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النشر الإلكتروني

go forth yearly quite a large number of everything savoring of Catholicity. young ladies, who are an honor to their These calamities materially impaired excellent tutors and will be a blessing her health; but thanks to that fortitude to society. The wonderful extension in of soul, which it would seem the venthis country is to be attributed, in a very erable Madame Barat had bequeathed great measure, to the untiring energy to her successor along with the heavy and zeal of Madame Hardey, who for burden of her exalted office, Madame many years past has been the superior Goetz courageously bore these trials, and efficaciously promoted the welfare and progress of the congregation.

all his assistance to this worthy design. He appointed a commission of inquiry, and instituted a tribunal, the presidency

of the American branch of the society. She was called to Paris in 1872 by Madame Goetz and appointed Assistant- During her term of office, she twice General of the Order, and charged made the journey to Rome, where she especially with the Province of America. was received by the Holy Father with The condition of the order was de- every mark of paternal affection. On cidedly encouraging when its direction the occasion of her last visit thither devolved upon Madame Goetz, and she accomplished all the preliminaries under her guidance it by no means required for the process of the canonretrograded. She exerted every energy ization of the venerable Foundress to secure its continued welfare, and of her order. His Eminence, the how well she succeeded is best shown Cardinal Archbishop of Paris, lent by the fact that during the eight years of her generalship, the number of its houses was increased by thirteen and its members by five hundred and of which he conferred on one in every eighty-six ; making the present standing way his own counterpart, Monseigneur ninety-three houses and four thousand one hundred and twenty-five members. The latter years of her life were overclouded by the national and religious calamities which recently occurred in Europe. During the year 1870 she saw fourteen of their houses threatened by the Franco-Prussian War. In 1872 five were suppressed by the infidel Bismarck-the modern Julian-whose The process had closed; the compolicy is to eradicate Christianity from mission of inquiry had adjourned; the the Prussian dominions, and who deems testimonies were transcribed, and the removal of education beyond the awaited but a few sessions of the triinfluence of religion, the most effica- bunal to be collated and sent to the cious means to attain this end. In Congregation of Rites at Rome, when Italy imminent destruction menaced the the earthly career of Madame Goetz Convents of the Society of the Sacred terminated. Though she was not Heart, on account of the direct perse- spared to see the name of her predecution being waged therein against cessor enrolled on the catalogue of the

Jeancard, Bishop of Cérame. Madame Goetz was the first witness called upon during the process of beatification; and great must have been the sweet emotion she experienced when bearing testimony to the virtues of the venerable Madame Barat, to whom she owed the triple debt of gratitude, affection, and veneration.

canonized saints of the Church, we dearest friends, the little ones for may confidently hope that, ere this, whom she labored. She lived not, she has seen the pure soul of Madame however, without trials; but amid Barat enjoying the happiness and every storm that ruffled her passage security of heavenly bliss.

over the sea of life, she ever kept her gaze fixed on that guiding star, the divine will; and she made every af

On Christmas Day, Madame Goetz attended mass as usual, and on Friday the 26th of December, she resumed, fliction the source of an increase of at the Mother House in Paris, her virtues. Her trials and difficulties customary duties, which had been tended only to illustrate more plainly interrupted by the visitation she had the purity of the motives that promptbeen making of the neighboring con- ed her actions. She was neither vents of her order. But the joyous elated by success, nor dejected by anthems which had hailed the glorious misfortune. Her elevation served anniversary of the Redeemer's birth only to increase her humility. She had scarcely died away when an attack exercised authority with a mild, of cerebral congestion terminated her useful career, on the 4th of January, at the age of fifty-six years. If the regret manifested at her decease be taken as a criterion of the esteem in which Madame Goetz was held, no other conclusion can be arrived at than that her memory will long remain enshrined in the hearts of those who had the happiness of being acquainted with her.

motherly spirit, which enticed rather than enforced obedience. But she has gone to receive the reward of her labors; behind her she leaves an example well worthy of imitation, and though her decease may have created a temporary void, we have no doubt that it will be well filled by the newly elected Superior, Madame Lehon, who, we trust, will accomplish, as her predecessors have done, results that She had borne the sweet yoke of will contribute to the still greater exthe Lord from her youth; she had tension of an Order devoted to so chosen Him as her spouse; dove-like noble a cause as the honor of the she had nestled in his divine heart, Sacred Heart and the interests of and there she learned to love his Christian Education.

ever guise it appears and your contempt for dishonest duplicity, by whosomever exhibited; to wear your old clothes until you pay for the new ones; to obey your Maker at the risk of being ridiculed by men; and to pre

Have the courage to discharge a show that you respect honesty in whatdebt while you have money in your pocket; to do without that which you do not need, however much your eyes may covet it; to speak your mind when it is necessary you should do so; to speak to a poor friend when in company with a rich one, richly attired; fer comfort and prosperity to fashion, to make a will, and a just one; to in all things.


BY H. J.

The sun was in the zenith when our strange to meet the Turk in the street, little party of six reached the top of a and the Arab by the way-side, yet to hill we had been struggling up for know that you are treading the spot half an hour. Before us lay a great His presence sanctified and the scenes slope, terraced with rows of trees and where another race of men walked and with vineyards climbing up along it. labored in that great epoch of human The scene was one of surpassing beauty. history. Right behind us is a great As we drew up on the summit of the gloomy building which, we are told, is elevation the warm sunlight glittered the monastery of the prophet Elijah. It upon a pile of buildings on a high is now occupied by Greek monks. Beridge, and showed us, in the shadow of fore us the road goes on winding among the hill, the houses and streets of an the groves of olives and passing a little old village. village just peeping out from green "What place is that?" broke out hills and leafy clumps, on down to the from half of the party. village of Bethlehem.

"Bethlehem," said our guide sententiously.

As we rode by we passed a number of people hurrying along in the direcBethlehem! So this was the spot tion we were going. Many of them where the great mystery of our Re- were old men, worn and decrepit, with demption was consummated. Here in great snowy beards falling upon their this rude place, with nothing to distin- bosoms and mingling, in odd cases, with guish it but the beauty nature clothed the rags in which a few were clothed. it in and the brightness which the sun They seemed sad enough looking, of Judea now cast upon it-here was these venerable wayfarers, and I was born Christ, the Son of the living God. not surprised when I found out who What feelings arose within us at the they were. At a turn in the road we mention of the name. What memories discovered several of them seated by a broke upon our minds, what reflections well, and further on quite a number stirred our brains. Bethlehem! How gathered around a very aged building strange to be in it, to look upon those with a dome upon it. This was the hills now so green and smiling, but tomb of Rachel, our guide informed which were grim and stark in the cold us.

bareness of the winter when they look- The tomb of Rachel! That exed down upon the mean stable that plained the appearance of the old men. night two thousand years ago. How They were Jews wending their way to

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