80 SING, MY SOUL, HIS WONDROUS LOVE. H. S. NEWELL. 1. Sing, my soul, His wondrous love, Who, from yon bright throne above, Ev-er watch-ful o'er our race, 1. Je-sus, high in glo- ry, Lend a listening ear, When we bow before Thee, Children's praises hear. Amen. 1. Glad on the mountains, Bright o'er vales and fountains, Dawns the fair day Nations are waking, Where the day breaking, Chases the clouds that brood a - bove. Amen. 82 THERE IS NO NIGHT IN HEAVEN. Rev. T. R. MATTHEWS. 1. There is no night in heaven; In that blest world above, Work nev-er can bring wea - ri - ness, 2. There is no grief in heaven; For life is one glad day; And tears are of those for-mer things 1. Thou art the Way, to Thee alone From sin and death we flee; And he who would the THOU ART THE WAY, TO THEE ALONE. Concluded. 83 1. We are but little children weak, Nor born in a ny high estate; What can we do for 2. O, day by day each Christian child Has much to do, without, with-in; A death to die for Jesus' sake, Who is so high and good and great? 3 When deep within our swelling hearts 4 Then we may stay the angry blow, And fight a battle for our Lord. 5 There's not a child so small and weak His little work of love and praise That he may do for Jesus' sake. Amen. |