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النشر الإلكتروني

scrupulously exact in the fulfillment of his engagements, gains the confidence of all, and may command all the means he can use to advantage; whereas, a man careless and regardless of his promises in money matters, will have every purse closed against him. Therefore be prompt in your payments.

Next, let us consider the advantages of a cautious circumspection in our intercourse with the world. Slowness of belief, and a proper distrust are essential to success. The credulous and confiding are ever the dupes of knaves and impostors. Ask those who have lost their property, how it happened, and you will find in most cases it has been owing to misplaced confidence. One has lost by endorsing another by crediting; another by false representations; all of which a little more foresight and a little more distrust would have prevented. In the affairs of this world, men are not saved by faith, but by the want of it.

Judge of men by what they do, not by what they say. Believe in looks, rather than in words. Observe all their movements. Ascertain their motives and their ends. Notice what they say and do in their unguarded moments, when under the influence of excitement. The passions have been compared to tortures, which force men to reveal their secrets. Before trusting a man, before putting it in his power to cause you a loss, possess yourself of every available information relative to him. Learn his history, his habits, inclinations and propensities; his reputation for honesty, industry, frugality, and punctuality; his prospects, resources, supports, advantages and disadvantages; his intentions and motives of action; who are his friends and enemies, and what are his good or bad qualities. You may learn a man's good qualities and advantages from his friends--his bad qualities and disadvantages from his enemies. Make due allowance for exaggeration in both. Finally, examine carefully before engaging in anything, and act with energy afterwards. Have the hundred eyes of Argus beforehand, and the hundred hands of Briarius afterwards.

Order and system in the management of business must not be neglected. Nothing contributes more to despatch. Have a place for everything, and everything in its place; a time for everything, and everything in its time. Do first what presses most, and having determined what is to be done, and how it is to be done, lose no time in doing it. Without this method, all is hurry and confusion, little or nothing is accomplished, and business is attended to with neither pleasure nor profit.

A polite, affable deportment is recommended. Agreeable manners contribute powerfully to a man's success. Take two men, possessing equal advantages in every other respect, but let one be gentlemanly, kind, obliging, and conciliating in his manners; the other harsh, rude, and disobliging, and the one will become rich, where the other will


We are now to consider a very important principle in the business of money-getting, namely-Industry--persevering indefatigable at tention to business. Persevering diligence is the Philosopher's stone, which turns everything to gold. Constant, regular, habitual, and sys

180 CAL ENDÚCEJET 1 Vostess Dos. 1 one fingerly directed, proDuce ETAK TERVIS must eat to Well With the same certainty tna poverty folows in the train of idecess and attention. It has WHEN ITU TEMarked, that he who folows his amusements instead of Zie business will in a short time, have no business to flow.

The art of money-string is at important part of the art of money-getting. Without frugality no one can become rich: with it, few would be poor. Those who consume as fast as they produce, are on the road to run As most of the poverty we meet with grows out of idleness and extravagance, so most large forbes have been the result of baDIBE mdustry and frugality. The practice of economy is as necessary I the expenditure of time as of money. They say that, if we take care of the pence, the pounds will take care of themselves." So. if we take care of the minutes, the days will take care of them

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The acquisition of wealth demands as much self-denial, and as many sacrifices of present gratification, as the practice of virtue itself Vice and poverty proceed, in some degree, from the same sources, namely—the disposition to sacrifice the future to the present; the ability to forego a small present pleasure for great future advantages. Men fail of fortune in this world, as they fail of happiness in the world to come, simply because they are unwilling to deny them. selves momentary enjoyments for the sake of permanent future hap piness.

Every large city is filled with persons, who, in order to support the appearance of wealth, constantly live beyond their income, and make up the deficiency by contracting debts which are never paid. Others there are, the mere drones of society, who pass their days in idleness, and subsist by pirating on the hives of the industrious. Many who run a short-lived career of splendid beggary, could they but be persuaded to adopt a system of rigid economy for a few years, might pass the remainder of their days in affluence. But no! They must keep up appearances, they must live like other folks. Their debts accumu late; their credit fails; they are harrassed by duns, and besieged by constables and sheriffs. In this extremity, as a last resort, they often submit to a shameful dependence, or engage in criminal practices, which entail hopeless wretchedness and infamy on themselves and families.

Stick to the business in which you are regularly employed. Let speculators make their thousands in a year or day; mind your own regular trade, never turning from it to the right hand or the left If you are a merchant, a professional man, or a mechanic, never buy lots ur stocks unless you have surplus money which you wish to invest. Your own business you understand as well as other men; but other people's business you do not understand. Let your business be some one which is useful to the community. All such (ccupations possess the elements of profit in themselves.


THIS is one of the most important branches of household affairs. There is not one person in fifty who is capable of selecting good meats, if his butcher chooses to impose upon him; and as for cooking, I sup pose every one will admit there is room enough for reform in this department, all the world over. I have therefore taken pains to prepare a complete system of rules and observations by which any person of ordinary prudence and sagacity can not only purchase good meats, but have them cooked properly.

(1.) Venison.

If the fat be clear, bright, and thick, and the cleft part smooth and close, it is young; but if the cleft is wide and tough, it is old.

(2.) Beef.

If the flesh of ox-beef be young, it will have a fine, smooth, open grain, be of good red, and feel tender. The fat should look white rather than yellow; for when that is of a deep color, the meat is suldom good; beef fed by oil cakes is in general so, and the flesh is flabby.

In roasting beef, ten pounds will take above two hours and a half. twenty pounds, three hours and three quarters.

(3.) Veal.

The flesh of a bull-calf is firmest, but not so white. The fillet of the cow-calf is generally preferred for the udder. The whitest is the most juicy, having been made so by frequent bleeding.

Veal and mutton should have a little paper put over the fat to preserve it. If not fat enough to allow for basting, a little good dripping answers as well as butter.

(4.) Mutton.

Choose this by the fineness of its grain, good color, and firm white fat. A neck of mutton will take an hour and a half, if kept a proper distance. A chin of pork, two hours.

(5.) Lamb.

Observe the neck of a fore-quarter; if the vein is bluish, it is 'resh; if it has a green or yellow cast, it is stale.

(6.) Pork.

Pinch the lean, and if young it will break. If the rind be tough, thick, and cannot easily be impressed by the finger, it is old. A thin rind is a merit in all pork. When fresh, the flesh will be smooth and tool; if clammy. it is tainted.

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A tongue, if dry, takes for hors sow bong, the soaking; tongue out of pickle, from two bows and a bad three boars, or more if very large; it must be judged by feeling whether it is very tender.

Put the meat in cold water, and four it we first. Meat boiled quick will be hard; but care must be taken that in bolling slow i does not stop, or the meat will be under-done.

If the meam is kept in, the water will not lessen mach; therefore, when you wish it to boil away, take of the cover of the soup-pot. Vegetables should not be dressed with the meat, except carrots or paranipe with boiled beef.

Weigh the meat; and allow for all solid joints a quarter of an hour for every pound, and some minutes (from ten to twenty) over, according as the family like it done.

The meat should be put at a good distance from the fire, and brought gradually nearer when the inner part becomes hot, which will Brevent its being scorched while yet raw. Meat should be much basted, and, when nearly done, floured, to make it look frothed.

In roasting meat, it is a very good way to put a little sait and water into the dripping-pan, and baste for a while with it, before using its own fat or dripping. When dry, dust it with flour, and baste as usual. Halting meat before it is put to roast draws out the gravy; it should only be sprinkled when almost done

(9.) For Roasting.

The cook must order a fire according to what she is to dress. If Knything little or thin, then a brisk little fire, that it may be done quick and nice. If a very large joint, be sure that a good fire is laid to cake; let it be clear at the bottom, and when the meat is half done, move the dripping-pan and spit a little from the fire, and stir it up. The spit ought to be kept very clean, and ought to be rubbed with nothing but sand and water. Wipe it with a dry cloth. Oil, brickdust, &c, will spoi. the meat.

(10.) To Roast Pork.

When you roast a loin, take a sharp penknife and cut the akia

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acrces, to make the crackling eat the better. Roast a leg of pork thus: take a knife and score it; stuff the knuckle part with sage and onion, chopped fine with pepper and salt; or cut a hole under the twist, and put the sage, &c., there, and skewer it up. Roast it crisp Make apple-sauce and send up in a boat; then have a little drawn gravy to put in the dish. This is called a mock goose. The spring, or hand of pork, if young, roasted like a pig, eats very well; otherwise it is better boiled. The spare-rib should be basted with a bit of butter, a little flour, and some sage shred small: never make any sauce to it but apple. The best way to dress pork griskins is to roast them, baste them with a little butter and sage, and pepper and salt. Pork must be well done. To every pound allow a quarter of an hour: for example, a joint of twelve pounds weight will require three hours, and so on. If it be a thin piece of that weight, two hours will roast it.

(11.) To Roast Veal.

Be careful to roast veal of a fine brown color; if a large joint, have a good fire; if small, a little brisk fire. If a fillet or a loin, be sure to paper the fat, that you lose as little of that as possible: lay it at some distance from the fire, till it is soaked; then lay it near the fire. When you lay it down, baste it well with good butter; and when it is near done, baste it again, and drudge it with a little flour. The breast must be roasted with the caul on till it is done enough; skewer the sweet-bread on the back side of the breast. When it is nigh done, take off the caul, baste it, and drudge it with a little flour. Veal takes much about the same time in roasting as pork.

(12.) To Roast Beef.

Paper the top, and baste it well, while roasting, with its own dripping, and throw a handfull of salt on it. When you see the smoke draw to the fire, it is near enough; take off the paper, baste it well, and drudge it with a little flour to make a fine froth. Never salt roast meat before you lay it to the fire, for it draws out the gravy. If would keep it a few days before you dress it, dry it with a cloth, and hang it where the air will come to it. When you take up the meat, garnish the dish with horseradish.

(13.) To Roast a Pig.


Spit a pig, and lay it to the fire, which must be a very good one at each end, or hang a flat iron in the middle of the grate. Before you lay the pig down, take a little sage shred small, a piece of butter as big as a walnut, and pepper and salt; put them in the pig, and sew it up with a coarse thread; flour it well over, and keep flouring till the eyes drop out, or you find the crackling hard. Be sure to save all the gravy that comes out of it, by setting basins or pans under the pig in the dripping-pan, as soon as the gravy begins to run. When the pig is done enough, stir the fire up; take a coarse cloth with about a quarter of a pound of butter in it, and rub the pig over till the crackling is crisp; then take it up. Lay it in a dish, and with

sharp knife cut off the head, then cut the pig ir two before you

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