صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


30. Ex curia.

[blocks in formation]

58. Lapsus linguæ.

59. Laus Deö.

60. Lex talionis.

61. Magna Charta. 62. Mater familias. 63. Me'um et tuum. 64. Mirabile dictu. 65. Modus operandi. 66. Ne plus ultra. 67. Nolens volens. 68. Non libet. 69. Nota bene. 70. Omnibus.

71. Ora pro nobis.
72. Pater familias.
73. Pater noster.
74. Peeea'vi.

75. Per annum.
76. Post meridiem.

49. In prō'pri a perso'na. 77. Post mor' tem.

50. In statu quo.

51. In toto.

52. In cog'nito.

53. Instanter.

[blocks in formation]

78. Prima facie.

79. Pro bono publico.

80. Pro et con.

81. Pro rata.
82. Pro tem'pore.
83. Quantum libet.
84. Quid pro quo.
85. Rara avis.

86. Sculpsit.
87. Semper idem.
88. Si'ne di'e.
89. Si'ne qua non.
90. Status quo.
91. Stet.

92. Sub ro'şa.

93. Sub poena. 94. Suminum bonum. 95. Tempus fugit. 96. Terra firma. 97. Ultima Thule. 98. Ultimatum. 99. Vade in pace. 100. Va'de me'cum. 101. Vale. 102. Ví'ȧ.


103. A bon marché. 104. A la mode.

105. Apropos.

106. A plomb.
107. Au contraire.
108. Au fait (o fā).
109. Au revoir.
110. Beau monde.

[blocks in formation]

124. Coup de grace.
125. Coup de main.
126. Coup d'œil.
127. De bris (deb re').
128. Dénouement.
129. Devoirs (dev

156. Porte-monnaie.
157. Protegé.

158. Qui vive.
159. Ragoût (rä go').
160. Rendezvous.
161. Resumé.

130. Dishabille.
131. Distrait.
132. Double entente.
133. Eclat (a klä').
134. Elite (ā lēt').
135. En core (äng kōr').
136. En masse.
137. Ennui (äng we').
138. Entrée (äng tra').
139. Entre nous.
140. Entrepôt (äng tr pō').
141. Exposé (eks po za'). 172. A tempo.
142. Fête champêtre 173. Bravo.

162. Réveillé (re vāl’ya).
163. Säns.
164. Sang froid (säng
frwôr. [kā').
165. Sobriquet (so' bre
166. Soirée (swär rā').
167. Tapis (täp ē').
168. Tête-à-tête.
169. Tout ensemble.
170. Valet de chambre.
171. Vis-à-vis (vīz ä vē).

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

147. Ma chére.


148. Mal a propos.

149. Mésalliance.

175. Con dolore.
176. Dilettante.
177. Donna.
178. Fi nä' le.
179. In pet'to.

182. Poco a poco.

183. Terre cotta.


150. Naiveté (näev tā). 184. Olla Podrida.
151. Negligé.

185. El Dorado.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

1. From the begin- 21. By the grace of 40. In the first place.

[blocks in formation]

2. To attract or please. 22. Persons of the

3. To the point.

4. To the man.


drama. Behold the man.

5. In the meanwhile.


6. At pleasure.

A retired official. 25. And so forth.

7. According to the 26. He goes off.


27. All go off.

41. An impromptu poet.

42. In full.

43. At the point of death. 44. In this place.

45. Into the midst of affairs.

46. For ever.

47. To the memory of.

28. For the sake of 48. In peace.

8. With equanimity.

9. Otherwise.


[blocks in formation]

49. In person.

50. In its former state.

51. Wholly, entirely.
52. In disguise.

53. Quickly, earnestly.
54. In empty space.
55. Hehimself has said it.
56. By the act itself.
57. By the law itself.
58. A slip of the tongue.
59. Praise to God.

60. The law of retalia-

61. The great charter. 62. The mother of a family.

63. Mine and thine.

64. Wonderful to be told.

65. The mode of operation.

66. The limit; perfection.

67. Willing or unwill


68. It does not please


69. Mark well. 70. For all.

71. Pray for us. 72. Father of a family. 73. Our father; the

Lord's Prayer.

74. I have sinned. 75. By the year. 76. Afternoon. 77. After death. 78. First view; self


79. For the public


80. For and against. 81. In proportion. 82. For the time. 83. As much as you please.

89. Indispensable con- 119. A party.


90. The same state as before.

91. Let it stand. 92. Under the rose;


93. Under a penalty. 94. The chief good. 95. Time flies. 96. Firm earth. 97. The utmost limit. 98. The final condition.

99. Go in peace. 100. Go with me. 101. Farewell. 102. By way off. 103. Cheap. 104. According to


105. To the purpose. 106. Perpendicularly. 107. On the contrary. 108. Skillful; expert. 109. Good-bye till we

meet again.

110. The gay world. 111. Polite literature.

84. What for what; tit 112. A jewel.

[blocks in formation]

120. As it ought to be. 121. A skillful judge. 122. An escort.

123. A master-stroke in politics.

124. The finishing blow. 125. A taking by surprise. 126. A hasty view. 127. Broken remnants. 128. The unraveling of a plot.

129. Duties; acts of civility.

130. An undress.
131. Absent in thought.
132. Double meaning.
133. Splendor, applause.
134. Choice, select so-

135. Again; a repetition.
136. In a mass.
137. Weariness.
138. Entrance.
139. Between us; con-

140. Depot for goods. 141. An open; statement of reasons, facts, etc.

142. A rural festival. 143. Armed guards of the police.

144. Haughtiness; pride. 145. Disabled; out of condition to fight.

146. Play of wit.

147. My dear.

148. Ill timed.

159. Stewed meat. 160. The place of meeting.

173. Well done. 174. A guide showing works of art.

149. Marriage with one 161. An abstract or 175. With grief.

[blocks in formation]
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