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النشر الإلكتروني

37. Diameter, 85,000 miles; mean distance from the Sun, 480,000,000 miles; distance from the earth in conjunction, about 390,000,000 miles.

38. Comparative size, 1,400 times that of the earth in volume, and 213 times in weight; velocity, 28,800 miles per hour, making his year twelve of our years, lacking fifty days. The day is but 9h. 55m. Its four moons, discovered by Galileo, are named Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.

39. It mostly resembles the Sun, and is suspected to shine in part by its own light. The belts and spots on the surface show constant eruptive agencies, and it is therefore probable that Jupiter is not yet covered with a solid crust, as our earth, but that its white-hot interior has nothing to cover it but the dense vapors to which that heat gives rise. 40. Saturn is sixth in position from the Sun, and is the most magnificent object in the solar system.

41. Distance from the Sun, about 880,000,000 miles; from the earth in conjunction, about 800,000,000 miles. Belts and spots are seen on his surface, which are attributed to the density of the atmosphere.

42. In mass and size it is next to Jupiter, having three times the mass of the six other planets combined. It revolves around the Sun in a period of 29 years.

43. Two rings, a bright and a dark one shading into each other, generally supposed to be formed by a vast number of satellites, too small and close together to be seen separated. [and Japetus. 44. Eight, viz.: Mimas, Enceladus, Titan, Tethys, Hyperion, Dione, 45. It is in position the seventh from the Sun; has a very faint light,

which is due to its distance from the earth.

46. Distance from the Sun, about 1,770,000,000 miles; from the earth, about 1,862,062,000 miles; diameter, 33,024 miles; velocity, 14,120 miles an hour; performs a revolution every 84 years.

47. Four moons: their orbits are nearly perpendicular to the plane of the planet's orbit, and their motions are retrograde.

48. Neptune is the farthest off of the known planets. It is only discernable by aid of the telescope.

49. Mean distance from the Sun, 2,850,000,000 miles; from the eart 2,758,271,500 miles; comparative size nearly one hundred time the earth; velocity, 12,000 miles per hour

50. One moon, at about the same di

ion, 164.6 v

sun in their periphelion, and receding to a great distance at the aphelion. About 500 have been recorded during our era visible to the naked eye; about 200 more with telescopes.

52. Eleven have been observed to return twice; three at regular intervals. The most interesting recently is Encke's comet, first seen in 1786, again visible in 1856. The great comet of 1843, and Donati's, of 1858, are the largest.

53. The head of the comet is a burning mass, surrounded by layers of vapor-evaporation arising forms the tail (like smoke from a chimney), and is due to heat from the sun.

54. Meteors are small bodies, in very large numbers, revolving around the sun in every possible kind of orbit. Shooting-star is a term applied to a meteor set on fire by coming in contact with the earth's atmosphere.

55. Stars are grouped in constellations, belts, binary and solitary stars, varying in brilliancy according to size, chemical action, and distance from the earth. The average naked eye sees in round numbers about 5,000; telescopes show between 30,000,000 and 50,000,000.

56. The North Star is situated due north, and is nearly in a line with the two stars in the Great Bear, which are usually called the Pointers. 57. Sirius, sometimes called Canicula or the Dog Star, situated in the constellation of Canis Major, or Great Dog, below the feet of Orion.

58. Two contending forces: the centripetal, which draws them towards the sun, and the centrifugal, which urges them beyond it.

59. Its course, so far as can be discovered, is straight, extending from Hercules towards Argus-our Sun and planets tending towards Hercules -the motion of each star is so independent that it seems to preclude the possibility of the mass revolving around a great central attraction.

60. The Milky Way is a broad belt stretching across the heavens, composed of an infinite number of stars and of nebula. Nebula appear as masses of soft, diffused light, of greater or less extent, and is probably gaseous matter, from which worlds and suns are formed.

61. Nebula were diffused as far as the furthest member of the solar system; they began to condense toward the centre, throwing off or leaving behind successive rings, which on disruption and further condensation, assumed the form of planets, sometimes with a further formation of rings, which in the case of Saturn have remained, though those of other planets have broken up and united into satellites.

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1. What was the first command of God?

2. By whom were the Jews delivered according to prophecy?

3. Why were the Levites scattered over the land?

4. In what cave did David seek refuge when pursued by Saul?

5. What king of Babylon put out the eyes of a captured king of Judah?

6. Who was the last king of Judah?

7. Who was the last king of the ten tribes of Israel?

8. Where was Josiah slain in battle?

9. Who was the left-handed judge that delivered Israel?

10. Of whom does the Bible give an account as highway robbers?

11. Who was king of Sodom at the time of its destruction?

12. Who was king of Gomorrah at the time of its destruction?

13. By whom were the children of Israel carried captive into Babylon? 14. Of what defeated king does the Bible say, "How are the mighty fallen?"

15. Who said, "Though He slay me yet will I trust Him?"

16. Who expressed a desire to be "where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary be at rest?"

17. What is the longest word in the Bible?

18. What three persons were swallowed alive in a pit ?

19. By whom was the first temperance society organized?

20. Who mortgaged their farms in time of drouth to buy corn?

21. What king was smitten with leprosy, and why?

22. Whose life was saved by giving heed to the warnings of an angel?

23. On how many occasions were angels sent to destroy men?

24. Unto whom did God say, "I am thy shield?"

25. By whom was Solomon's temple destroyed?

26. Who was afflicted with insanity as a punishment from the Lord for his pride and arrogance?

27. What was Belshazzar's last official act before his death?

28. Who refused to do battle unless a prophetess accompanied him?

29. Why did God permit Israel to be removed from their land?

30. What king captive in Babylon returned to Jerusalem in answer to


31. What was the height of the giant Goliath ?

32. Who does the Bible say had six fingers and six toes on each hand and


33. Name the total number of Israelites that went down to Egypt. 34. How many Israelites came out of Egypt 430 years afterward? 35. Who commanded the largest army recorded in the Bible?

36. What two remarkable prayers were answered before the petition was concluded?

37. Who ordered seventy brothers slain and their heads put in baskets? 38. Among men born after the flood, who attained the greatest age? 39. What two kings disguised themselves before going into battle, and were both slain by archers?

40. Give total number who returned from the Babylonish captivity with


41. For whom did the people wait to say grace, before they sat down to

their feast?

42. How many men were sent to take up Jeremiah from the dungeon? 43. Name the seven persons whose names were given before their birth. 44. What king had eighty-eight children ?

45. What were Solomon's other names, and by whom were they given? 46. What persons are mentioned in the Old Testament as fasting 40 days? 47. How many and what queens reigned over Judah?

48. What were the names of the three handsomest women in all the land? 49. Who are the only two women whose ages are recorded in the Bible? 50. What are the names of Job's three friends who came to mourn with him?

51. What two kings were driven from their dominions by hornets ?

52. What prophet enumerates the sins of Sodom?

53. Who said, "the law of the Medes and Persians altereth not?"

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