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النشر الإلكتروني
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the romantic strangeness and picturesqueness of the story, together with the classic calmness and "poise" of the style in which it is told. With what three other great English elegies may Thyrsis " be grouped? With what kind of writing was Arnold chiefly occupied in his later years? Explain, as clearly as possible, what Arnold meant by the catch-words, 66 Perfection," Culture," and "Philistinism." What point of resemblance is noticeable between the literary positions of Arnold and Ruskin. Into what two main periods was Ruskin's literary life divided? Name two or three works of each period. Note Ruskin's theory of the relation between art and the ethical nature; between art and the society where it is produced. What was Ruskin's great service to political economy? Read "Sesame and Lilies as a typical example of Ruskin's style and thought. In what respect does Ruskin's later life reflect the social conscience of the Victorian age? Sum up the facts of Newman's life. Name other notable English writers who were also prominent churchmen; when did they live? Was the literature they produced of a theological or a practical spirit? Or both? Do you agree with Newman that it was impossible to reconcile religion with the scientific and intellectual activities of the time? Why? Does it seem to you that the writers who took a stand opposite to Newman's were successful in their efforts to make a conciliation between the two spirits the religious and practical?

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Why should the Oxford Movement have paved the way for Preraphaelitism at Oxford? Point out the similarities in the two movements. The differences. Name the men most prominently connected with the Preraphaelite Movement. Give the facts of Rossetti's life. Who inspired the peculiar type of beauty with which his name as a painter is connected? Is artistic and literary England as a rule hostile or friendly to patriotic movements in other countries? Name some English writers who have been connected prominently with such movements. Has there been a strong tendency among English writers to look to Italy for inspiration? Name Rossetti's principal poems and define them. Name and describe his sonnet sequence. What earlier sonnet sequences are famous? Give the history of Morris's life. Describe "The Earthly Paradise." In what way are these verses significant for subject-matter, for versification, for philosophy? In what field of endeavor do you believe Morris was most significant: as craftsman, as poet, or as socialist? Swinburne, too, had manifold interests. In what way did they differ from Morris's? Name the sources of his subject-matter; of his literary forms. What are his excellences and his faults, as a poet? Describe Pater's life. Name his most important works and describe them. In what respects is he a romanticist? A pagan?

READING GUIDE.-Class reading of the authors treated in this chapter will naturally vary greatly, according to the taste of the teacher and of the student, and the time at their disposal. A selection from the following list will meet most cases.

Macaulay: Essays on Milton, on Addison, and on Johnson. These, together with the essay on Goldsmith, are given in Numbers 102, 103, and 104, of the Riverside Literature series.

Carlyle: Essays on Burns, on Boswell's "Johnson" (contrast with Macaulay's treatment); "The Hero as Poet" and "The Hero as Man of Letters," from "Heroes and Hero-Worship." These are included in the Selections from Carlyle by H. W. Boynton (Allyn & Bacon).

Tennyson: "The Lotus-Eaters," "The Lady of Shalott," "A Dream of Fair Women," "The Palace of Art," "The Miller's Daughter," "Locksley Hall," "Ulysses," "Charge of the Light Brigade," "The Revenge," ode on the Duke of Wellington, "Rizpah," "The Daisy," "Bugle Song" and "Tears, Idle Tears" from "The Princess"; "The Coming of Arthur," "Guinevere," and "The Passing of Arthur," from "Idylls of the King"; "The Poet," "Of Old Sat Freedom on the Heights," "Flower in the Crannied Wall," "The Higher Pantheism, ," "Merlin and the Gleam," "Crossing the Bar." All these poems, with selections from "Maud" and from "In Memoriam," are included in a volume edited by H. van Dyke, in the Athenæum Press series (Ginn).

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Browning: Short Poems-"How They Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix," "Cavalier Tunes," "The Lost Leader," "Meeting at Night and Parting at Morning," "Evelyn Hope,” "Home Thoughts from Abroad," "My Star," "Memorabilia," "The Patriot," "The Boy and the Angel," "The Englishman in Italy," "One Word More," 'Abt Vogler," "Rabbi Ben Ezra,” "Prospice," "Hervé Riel," "Over the Sea Our Galleys Went" (from "Paracelsus"), "Never the Time and the Place," "Epilogue to Asolando." Longer Poems-"Fra Lippo Lippi," "Andrea del Sarto," "Epistle of Karshish the Arab Physician," "Saul," "The Flight of the Duchess," "Pippa Passes," "Pompilia" and "Caponsacchi" from "The Ring and the Book." "A Good Selection from Browning's Shorter Poems" is edited by F. T. Baker, in Macmillan's Pocket series.

Mrs. Browning: "The Cry of the Children," "Cowper's Grave," "Rhyme of the Duchess May," "The Dead Pan," a few of the "Sonnets from the Portuguese." "Selections from Mrs. Browning's Shorter Poems," by H. E. Hershey, in Macmillan's Pocket series, is recommended.

Arnold: Poetry-"Dover Beach," "Obermann," "A Summer Night," "Self-Dependence," "The Scholar Gypsy," "Thyrsis," "Sohrab and Rustum." Selected poems in Maynard's English Classics. Prose "On Translating Homer," essays on Wordsworth, on Milton, and on Gray (from "Essays in Criticism"), essays on Emerson and on Numbers (from "Discourses in America"), selections from "Culture and Anarchy," given in Number 68 of Maynard's English Classics.

Ruskin: "Sesame and Lilies," "Crown of Wild Olive," "Unto This Last," selections from "Modern Painters," given in Number 48 of Maynard's English Classics. Comprehensive selections from Ruskin, with critical comment, are edited in one volume, by Mrs. L. G. Hufford (Ginn).

Of Newman the student may read the Apologia (Everyman's Library) and selections from The Idea of a University in the Riverside Literature series. The best introduction to Rossetti is through his narrative poems, "The White Ship" and "The King's Tragedy." Morris also may be approached through stories from The Earthly Paradise. Of Swinburne, "Bertha," "Itylus," "Ave atque Vale,' “Laus Veneris,” "The Forschen Garden," and "In the Bay" may be mentioned as representing different aspects of his work. Pater may be read in the "Selections with Introductory Essay" by E. E. Hale (Holt).

Texts: Besides the editions already mentioned, the following may be found useful-"Macaulay's Essays" (twenty-seven essays), and "Lays of Ancient Rome," in a single volume (Longmans); "Carlyle's Critical and Miscellaneous Essays," in one volume (Appleton); "Heroes and Hero-Worship" (Athenæum Press series, and in Cassell's National Library); "Past and Present" and "Sartor Resartus," in one volume (Harpers); "Selections from Tennyson's Shorter Poems," edited by C. R. Nutter, in Macmillan's Pocket series; "The Princess" and "Idylls of the King" in same series, also in Maynard's English Classics, Riverside Literature series, etc.; "Browning's Selected Poems" (Harpers), "Principal Shorter Poems" (Appleton), selections also in Maynard's English Classics; Arnold. "Selected Poems" in Golden Treasury series, "Selections from Prose Writings," by L. E. Gates (Holt); Ruskin, "Wild Olive” and "Munera Pulveris," in one volume (U. S. Book Co.), "Wild Olive" and "Sesame and Lilies," one volume (Burt).

Biography and Criticism.-Life of Macaulay, by J. A. C. Morison, in the English Men of Letters; the "Life of Macaulay," by G. O. Trevelyan, is one of the great biographies of English literature, but is too voluminous for school use. The life of Carlyle, by R. Garnett,

in the Great Writers series, is more satisfactory than the one given in the English Men of Letters; an essay on Carlyle occurs in Lowell's "My Study Windows." The life of Tennyson, by A. Lyall, English Men of Letters, is the best for ordinary use; H. van Dyke's study, "The Poetry of Tennyson," is the best among the many commentaries upon his work. The life of Browning, by W. Sharp, Great Writers series, and by G. K. Chesterton, English Men of Letters, supplement each other well; the best aid to an understanding of Browning for beginners, is H. Corson's "Introduction to the Study of Browning" (Heath). An excellent study of Arnold is prefixed to the volume of "Selections" by L. E. Gates, mentioned above. Of Ruskin's life, especially his early years, his autobiography entitled "Præterita" is the best account; Ruskin, in the English Men of Letters series, is by F. Harrison. Among the critical commentaries may be mentioned "The Work of John Ruskin," by C. Waldstein (Harpers) and "John Ruskin, Social Reformer," by J. A. Hobson.

"Cardinal Newman," by R. H. Hutton (Houghton Mifflin); "Cardinal Newman, the Story of His Life," by J. H. Jennings; "The Oxford Movement, 1833-1845," by R. W. Church (London, 1891). Essays, by R. H. Hutton, in "Modern Guides of English Thought"; by R. W. Church, in Occasional Papers, vol. II (six papers on Newman); by A. B. Donaldson, in "Five Great Oxford Leaders" (London, 1900); by L. E. Gates (Newman as a prose-writer), in "Three Studies in Literature" (also prefixed to selections, above); by W. S. Lilly, in "Essays and Speeches"; by J. Jacobs, in "Literary Studies."

Dante Gabriel Rossetti: "Life," by J. Knight (Great Writers); "Life," by A. C. Benson, in English Men of Letters; "Life," by William Sharp (Macmillan, 1882); "The Rossettis," by Elizabeth Cary (1907). Essays, by A. C. Swinburne, in "Miscellanies"; by H. B. Forman, in “Our Living Poets"; by S. A. Brooke, in "Four Victorian Poets."

William Morris: "Life," by J. W. Mackail, 2 vols. (Longmans); "Life," by Elizabeth Cary (1902); "Life," by Alfred Noyes, in English Men of Letters; Wm. Morris, his "Art, Writings, and Public Life."

Algernon Charles Swinburne: "Life," by E. Gosse (1917); "Life," by G. E. Woodberry, in Contemporary Men of Letters (1905); "A. C. Swinburne, a Study," by T. Wratislaw. Essays, by H. B. Forman, in "Our Living Poets"; by J. R. Lowell (Swinburne's Tragedies), in "My Study Windows"; by G. E. Saintsbury, in "Corrected Impressions"; "Critical Study," by Edward Thomas (London, 1912).




THE novel of the nineteenth century is broader and more complex than that of the eighteenth, by virtue of the greater breadth and complexity of the life with which it has to deal. The world of fiction in the eighteenth century is a small one; its characters are, with a few notable exceptions, drawn from the leisure class and its dependents; they have usually no business in life beyond carrying on the action of the story. But in the nineteenth century we have novels which deal with the life of the sea, the army, crime, sport, commerce, labor, politics, and the church, and with the special difficulties, dangers, and temptations which each career involves. Again, the increase in knowledge of the past, and of remote parts of the world, which the century has brought, has thrown open to the romancer two great new fields. Finally, the deeper thought of the century, bearing fruit in rapid social changes, has given to the novel of purpose greater dignity and power. The attempt to reform government and institutions, the labor movement, the so-called conflict between science and faith, all have been reflected in novels, and have in turn been influenced by them. The nineteenthcentury novel is therefore to be regarded not only as a vast and comprehensive picture of life, but as a powerful force acting upon society.

II. JANE AUSTEN (1775-1817)

Jane Austen's Life. The earliest of nineteenth-century novelists, however, Jane Austen, is not representative of the wider scope of the novel in the new period, but is remark. able for her perfection in handling the limited interests of

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