our own. Lord may dwell, Where He sits enthroned in glory In His heaven-ly cit - a - del. in the air; Rise to realms where He is reigning, And may reign for-ev-er there. OH, HARK! THE SOUND OF VOICES. FREDERICK H. NASH. 55 1. Oh, hark! the sound of voices, Sweet music from a far; The very earth re- joi- ces, And wind, and 2. The cloud is on the mountain Where Jesus' feet have trod; Why stand ye gazing upward? He has gone Oh ye who seek for Je-sus, Our Lord shall come a-gain; His light shall gild the mountain, But no man 3. |