صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Peat, a word of endearment.
Pedascule, a pedant.

Peer, to come out, to appear.
Peevish, foolish.

Peize, to balance, to keep in suspense, to weigh down. Pelting, paltry, petty, inconsi


Pennons, small flags.

Penthesilia, Amazon.

Pomewater, a species of apple.
Poor-john, hake dried and salted.
Popinjay, a parrot.

Popularity, plebeian intercourse.
Port, external pomp, figure.
Port, a gate.
Portable, bearable.

Portance, carriage, behaviour. Possess, to inform, to make to understand.

Perch, a measure of five yards Possessed, acquainted with, fully

and a half. Perdurable, lasting.

Perdy, par Dieu, a French oath. Perfect, certain, well informed. Perfections, liver, brain, and


Perjure, a perjured person. Periapts, charms sewed up and worn about the neck. Perspectives, certain optical glas


Pervert, to avert.
Pew-fellow, a companion.
Pheere. See Feere.

Pheeze, to teaze or beat, to comb or curry.

Pia mater, the membrane covering the substance of the brain. Pick, to pitch.

Picked, nicely dressed, foppish. Pickers, the hands.

Picking, piddling, insignificant. Fickt-hatch, a place noted for brothels.

Piece, a word of contempt for a


Pield, shaven.
Pight, pitched, fixed.
Pilcher, a pilche, the scabbard.
Pilled, pillaged.

Pin and web, disorders of the


Pinnace, a small ship of burthen. Pix, a small chest in which the consecrated host was kept. Placket, a petticoat.

Plague, to punish.


Possessed, afflicted with madness.
Potch, to push violently.
Potents, potentates.
Pouncet-box, a small box for per-

Power, forces, an army.
Practice, unlawful or insidious

Practise, to employ unwarrantable arts.

Practisants, confederates in stratagems.

Prank, to adorn, to dress osten

tatiously, to plume. Precedent, original draft. Precept, a justice's warrant. Precisian, a great pretender to sanctity.

Prefer, to recommend, to ad


Pregnancy, readiness.

Pregnant, ready, plain, evident, apposite.

Pregnant enemy, the enemy of mankind.

Premised, sent before the time.
Prenominate, already named.
Pre-ordinance, ordinance already
Presence, the presence-cham
ber, a public room.
Presence, dignity of mien, form,
Prest, ready.

Pretence, design, intention.
Pretend, to intend, design.

Plain song, the chant, in plano Pretended, purposed or intended.


Plainly, openly.

Plaited, complicated, involved. Planched, made of brands. Plant, the foot.

Platforms, plans, schemes. Plausive, gracious, pleasing, popular.

Pleached, folded together.

Plot, piece of portion.

Prevent, to anticipate.
Prick, the point on the dial.
Pricks, prickles, skewers.
Pride, haughty power.
Prig, to filch.

Prime, youth, the vigour of life.
Prime, prompt.

Primer, more urgent, more important.

Primero, a game at cards.

Point, a metal hook fastened to Principality, the first or princi

the hose or breeches. Point, the utmost height. Point-de-vice, with the utmost possible exactness. Points, tags to the laces. Poize, weight or moment. Polled, bared, cleared.

Pomander, a ball made of perfumes.

pal of women.

Principals, rafters of a building. Princox, a coxcomb, or spoiled child.

Probal, probable.

Process, summons.

Procure, to bring.

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Profane, love of talk, gross of language.

Profession, end and purpose of coming.

Progress, a royal journey of state.
Project, to shape or form.
Prompture, suggestion, tempta-

Prone, sometimes humble.
Prone, forward.

Proof, confirmed state of manhood.

Propagate, to advance or improve.

Propagation, getting.

Proper, well-looking, handsome.
Proper-false, proper or fair, and
false or deceitful.
Propertied, taken possession of.
Properties, incidental necessaries
to a theatre.
Property, due performance.
Property, a thing quite at dis-

Propose, to image, to imagine.
Proposing, conversing.
Propriety, regular and proper


Prorogue, to lengthen or prolong.
Provand, provender.
Provencial, Provençal, from Pro-


Provincial, belonging to one's province.

Provost, sheriff or gaoler.
Prune, to plume..

Puck, or hobgoblin in fairy
Pugging, thievish.
Pun, to pound.

Purchase, stolen goods. Purchased, acquired by unjust methods.

Purlieu, border, enclosure.
Pursuivants, heralds.

Put to know, compelled to acknowledge.

Putter-on, one who instigates. Putter-out, one who places out

money at interest.

Putting-on, spur, incitement. Puttock, a degenerate species of hawk.


Quail, to faint, languish.
Quaint, fantastical, graceful.
Quaint-mazes, a game running
the figure of eight

Quaked, thrown into trepidation.
Qualify, to lessen, moderate.
Quality, confederates.

Quality, profession, condition of life.

Prodigious, portentous, omi- Quarrel, a quarreller, the cause of a quarrel


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Rabato, an ornament for the neck.
Rabbet-sucker, a sucking rabbit.
Race, original disposition, inborn
qualities, a smack or flavour.
Rack, wreck.

Rack, to exaggerate.
Rack, to harass by exactions.
Rack, the fleeting away of the

Racking, in rapid motion.
Rag, an opprobrious epithet.
Ragged, rugged.

Rake, to cover.

Rank, rate or pace.

Rank, grown up to a great height and strength.

Rapt, rapturously affected.
Rapture, a fit.

Rarely, curiously, happily.

Rascal, applied to lean deer.

Rash, heady, thoughtless, quick,


Rebeck, an old musical instru


Receiving, ready apprehension. Receipt, receptacle. Recheate, a sound by which the dogs are called back. Reck, to care for, to mind, to attend to.

Reckless, careless, heedless. Recollected, studied or often repeated.

Record, to sing.

Rivals, partners

Rive, to burst, to fire.

Road, the haven where shipsride

at anchor. Rogues, vagrants.

Romage, rummage.

Ronyon, a scurvy woman.
Rood, the cross.
Rook, to squat down.

Ropery, roguery.

Rope-tricks, abusive language.
Round, a diadem.

Recorder, a kind of flute or fla-Rounded, whispered.


Recure, to recover.

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Round, rough, unceremonious.


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Red-lattice, the sign of an ale- Roundure, circle.


Reduce, to bring back.

Reechy, discoloured by smoke, Royalize, to make royal.

smoky, greasy.

Refell, to refute.
Refer, to reserve to.
Regard, look.

Regiment, government, authority.
Regreet, exchange of salutation.
Reguerdon, recompense, return.
Relative, nearly related, or con-

Remembered, remembering.
Remembrance, admonition.
Remorse,pity, tenderness of heart.
Remotion, removal or remoteness.
Removed, remote, sequestered.
Render, to describe.

Render, a confession, an account.
Renege, to renounce.
Repair, to renovate.
Repeal, to recall.
Reports, reporters.
Reproof, confutation.
Repugn, to resist.
Reputing, boasting of.

Requiem, a mass for the soul of
a person deceased.
Resolve, to be firmly persuaded,

Resolve, to dissolve.
Respect, consideration, caution.
Respective, respectable, respect.
ful, formal.

Respective, cool, considerate.
Respectively, respectfully.
Retailed, handed down.

Retire, to draw back.

Reverb, to reverberate.

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Royalty, nobleness, supreme excellence.

Roynish, mangy or scabby.
Ruddock, the redbreast.
Ruff, the folding of the tops of

Ruffle, to riot, to create disturb


Ruffling, rustling.
Ruin, displeasure producing ruin
Rule, a method of life.
Ruth, pity, compassion.


Sacred, accursed.
Sacrificial, worshipping.
Sad, grave or serious.
Sadly, seriously.
Sadness, seriousness.
Safe, to render safe.
Sagg or swagg, to sink down.
Salt, tears.

Sanded, of a sandy colour.
Satisfy, rest with satisfaction.
Savage, silvan, uncultivated,

Savageness, wildness.
Saucy, lascivious.

Saw, anciently, not a proverb,
but the whole tenor of any
Say, silk.

Say, a sample, a taste or relish. Scaffoldage, the gallery part of

the theatre.

Scald, a word of contempt, poor

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Right-drawn, drawn in a right Scamble, to scramble.


Rigol, a circle.

Ringed, environed, encircled.
Ripe, come to the height.

Rivage, the bank or shore.
Rivality, equal rank.

Scan, to examine nicely. Scant, to be deficient in, to co


Scantling, measure, proportion Scapes of wit, sallies, irregulari ties.

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Sheriff's-post, a large post set up
at the door of that officer for
affixing proclamations, &c.
Shive, a slice.
Shot, shooter.
Shovel-board, a game.
Shoughs, shocks, a species of dog.
Shouldered, rudely thrust into.
Shrewd, having the qualities of a


Shrift, confession..


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Shrive. to confess, to call to Soul-fearing, soul-appalling.


Shut-up, to conclude.

Sude-sleeves, long sleeves.
Siege, stool, seat, rank.

Sight, the perforated part of a helmet.

Sightless, unsightly.
Sign, to show, to denote.
Silly, simple or rustic.
Silly, sooth, plain, simple truth.
Sincere, honest.
Sinew, strength.

Single, weak, debile, small, void

of duplicity or guile. Sink-a-pace,cinque-pace,a dance. Sir, the designation of a parson. Sir-reverence, a corruption of


Sith, since. hypocriti-Sithence, thence.

Seaming, seemly. Seen, versed, practised. Seld, seldom. Self-bounty, inherent generosity. Semblably, in resemblance, alike. Seniory, seniority. Sennet, a flourish or sounding. Sense, reason, natural affection, feeling, sensual passion.

Sensible, having sensation.

Septentrion, the north.

Sequestration, separation.

Sere or sear, dry.

Sizes, allowances of victuals.
Skains-mates, loose companions.
Skirr, to scour, to ride hastily.
Slack, to neglect.
Slave, to treat as a slave.
Sleave, the ravelled knotty part
of the silk.

Sledded, riding in a sled or sledge
Slights, arts, subtle practices.
Slips, a contrivance of leather, to
start two dogs at the same time.
Sliver, to cut a piece or slice.
Slops, loose breeches, or trow-
sers, tawdry dress.

Serjeant, a bailiff or sheriff's of- Slough, the skin which the ser

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Serve, to accompany.

Set, seated.

Setebos, a species of devil. Several, separated, appropriated. Sewer, an officer who placed the dishes on the table. Shame, to disgrace. Shame, modesty. Shard-borne, born by shards or scaly wings.

Shards, the wings of a beetle. Shards, broken pots or tiles. Sharked, picked up as a shark collects his prey. Sheen, shining, splendour, lustre. Sheer, pellucid, transparent. Shent, scolded, rebuked,ashamed, disgraced.

Shent, to reprove harshly.

pent annually throws off.
Slower, more serious.
Slubber, to do any thing care-
lessly, imperfectly, to obscure.
Smilingly, with signs of pleasure.
Smirched, soiled or obscured.
Smoothed, to stroke, to caress,
to fondle.

Sneap, to check or rebuke, a re-

Sneaping, nipping.
Sneck-up, a cant-phrase,
hang yourself."
Snuff, hasty anger.
Snuffs, dislikes.


Soil, spot, turpitude, reproach.
Solely, alone.
Solicit, courtship.
Solicit, to excite.
Soliciting, information.
Solidares, an unknown coin.
Sometimes, formerly.


Sound, to declare or publish. -
Sound, soundly.

Soul, to pull by the ears.
Souter, perhaps the name of a

Spanned, measured.
Specialty, particular rights.
Sped, the fate decided.
Speed, event.

Sperr, to shut up, defend by bars, &c.

Spleen, humour, caprice, spirit. resentment.

Spleen, violent hurry, tumultuous speed.

Spleens, inclination to spiteful


Spot, stain or disgrace.
Spotted, wicked.

Sprag, or spackt, apt to learn.
Spread, to stand separately.
Sprighted, haunted.
Sprights, spirits.
Springhalt, a disease incident to

spring of life.
Springing, blooming, in the
Sprightly, ghostly.
Spurs, the longest and largest
roots of trees.

Square, to quarrel.
Square, regular, equitable, just,

Square, compass, comprehen-
sion, or complement.
Squarer, a quarrelsome fellow.
Squash, an immature peascod.
Squiny, to look asquint.
Squire, a square or rule.
Staggers, delirious perturbation.
Stale, a bait or decoy to catch

Stale, a pretence.
Stale, to allure.

Stand, to withstand, to resist.
Standing bowls, bowls elevated
on feet.

Stannyal, the common stone-

Star, a scar of that appearance.
Stark, stiff.

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ersons of high rank.
he act of standing.

I portrait.

he wood of the lances. hinderer, a supporter. Sent o assist, or help.

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-place, the stop in a ma

Stuklers, arbitrators, judges, sidesmen.

Stigmatical, marked or stigma-

Stigmatick, one on whom nature
has set a mark of deformity.
Still, constant or continual.
Stilly, gently, lowly.

Stint, to stop, to retard.

Stith, an anvil.

Suggest, to tempt, to prompt, to | Taurus, sides and heart in medi


Suggestion, hint.

Suggestions, temptations.
Suited, dressed.

Sullen, obstinately troublesome.
Summer-swelling, that which
swells or expands in summer.
Summoners, summoning officers.
Sumpter, a horse that carries ne-
cessaries on a journey.
Superfluous, over-clothed.
Superstitious, serving with super-
stitious attention.
Supposed, counterfeited, ima-

Sure, safe, out of danger, surely.
Sur-reined, over-worked, or rid-

Stoccata. a thrust or stab with a Suspire, to breathe.

Stock, a term in fencing.
Stock, stocking.

Stomach, passion, pride, stub-
born resolution, constancy, re-

Stoop, a measure somewhat more
than half a gallon.
Stover, a kind of thatch.
Stoup, a kind of flagon.

Swaggerer, a roaring, fighting

Swart, or swarth, black, or dark

Swarth, or swath, as much grass
or corn as a mower cuts down
at one stroke of his scythe.
Swashing, noisy, bullying.
Swath, the dress of a new-born

Strachy, probably some kind of Sway, the whole weight, mo

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Sweeting, a species of apple.
Swift, ready.

Swinge-bucklers, rakes, rioters.
Swoop, the descent of a bird of




dical astrology.

Tawdry, a kind of necklaces

worn by country girls.
Taxation, censure or satire.
Teen, sorrow, grief.
Temper, to mould like was.
Temper, temperament, constitu

Temperance, temperature.
Tempered, rendered pliable
Tend, to attend upon, to wait

Tender, to regard with affection.
Tendring, watching with tea


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Table, the palm of the hand ex- Three-man-beetle, an implemen


Table, a picture.

Tables, table-books, memoran-

Tabourine, a small drum.
Tag, the lowest of the populace.
Taint, to throw a slur upon.
Take, to strike with a disease, to

Take-in, to conquer, to get the
better of.

Take up, to contradict, to call to

an account.

Take-up, to levy.

Tall, stout, bold, courageous.
Tallow-keech, the fat of an ox or


Tame, ineffectual.

used for driving piles.
Three-pile, rich velvet.
Thrift, a state of prosperity.
Throes, emits as in parturition.
Thrum, the extremity of a weat-
er's warp.
Thrummed, made of coarse wool-
len cloth.
Tib, a strumpet.
Tickle, ticklish.
Tickle-brain, some strong liquor.
Tight, handy, adroit.
Tightly, cleverly, adroitly.
Tilly-valley, an interjection f
Tilth, tillage.
Timeless, untimely.
Tinct, tincture.

Tame snake, a contemptible fel- Tire, head dress.


Tamed, flat, spiritless.
Tarre, to stimulate, to excite,

Tartar, Tartarus, the fabled

place of future punishment. Task, to keep busied with scruples.

Tasked, taxed.

Tire, to fasten, to fix the taloss


Tire, to be idly employed on.
Tired, adorned with ribands.
Tod, to yield or produce a zod, or

twenty-eight pounds.
Tokened, spotted as in the pla
Toll, to enter on the toll-bus
Tolling, taking toll.

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Touch, exploit or stroke.

Touck, a spice or particle. Touch, touchstone.

Touches, features.

Touched, tried.

Toward, in a state of readiness.
Toys, rumours, idle reports, fan-
cies, freaks of imagination.
Tore, to pull or pluck.
Trace, to follow.

Trade, a custom, an established habit.

Tradition, traditional practices. Traditional, adherent to old cus


Trail, the scent left by the passage
of the game.
Traitress, a term of endearment.
Tranect, a ferry.
Translate, to transfer, to explain.
Trash, a hunting phrase, to cor-


Travel, to stroll.

Traverse, a term in military exercise.

Traversed, across.

Tray-trip, some kind of game.
Treachers, treacherous persons.
Trenched, cut, carved.
Trick, trick of the times.
Trick, peculiarity of voice, face,

Trick, smeared, painted, in he-
Tricking, dress.

Tricksy, clever, adroit.
Triumphs, masques, revels, pub-
lic exhibitions.
Trojan, cant word for a thief.
Troll, to dismiss trippingly from
the tongue.
Trol-my-dames, a game.
Trossers, trowsers.
Trow, to believe.

Truth, honesty.

Tucket, or tucket sonnuance, a flourish.

Turlygood, or turlupin, a species of gipsy.

Turn, to become acescent.

Turquoise, a precious stone.

Twangling, an expression of contempt.

Twigging, wickered.

Tyed, limited, circumscribed. Type, distinguishing mark, show or emblem.

Tything, division of a place, a



Fail, to condescend to look, to

let down, to bow, to sink, Vailing, lowering.

Vanity, illusion.

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Unconfirmed, unpractised in the ways of the world.

Vantage, convenience, opportu- Under generation, the antipodes

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Undergo, to be subject to. Under-skinker, a tapster, an un derdrawer.

Undertaker, one who takes upon

himself the quarrel of another. Underwrite, to subscribe, to obey. Under-wrought, under-worked, undetermined.

Undeserving, undeserved.
Unearned, not deserved.
Uneath, scarcely, not easily.
Unexpressive, inexpressible.
Unhappy,mischievously waggish,

Unhidden, open, clear.
Unhoused, free from domestic

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