صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Christ sustained the wrath of God from the beginning to

the end of his life

And that in order to reconcile sinners to God

For there is a propitiation in his blood


Not for all mankind and every individual; but, according


to the counsel of God and Christ, for the elect only XXI. XXII.

Reasons for PILATE's being mentioned in the Creed

His temper and disposition

His supreme power in Judea

Which, being a foreign and a heathen power, suggests

several things of great moment




On the Crucifixion and Death of Christ.

Pages 62-116.

The Cross of Christ is the foundation of all Religion
Explication of the Latin terms Patibulum, Furca, Crux
The form, the parts, and the size of the cross

The cross of Christ had probably nothing very different
from those in common use

The history of the discovery of the cross by Helena

Which, by many arguments, is shown to be fabulous

Crucifixion was preceded, 1. By beating

Which was done cruelly to Christ

2. By the bearing of the cross

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Our Lord was crucified, probably, in the most usual form XXVIII.

The circumstances that commonly followed crucifixion

These were not wanting to the cross of Christ




Yet cursed

The crucifixion of Christ ought to be devoutly contem-
plated, as full of mysteries, in which we have the deep-

est concern

His being scourged, bearing the cross, and being stripped
of his clothes, were predicted and prefigured of old

David and Zechariah prophesied of the crucifixion

The reading of in Psalm xxii. 17. defended

Types of the crucifixion




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It is not without a spiritual sympathy, that we should
meditate on these sufferings


From the death of Christ, we learn to live and to die



It is profitable for our instruction, to consider that the
burial of Christ was conducted by wealthy and honour-
able men, and chiefly by Joseph of Arimathea

I. VI.

The dead body of Jesus was wrapped in clean linen, as
an expression of respect

The mixture of myrrh and aloes was added by Nicode-
mus, either for embalming, or for burning

This attention to corpses was probably referred by the
pious to the hope of the resurrection

The form of the Jewish sepulchres

Why the sepulchre allotted to Christ was the property of





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Jonah's great fish is not a Whale, but rather a Sea-dog
The fable of Hercules Tri-esperos borrowed from it
"The heart of the earth" is the grave

With regard to the analogy as to time, the simple explan-
ation commonly received seems preferable to the learn-
ed refinements of eminent men

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We should not so much inquire, what some of the an-
cients may have understood, as what they ought to have
understood, by this expression

Christ's descent into hell, as it respects the body, denotes

burial, or the state of death
But it relates also to the soul





Not as if Christ descended locally, either into the place of
the damned, or into an imaginary Limbus
But this descent expresses metaphorically those extreme
sorrows, which, previously to death, he sustained in his
soul, when united to the body.

The agony of Christ was inexpressibly grievous

As appears from its parts


He conducted himself, however, in every respect most ho-

lily, remaining altogether without sin

Nor is there any thing culpable in his prayers

The cause of Christ's agony

The practical uses of this doctrine.



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3. For information



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