صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]

Seeley, Printer.


In publishing this work, the writer does not seek praise, but usefulness. The former edition of it was intended for private distribution; first among his parishioners, and then where he thought it might tend to the furtherance of the truth of God. An opportunity of writing to his people presented itself when he was at Ventnor, where a dear child, aged sixteen, died; thus reminding him that parents should seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness for themselves and their children. In bringing the work before the public, he is painfully conscious of its defects as regards the style in which it is written: still he hopes that it may be of some service to the general reader by way of admonition, and afford instruction to many, especially those of the lower class, who may not have access to larger works. He begs to acknowledge with thanks the help given him by friends whom he has consulted when he had doubt about any matter, and in many instances, when his meaning has been ill expressed. He desired to alter the work if re

printed, as will be seen in the Postscript; but the favourable notices which he has received of it from persons in various stations, together with his having other pressing calls of duty, lead him to make his alterations in the form of notes, by which he is enabled to accomplish the chief object he had in view, which was to supply deficiencies occasioned by want of time to finish it as he would have wished.

Having said thus much, he commends the work to God, beseeching him to cause it to promote his glory.






Being absent from you for a season, I desire to address you. I am led from the consideration of your state, and that of the times in which we live, to say something on the following subjects; 1. THe negLECT OF THE SABBATH AND ITS PRIVILEGES. 2. RoMANISM, AND THE PRESENT TENDENCIES TOWARDS IT. 3. INFIDELITY. 4. WANT OF SUBJECTION TO THOSE WHO ARE IN AUTHORITY; AND ONE ESPECIAL CAUSE OF IT, viz., THE NEGLECT OF THE DUTY OF PARENTS. And may the Lord the Spirit enable me to write what may be profitable to you.

1. Neglect of the Sabbath and its privileges. A good way of trying ourselves whether we are children of God, is by examining our hearts, and learning how we regard what God has separated to himself as holy; especially whether we love his word, feel joy in communion with him in prayer, and delight in his Sabbath. The Lord has commanded, "Remember the Sabbathday to keep it holy ;" and he has never withdrawn that commandment. He not only has given his precept in this matter of such high importance, both to the tem

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