صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

If the Atherton bill is not right, make it right. If there is anything that is wanting, make it perfect. But do something. Gentlemen of the committee, the issue is upon you. The responsibility is upon you. You cannot avoid it if you would. You must either stretch forth the strong arm of the state and take the Concord Railroad under its protection or refuse to do it. If you refuse, the Concord Railroad, assailed in front and in rear and at the sides, must be overwhelmed. Its surplus will be lost to the state, and will, by stock-watering, be put into the pockets of speculators, and then the public will be oppressed to pay dividends on the increased capital. Now, in the name of all we hold dear, in the name of what New Hampshire has been and what we hope she will continue to be, let us save this valuable property for the state. If there is anything wanting in the Atherton bill to make it perfect so it will secure the Concord road to be used for the benefit of the state, and not a dollar for stockwaterers, put it in. Will you let this splendid property be lost to the state? Will you give it up to hungry speculators who are indiscriminately swallowing both right and left, railroads that are wholly bankrupt, buying the worthless stock of such railroads and then issuing their own stock for it? They have got their eye on the Concord Railroad, and there never was a hungry wolf whose mouth watered for a fat morsel as these speculators long for the Concord Railroad. The issue is made up. It is upon us. It must be decided now, and you must decide it. The state must put forth its strong arms, and by a judicious law put the Concord Railroad beyond the reach of stock-waterers and speculators, or it is gone forever. What will you do with the Concord Railroad? It lies with you to say; and the decision you now make is irrevocable. You cannot hereafter reverse your decision and save it. No future legislation can save it. You must save it now. You must lock the door now, or the horse will be stolen. What will you do with the Concord Railroad? Will you hand it over to foreign speculators and put it beyond the control of the state to have its stock watered down so as to put millions into their pockets? It would not be so thin then as the Boston & Lowell stock. Do you ask how they will do it? Isn't it plain enough? These bankrupt roads they have been buying up, when

they get control of the Concord road they can make a lease of to the Concord road. It will disembowl the Concord road in a short time, and the surplus would all be in the pockets of these gentlemen who are hungering and thirsting. I repeat: What will you do with the Concord Railroad? Will you keep the Concord Railroad to use and develop the state, make new taxable property to aid and contribute to the prosperity of the state? Or will you allow it to pass beyond your control to make millionaires of foreign speculators who will tax you to pay dividends on watered stock? If you give it away they will not thank you for it, and they will afterward ride over you and abuse you.

I have spoken, perhaps earnestly, for I feel deeply. I have not intended to be unjust to anybody. I have spoken with malice to no one; and if I have done anybody injustice, I ask pardon. I believe I have stated the issue plainly. I have endeavored to do it truthfully and justly. And now, gentlemen, with the earnest hope that the wisdom of Almighty God may guide you in your deliberations and final decision, I commit the cause into your hands.

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