WE PLOUGH THE FIELDS, Concluded. sent from heaven above; Then thank the Lord, oh ! thank the Lord, For all His love. A - men. 2 GOD ETERNAL, MIGHTY KING. SAMUEL WEBBE. 71 1. God e- ter- nal, might-y King, Un - to Thee our praise we bring, All the earth doth worship Thee; 2. Holy, Holy, Holy! cry Angels round Thy throne on high; Lord of all the heavenly powers, courts be-low, In this land of sin and woe. my spir- it longs and faints For the converse find a rest In a heavenly Father's breast! Like the wandering dove that found No repose on des-ert rise, Man-na feeds them from the skies; On they go from strength to strength, Till they reach Thy saving grace, Give me at Thy side a place; Sun and shield a-like Thou art; Guide and guard my of Thy saints, For the brightness of Thy face, King of glo ry, God of grace! earth a-round, They can to their ark re-pair, And en- joy it ever there. throne at length; At Thy feet a - doring fall, Who hast led them safe through all. ing heart; Grace and glory flow from Thee; Show'r, O show'r them, Lord, on me. A-men. err 76 SING TO THE LORD A JOYFUL SONG. W. W. ROUSSEAU, 1877. 1. Sing to the Lord a joy-ful song, Lift up your hearts, your voices raise, To us His gracious gifts be- 64 24 Chorus. Cres. gradually to end of Chorus. 9: long, To Him our songs of love and good, And praise His Name, for it great, Trust in His Name, for it praise. For He's the Lord of heaven and earth, Whom Angels serve and ritard. Saints a-dore, The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, To Whom be praise for ev - er more. -6 A-men. |