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until the juice is nearly wasted, then add the sugar, and simmer to a fine jam. In this way the jam is greatly superior to that which is made by putting the sugar in first.

Another way.

Put the fruit in a jar into a kettle of boiling water (or cold, and let it boil) or set the jar on a hot hearth till the juice will run from it. then take one gill from every pound of fruit. Boil and bruise it half as hour, then put in the weight of the fruit in sugar, and the same quadtity of currant juice, boil it to a strong jelly. The raspberry juice may be boiled with its weight in sugar to a jelly, to make ice cream.

(10.) To Clarify Sugar.

Take half a pint of water to one pound of loaf sugar, set it over the fire to dissolve; to twelve pounds of sugar thus prepared, beat up an egg very well, put in when cold, and, as it boils up, check it with a little cold water. The second time boiling, set it away to cool. In a quarter of an hour, skim the top, and turn the syrup off quickly, leaving the sediment which will collect at the bottom.

(11.) Currant Jelly.

4 quarts of juice; 8 lbs. of refined sugar.

The currants should be used as soon as of a light red; put them, stem and all, into a jar, place that in boiling water, cook, then squeezɛ the juice, and to every quart put two pounds of sugar; boil together fifteen minutes, then put into glasses.

(12.) Bread Cheese Cake.

1 nutmeg; 1-2 lb. of currants; 1 pint of cream; 1 spoonful of rose-water; 8 eggs; 1 penny loaf of bread; 1-2 lb. of butter.

Scald the cream, slice the bread thin as possible, and pour the cream boiling on to it; let it stand two hours. Beat together the eggs, butter, and grated nutmegs, and rose-water, add the cream, beat well, and bake in patty-pans on a raised crust.

(13.) Almond Custards.

4 oz. of blanched almonds; 4 yolks of eggs; 1 pint of cream; 2 spoonfuls of sugar; 2 spoonfuls of rose-water.

Beat the almonds fine with the rose-water; beat the yolks and sugar together, then add to the other ingredients, stir them well together unti it becomes thick, then pour it into cups.

(14.) Cranberry Jelly.

2 oz. of singlass; 1 lb. of double refined sugar; 3 pints of well strained cranberry juice.

Make a strong jelly of the isinglass, then add the sugar and crar. berry juice, boil up, strain it into shape. It is very fine. Or put the cranberries with calf's feet, or pork jelly.

(15.) Apple Marmalade.

10 lbs. of apples; 10 lbs. of lump sugar.

Peel pippins (or any fine appple to cook), drop in water as they are done; then scald until they will pulp from the core. After being nicely done, take equal weight of sugar in large lumps, just dip them in water, and boiling it until it be well skimmed, and is a thick syrup; then add the pulp, and simmer it on a quick fire fifteen minutes. Keep t in jay pots.

(16.) Apple Jelly.

20 golden pippins; sugar; 1 lemon.

Peel and core the apples, put into a preserving-kettle with one pint and a half of water, stew until tender; then strain the liquor through a colander. To every pint, put a pound of fine sugar, add grated orange or lemon, then boil to a jelly.

Another.-Prepare the apples as above; have ready half an ounce of isinglass boiled in half a pint of water to a jelly. Put this to the apple-water, and apple as strained through a coarse sieve; add sugar, a little lemon juice and peel. Boil up all together, and put into a dish. Take out the peel.

(17.) Biscuit of Fruit.

To the pulps of any scalded fruit put an equal weight of refined and sifted sugar, beat it two hours, then put it into little white paper forms; dry in a cool oven, turn the next day, and, in two or three days, box them.


The head of every family should become familiar with the readiest methods of curing at least the ordinary complaints. I would by no means attempt to make "every man his own doctor," for when serious disease threatens, it is the first duty of every one to call in an experienced physician; but there are a countless number of cases where a faithful prescription will save many a doctor's fee, and not unfre quently years of suffering or even a valuable life.

I present now a few recipes, all of which I have tested on myse'f and others, and know to be correct. Still, what will cure one person, will not always cure another, as people's idiosyncracies of constitution differ. In many cases, therefore, I have given more than one prescription for the same complaint. If one will not answer, let another be tried. If they will do no good, I am sure they will do no harm.

It is hardly necessary to state, perhaps, that all the articles of a medicinal character here mentioned can readily be procured either at the drug or herb stores.

(1.) A sure remedy for Summer Complaint.

Put three-fourths of a teaspoonful of powdered rhubarb, and one

Leaspoonful of magnesia into a tea-cup, and pour it full of boiling water; let it stand till it is cool, and then pour the liquid off, to whict add two teaspoonfuls of good brandy, and sweeten well with loaf sugar; give a child of from one to three years old a teaspoonful five or six times a day. For food, take a double handful of flc r, tie it up in & cloth, and boil it three hours; when cold, take off the outer covering of paste, and grate the hard white substance in a sufficient quantity to thicken with milk, boil it a minute or two, stir it with a stick of cinnamon, and sweeten it. Both the medicine and the food are quite palatable, and together rarely fail of a perfect cure.

(2.) A simple remedy for the Summer Complaint.

I have often seen quite severe attacks of this disease, attended with severe griping in the bowels, immediately subdued by taking six drops of the essence of spearmint on a little sugar. This is a very easily applied remedy, and in very many cases, particularly with women and children, (children should take but two drops, if less than five years of age, and delicate women four drops,) will be found a perfect cure. If nothing better, it is very useful to check the complaint when it comes on one, as it often does, at a time when it is inconvenient to take other medicines; for instance, in traveling. The dose can be repeated every six hours if found necessary.

(3.) Cure for Run-rounds.

That disease of the finger or toe which is commonly called a runround, may be easily cured by a remedy so simple, that persons who have not tried it are generally incredulous as to its efficacy. The first symptoms of the complaint are heat, pain, swelling, and redness at the top of the nail. The inflammation, if not checked very soon, goes round the whole of the nail, causing intense pain, accompanied by a gathering of yellow matter, which, as soon as it appears, should be punctured or opened by a needle, not waiting till it has extended its progress, otherwise the finger will become excessively sore, and the nail will eventually come off. All this may be prevented at once, if, as soon as the swelling and inflammation begin, the finger is laid flat on the table, and the nail is scratched all over (first lengthwise, and then, crosswise) with the sharp point of a pin or scissors, or of a pen-knife, Bo as to scratch off the whole surface of the nail, leaving it rough and white. This little operation will not give the slightest pain, and we have never known it fail in stopping the progress of the disease; all symptoms of which will disappear by next day. This may be relied on as a positive cure, if done before matter begins to appear, and even then it will succeed if the yellow part of the gathering be first puncured with a needle.

(4.) A good remedy for the Toothache.

Take kreosote one part, spirit of wine ten parts. Mix and apply by means of a small piece of lint. This often affords immediate relief.

(5.) Cure for Corns.

Pare them down to the quick, but not so far as to make them bleed, then apply, on going to bed, the inner part of an onion mashed fine. A very few applications will soon cause a complete cure.

(6.) To remove a Wart.

Touch it with a clean pen dipped in a little aquafortis. By repeating this daily, the wart will crumble and come off without pain of trouble. It is an excellent and safe remedy for hard, horny, callous, whitish warts; but if the wart be red, fleshy, and sore to the touch, do not apply the aquafortis.

(7.) Ringworms.

There is no better remedy than mercurial ointment rubbed on at night, and not washed off till morning. It causes no pain, and a few applications of it will effect a cure.

(8.) Cure for Quinsy.

Simmer hops in vinegar until their strength is extracted, strain the liquid, sweeten it with sugar, and give it frequently to the patient until relieved. This is an almost infallible remedy.

(9.) To cure the Consumption.

I do not give the following as an effectual remedy for a deep seated consumption, but that it will cure many most obstinate cases I well know. I have witnessed its good effects in numberless_instances. Live temperately-avoid spirituous liquors-wear flannel next the skin-and take, every morning, half a pint of new milk mixed with a wineglass full of expressed juice of green hoarhound; and if you are not too far gone. a cure is certain.

(10.) To make Lozenges that will cure the Heart-burn

Take prepared chalk four ounces, crab's eyes prepared, two ounces, bole aminoniac one ounce-make into a paste with dissolved gum arabic. When held in the mouth till they dissolve, they will afford sensible relief.

(11.) Spitting of Blood.

Take two spoonfuls of the juice of nettles at night, or take three spoonfuls of sage juice in a little honey. This presently stops either spitting or vomiting blood; or twenty grains of alum in water every two hours.

(12.) Cure for a Cough.


This is a complaint which admits of a variety of remedies. follows a number of recipes, all of which I know to be good. If one does not cure, try another. What will cure one person will not always cure another. 1. Roast a large lemon very carefully without burning; when it is thoroughly hot, cut and squeeze it into a cup upon three ounces of sugar-candy finely powdered; take a spoonful whenever your cough troubles you. It is easy to be obtained, pleasant to

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take, and in very many instances will prove a perfect cure. 2. Take two ounces of syrup of poppies, as much conserve of red roses; mix, and take one spoonful for three nights when going to bed. 3. Make a strong tea of alehoof, sweeten it with sugar-candy, pour this upon a white toast well rubbed with nutmeg, and drink it first and last. 4. For a Cough with Hoarseness.—Syrup of jujubes and olthea, of each two ounces, lohock savans one ounce, saffron and water flag powdered, of each a scruple; lick it off a liquorice stick when you cough. 5. For a Consumptive Cough.-Take half a pound of double refined sugar finely beat and sifted, wet this with an orange, water and boil it to a candy, then stir in an ounce of cassia earth powdered, and use it as other candy.

(13.) To cure a Cold with a Cough.

The editor of the Baltimore Farmer and Gardener says the best rem ødy he ever tried in his family for a cough or cold, is a decoction of the leaves of the pine tree, sweetened with loaf sugar, to be freely drank warm when going to bed at night, and cold through the day. It is a certain cure in a short time.

(14.) A certain cure for Colds.

Take a large teaspoonful of flax-seed with half an ounce of extract of liquorice, and a quarter of a pound of sun-dried raisins. Put it into two quarts of soft water, and let it simmer over a slow fire till it is reduced to one; then add to it a quarter of a pound of brown sugar candy, pounded, a tablespoonful of white wine vinegar, or lemon juice. N. B. The vinegar is best to be added only to that quantity you are going immediately to take; for if it be put into the whole, it is liable in a little time to grow flat. Drink a half a pint on going to bed, and take a little when the cough is troublesome.

This recipe generally cures the worst of colds in two or three days, and if taken in time may be said to be almost an infallible remedy. It 8 a sovereign balsamic cordial for the lungs, without the opening qual ities which engender fresh colds on going out. I have known it to cure colds that have almost settled into consumption, in three weeks.

(15.) To prevent the Nails growing down into the Toes.

This is a very troublesome, and sometimes dangerous thing, for know an instance of a toe's having to be amputated in consequence But the cure is very simple. Take a sharp pointed knife, and cut a little furrow all along the top of the rail lengthwise. As it fills up scrape it out again. This will cause the nail to contract at the top, and so loosen its hold from the flesh. Persevere until the difficulty is entirely overcome.

(16.) A sure cure for the Barber's Itch.

Having in numberless instances seen the good effects of the follow ing prescription, I can certify to its being a perfect reme'y. Dilute corrosive sublimate with the oil of almonds, apply it to the face occa gionally, and in a few days a cure will be effected.

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