صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]

This volume contains Parts XIII, XIV, XV and XVI of NELSON's Encyclopædia

Copyright, 1905, by THOMAS NELSON & SONS.

Copyright, 1906, by THOMAS NELSON & SONS

Copyright, 1907, by THOMAS NELSON & SONS

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[blocks in formation]

anc., ancient.

ann., annual,

Ar., Arabic.

Aram., Aramaic.
Ariz., Arizona.
Ark., Arkansas.
arr., arrondissement,

A. S., Anglo-Saxon.

A. V., Authorized Version,

aver., average.

b. p., boiling point.

bor., borough.

Brit., Britain or British. B. C., British Columbia. bur.,'burgh.

c. (circa), about.
C., centigrade.
Cal., California.

cap., capital.
cf., compare.
Co., county.
Colo., Colorado.
Com., Commission.
comm., commune.
Conn., Connecticut.

cub. ft., cubic feet.
Dan., Danish.

D. C., District of Columbia.

Del., Delaware.

dep., department.

dist., district.

div., division.

Du., Dutch.

E., east.

eccles., ecclesiastical. ed., edition; edited. e. g., for example. Eng., England or English. episc., episcopal.

et. seq., and the following. F., Fahrenheit. Fla., Florida.

fort. tn., fortified town.

Fr., French. ft., feet.

Ga., Georgia.

Ger., German.

gov., government.

Gr., Greek.

[blocks in formation]

parl., parliamentary.

Pa., Pennsylvania.

P. E., Protestant Episcopal.
P. E. I., Prince Edward Island.
Per., Persian.

P. I., Philippine Islands.
pop., population.
Port., Portuguese.
P. R., Puerto Rico.
Presb., Presbyterian.
prom., promontory.
prov., province.
pueb., pueblo.
Que., Quebec.
g. V., which see.

R., riv., river.

r. bk., right bank.

R. C., Roman Catholic.

R. R., or ry., railroad or railway.

R. I., Rhode Island.

R. V., Revised Version.

R. R. jn., railroad junction. 8., south.

Sans., Sanskrit.

Sask., Saskatchewan.
S. C., South Carolina.

Scot., Scotland or Scottish.

8. Dak., South Dakota.

seapt., seaport.

Sp., Spanish.

sp. gr., specific gravity.

sq. m., square miles. stn., station.

8. V., under the word. Syr., Syriac.

temp., temperature.

Tenn., Tennessee. terr., territory. Tex., Texas.

tn., town.

trans., translated.

trib., tributary.

U. S., United States of America.

Va., Virginia.

vil., village.

vol., volume.

Vt., Vermont.
W., west.

Wash., Washington.
wat.-pl., watering-place.
W. Va., West Virginia.
Wis., Wisconsin.
Wyo., Wyoming.
yds., yards.


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