صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


THE attention and the admiration of an individual of the opposite sex may be obtained in various ways; and love may be and is often engendered where none is felt by the opposite party. But all this is accomplished by playing upon some passion or passions of the individual whose love is desired and whose hand is to be won. Thus some are obtained by playing upon the desire for wealth or high station in society; others through their pride, by flattery of their persons; others through their kindness, by exciting their benevolent feelings; others through their natural amative passions, by exciting the desire of sexual love; others by showing one's self to possess, or by pretending to possess, kindred sympathies and feelings-kindred emotions of head and heart-kindred likes and desires kindred tastes and sentiments. To win the affections, therefore, we should learn the character of the individual whose love is sought. That being known, success is to be obtained by bringing the batteries to bear properly upon the prominent traits of that character.

True love arises from a principle of sympathy-from a oneness of feeling from a similarity in some points of character, although other points may be very dissimilar, from showing that you possess something which the other admires. Acting upon this you may induce in another love for you, and cement the affections upon you Upon this subject, I give you the phrenological teachings of O. S. Fowler, who says:

"If approbativeness predominate, and causality be moderate, you may flatter, and if the brain be rather small, put it on thickly. Praise their dress, features, appearance, on particular occasions, and any and everything they take pride in. Take much notice of them, and keep continually saying something to tickle their vanity; for this organization will bear all the "soft soap" you can administer. When you have gained this organ, you have got the "bell sheep," which all the other faculties will blindly follow on the run. But if approbativeness be only full or large, with reason and morality quite as large or larger, and the head of a good size and well developed, "soft-soap " will not take, but will only sicken; for rea son will soon penetrate your motive, and morality will reverse the other faculties against you, and destroy all chance of gaining the affections. See to it that you really esteem those with this organization-esteem them not for their dress, beauty, manners, &c., but for their moral purity, their elevated sentiments, their ine feelings, and their intellectual attainments. As they estimate themselves and others not by a standard of wealth, beauty, dress, &c., but by a moral and intellectual standard, so your showing them that you really esteem those qualities which they prize so highly, will cause them to perceive that your tastes harmonize with theirs. and thus

turn their leading organs in your favor, and unite and endear then to you.

"If benevolence predominate in the person, show yourself kind, not to the individual alone, nor in little matters of modern politeness, but as an habitual feeling of your soul. always gushing forth spontaneously at the call of want or suffering, and ready to make personal sacrifices to do good. Be philanthropic, and show yourself deeply interested in the welfare of your fellow-men. This will gratify his or her benevolence, and bring it over in your behalf, which will draw the other faculties along with it.

"To one who has large intellectual organs do not talk fashionable nonsense. or words without ideas-chit-chat, or small-talk-I nean the polite tete-a-tete of fashionable young people; but converse intellectually upon sensible subjects; evince good sense and sound judgment in all you say and do; present ideas and exhibit intellect. This will gratify their intellects, and lay a deep intellectual basis for mutual love, as well as go far towards exciting it.

"If the person be pious and devout, be religious yourself, and your religious feelings will strike a chord that will thrill through her whole soul, kindling an irresistible flame of mutual love.

"If the individual be a timid damsel, do not frighten her; for this will drive away every vestige of lurking affection, and turn her faculties against you; but be gentle and soothing and offer her all the protection in your power, causing her to feel safe under your wing, and she will hover under it, and love you devoutly for the care you bestow upon her.

"If ideality be large show refinement and good taste, and avoid all grossness and improper allusions; for nothing will more effectually array her against you than either impropriety or vulgarity, or even inelegance. Descant on the exquisite and sentimental, on poetry and oratory, and expatiate on the beauties of nature and art, and especially of natural scenery. If order be also large, see to it that your person be neat, apparel nice, and every trace of the slovenly removed.


But, since it is the affections, mainly, that you wish to enlist, show yourself affectionate and tender. As like begets like, whatever faculty is lively in you will be excited in them; therefore, your friendship and love, as they beam forth from your eyes, soften your countenance, burn on your lips, escape through the soft and tender tones of your voice, light up your countenance with the smile of love, or impress the kiss of affection, imbue your whole soul, and are embodied in every look, word and action, will as surely find a way to their hearts as the river to the ocean, and kindle in them a reciprocity of love. By these and other similar applications of this principle, the disengaged affections of almost any one can be secured, especially if the organs of both be similar; for the command thus obtained over the feelings, will and even judgment, is almost unlimited."


For Removing Tan.

Blotches, Freckles, Warts, Pimples,—and to change the sallow face into one of beauty, and to improve and beautify the complexion, skin, face, neck, hands. &c., and to make wrinkled skin smooth.

Take two gallons of strong soap-suds. Add to this one pint of pure alcohol, and a quarter of an ounce of Rosemary. Mix these well together, and they are fit for application. It should be applied with a linen rag.

Another article; applied in the same way, and casily obtained, is Horseradish, grated into sweet milk, which will be fit for use in about seven or eight hours.

Kalydor for the Complexion.

Take blanched bitter almonds, one part; rose-water, 16 parts. Mix and strain, then add five grains of bi-chloride of mercury to every eight-ounce bottle of the mixture, and scent with rose or violet.

To Beautify the Teeth,

And to make brown, dark, and bad Teeth, beautiful and white as pearls, and so sound as not to decay during life or while the article is used.

Take one part of Chloride of Lime, and fifteen parts of Prepared Chalk, adding half an ounce of pulverized Peruvian Bark, and a little Otto of Roses. Use it morning and evening.

For Tooth Powders, use about half an ounce of Chalk and half an ounce of pulverized Orris Root, Mix, and flavor to suit, and rub the teeth with it, as prudence dictates, and the improvement of the teeth and gums will indeed be wonderful.

To Clean the Teeth.

Rub them with the ashes of burnt bread.

To make the Hair grow rich soft glossy, etc.

Take a half pint of Alcohol, and Castor Oil quarter of a gill mix, and flavor with Burgamot, or whatever else may be agreeable Apply it with the hand. Rub well and frequently. This article is harmless.

To make the Hair curl.

When the hair will not curl naturally, the curling irons should not be used; they only extract the moisture, and render the hair crisp and harsh. An excellent curling liquid is the following: Put two pounds of common soap, cut small, into three pints of spirits of wine, with eight ounces of potash, and melt the whole, stirring it with a clean piece of wood. Add some essence of amber, vanilla, and nevoli—about a quarter of an ounce of each--to render

the fluid agreeable. The liquids which are sold for the professed purpose of assisting in curling the nair, are chiefly composed of either oily or extractive substances.

To promote the growth of whiskers, moustaches, etc.

The best method to force the growth of whiskers and moustaches is to shave the parts frequently. Use as a stimulant the ashes of burned tobacco, and Baywater.



(1.) A New Art, to Draw from Nature.

First. Prepare your ink by taking Printer's ink and thining it with spirits of turpentine, to the consistency of cream, or just enough so that it can be used with a pen.

Second. Take a clear, nice pane of glass; a large size is preferable, as it will then do for large or small drawings, and if the object to be drawn is any thing over which the glass can be laid, so as to lie flat like a sheet of paper, in writing, such a picture, draw ing, or etching of any kind, or a leaf, flower, or any thing that can be laid under the glass in any way, so arrange it. Or the glass can be put in a frame, so as to raise one end like a desk lid; behind and under which may be laid any small object to be drawn. Then, when the glass and object to be drawn are so fixed as to be stationary, (for there should be no movement of them after the drawing is commenced till finished,) you may proceed to draw an outline of the object on the glass with a pen, using the ink prepared as above, doing it expeditiously, so it will not become too dry; and when the entire outline is drawn, breathe on the drawing, so as to moisten the ink on the glass, holding it so it cannot slide about at all, and gently rub the hand over the paper a few times, pressing it on the glass, and when it comes off you have a perfect etching of the object. This can be shaded and colored to suit the fancy, or left as it is, a beautiful etching. With a little practice and care, any one can thus draw most perfectly. All you have to do, is just to follow with the pen on the glass the outlines of the object to be drawn. Commence with small pictures at first, till you get a little practice.

Third. If you wish to draw a landscape, animal, house, or any thing in perspeciive, so as to need to set the glass up perpendicu larly, the ink of course will not flow from the pen, on the glass; hence, you have to proceed as follows, viz: with a thin solution of gum arabic, or a little loaf sugar, or even cigar ashes, rub the glass

ver and let it dry; (but it must not be so thick as to prevent seeing the object through the glass,) then, with a crayon, or some sharp-pointed instrument, draw the object on the glass, by marking or scratching it on the gummed side, and when completed, turn the glass over, laying it down flat, and draw the same with ink on the opposite side, and proceed to transfer it to paper as before.

Almost anything can be drawn with great accuracy and facility in this way, even portraits. $25 a lesson is charged in the old country for instruction in this art, and $5 and $10 in the United States and Canada.

(2.) The Art of Painting on Glass.

The only difference between ordinary painting and painting on glass is, that in the latter all transparent colors are used instead of opaque ones, and the colors being ground up with Turpentine and Varnish instead of Oil. In painting upon glass, it is necessary occasionally to place the picture between the artist and the light, to enable him to see the effect, the light having the property of casting a yellowish tinge upon all colors so exposed.

To persons having a knowledge of coloring, this art is easily learned, and affords a handsome remuneration.

(3.) The Art of Etching upon Copper.

Having obtained a fine piece of Copper, which must be well polished, you will make a mixture of Bees' Wax, to which a small quantity of Rosin must be added to render the substance harder melt these together by heat, and when thoroughly incorporated by stirring, you must take a camel's hair brush and cover the plate with a nice, even coating of the mixture, after having warmed the plate by the fire.

When the mixture becomes hardened upon the plate, you must sketch your subject upon the surface, then take an etching point, or a large needle fixed in a handle will do, cut through the wax to the surface of the copper, taking care to make your lines as distinct as possible.

This being done, you must raise a border of wax all round the plate, and taking some strong Nitric Acid, pour it on the plate to the depth of an inch. The acid will eat away the copper in those places which have been bared by the etching point, and you must from time to time pour oif the acid, and wash the plate to see how the work is going on. Those places which appear to be etched deep enough, are to be stopped up with wax, the Acid again poured on, and allowed to remain until the process is completed. This done, the wax is to be melted off, the plate cleaned, and the etching is then ready for the press.

This is an employment from which a good emolument may be derived

(4.) To make the best Red Sealing Wax.

Purchase 4 pounds of Shellac, one pound and a half of Venice

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