صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Rev. J. B. DYKES.


1. Ten thousand times ten thousand, In sparkling raiment bright, The armies of the ransom'd saints Throng 2. What rush of Al- le- lu - ias Fills all the earth and sky! What ringing of a thousand harps Be3. Oh, then what raptured greetings On Canaan's happy shore, What knitting severed friendships up, Where

up the steeps of light. 'Tis finished! all is finished, Their fight with death and sin; Fling open wide the speaks the triumph nigh! O day, for which cre-a-tion And all its tribes were made! O joy, for all its partings are no more! Then eyes with joy shall sparkle That brimmed with tears of late; Orphans no longer

golden gates, And let the vic-tors former woes A thou-sand-fold un - paid. father-less, Nor wid-ows des- o late. 음:



4 Bring near the great salvation,

Thou Lamb for sinners slain,
Fill up the roll of Thine elect;
Then take Thy power and reign:

Appear, Desire of nations,

Thine exiles long for home;

Show in the heavens Thy promised sign;
Thou Prince and Saviour, come. Amen.




1. Je- ru - sa- lem the gold - en! With milk and honey blest! Be-neath thy con- tem- pla - tion Sink 2. They stand, those halls of Si - on, All ju - bi- lant with song; And bright with many an angel, And 3. There is the throne of David, And there, from care released, The shout of them that triumph, The

heart and voice op-prest. I know not, oh! I know not What joys a-wait us there, all the martyr throng. The Prince is ev - er in them, The daylight is se-rene; song of them that feast: And they, who with their Lead-er Have conquered in the fight,

What ra - dian-
The pastures
For ever

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1. The Church's one foun-da- tion Is Jesus Christ our Lord; She is His new cre a tion By 2. Elect from every nation, Yet one o'er all the earth, Her char-ter of salvation One 3. Though with a scorn-ful won - der, Men see her sore op- prest, By schisms rent a sun- der, By 4. 'Mid toil and trib-u la tion, And tu - mult of her war, She waits the con-sum-ma- tion Of

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water and the word; From Heaven He came and sought her, To be His ho - ly Bride; With His own Lord, one faith, one birth; One holy Name she bless - es, Par-takes one holy food, And to one heresies dis - trest; Yet saints their watch are keeping, Their cry goes up, "How long?" And soon the peace for ever - more; Till with the vision glorious Her long-ing eyes are blest, And the great

blood He bought her, And for her life He died. hope she presses, With ev-ery grace en-dued. night of weep ing Shall be the morn of song. Church vic- to-rious, Shall be the Church at rest.


5 Yet she on earth hath union
With God the Three in One,
And mystic sweet communion
With those whose rest is won:
O happy ones and holy !

Lord, give us grace that we
Like them, the meek and lowly,

On high may dwell with Thee. Amen.

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