صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Absolution, 25.

Acquileja, Creed of, 55.

Athenagoras, "Apology" of, 207.
Atonement, 13.

Ambrose, baptismal creed in the Augustine, 50, 117 ff.; view of

time of, 47, 136.

American Episcopal Church, 51,
57, 90.

Anglican Church, 3 ff., 17 ff., 21,
24, 40.

Apocryphal Gospels, 136.
Apollinaris, denial of the human-

ity of Christ, 131, 141.
Apostles Creed, 18, 20; its origin
and character, 32, 35, 36, 37;
relation of, to the time when
it originated, 36 ff.; diverse
interpretations of, 42 ff.; a pro-
test against Gnosticism, 113;
fusion with Nicene Creed, 133.
Apostolic Fathers, 205, 206.
Aquinas, 11, 50.

the Incarnation, 120, 137 ff.;
on the sinlessness of Mary,
122; on the mention of Christ-
mas, 133; on the Virgin-birth,
131 (note), 149, 158; citation
from, 164.

Baptism, 27; formula of, 39;
formula of, as expanded in the
Creed, 46; Roman office for, 46.
Becon, on descent into hell, 56;
citation from, 177.
Biblical criticism, 29, 31.
Briggs, C. A., citation from, on
the Virgin-birth, 204.
Brooks, Bishop Phillips, 181.
Buddhism, 105.

Arians, their acceptance of Vir- Bushnell, Horace, 181.

[blocks in formation]

Asia Minor, 106, 113, 123, 125, Calvin, citation from Institutes of,

133, 155.

Athanasius, on the Incarnation,
54, 56; citation from, 121.


"Catholic," interpretations of the
word, 61.

Catholic Church, definition of, 8, | Cyprian, baptismal creed in the

9; the new society, 37, 38; its
motive, 104.

"Catholic" Tradition, 76, 77, 99.
Cerinthus, 128.

time of, 47.

Cyril of Jerusalem, 124 (note),


Chalcedon, Council of, 140, 165, Deism, 12, 51.
167, 169.

Christmas festival, 133.
Christ, 3, 4; the test of Scripture,
29 ff.; His birth and death, 103;
His humanity, 105; His Mes-
siahship, 214.

Church, infallibility of, 10, 26.
Church Catechism, 2 (note), 15,

43, 50, 79.

Descent into hell, 32 ff., 55, 217.
Docetism, 105.

Dorner, citations from, 141 (note),
143, 145, 196.
Duchesne, on the cult of the Vir-
gin Mary in the Roman Church,
159 (note).

Eastern Creeds, 32.

Church of England, 161. (See Ebionites, 128.

Anglican Church.)

Endless punishment, 66.

Clement of Alexandria, 112, 125, Ephesus, Council of, 151.

[blocks in formation]

95; value of, 81; liturgical use | Gelasian Sacramentary, 48 (note).

of, 200 (note).

Creighton, M., late Bishop of Lon-

don, citation from, 14, 30.

General Councils, 5, 6, 7, 27,

Gnosticism, 38.

Gnostics, their relation to Virgin- | Joan of Kent, 178.

[blocks in formation]

John of Damascus on the Com-
munion of Saints, 63 (note);
on the Incarnation, 142 ff., 159,
Judicial Committee of the Privy
Council, decision of, on "Life
Everlasting," 65.

Julian the Apostate, 35.
Justification, 23.

Gregory of Nazianzum, 6 (note). Justin Martyr, 123, 206.

Hampden, Bishop, 20.

Harnack, on the Creed, 63; on

the Incarnation, 141.
Helvidian heresy, 132.
Henry VIII, 20.

Holy Ghost, the, see Holy Spirit,

115, 117, 119.

Holy Spirit, the, 144, 210.
Homilies, 71 ff.

Hutton, R. H., 181.

Ignatian epistles, 134.
Ignatius, 106 ff., 205.
Incarnation, 4, 53, 54, 80, 125,
137 ff., 140, 142; Church of
England, doctrine of, 165; see
Anglican Church.

"Institution of a Christian Man,"

Irenæus, 123.

Isaiah, Ch. VII, v. 14, 123.

Kingsley, Charles, 181.

Lactantius, "Apology" of, 207.
Laity, place of, in Church of Eng-
land, 21, 22; how far creeds
are binding on, 92.

Last Judgment, interpretations of,

Latimer, Bishop, on the sinless-
ness of Mary, 176.

Laurentius Valla, criticism on the
Apostles' Creed, 42.
"Legal fiction," 92 ff.
Leontius of Byzantium, 140.
Leo the Great, 150.

Life everlasting, interpretations
of, 65.

Lord Bacon, influence of, 13.
Luther, 29, 97, 196.

Lutheran Church, 13, 23, 24.

Isis, worship of, 132.

Jerome, 5, 56.

Maine, Sir Henry, on "legal

fiction," 93.

214 (note).

Jerusalem, creed of the Church in, Manning, Rev. W., citation from,


Jewell, citations from " Apology" | Marcion, 113.

of, 175.

Mary, 4, 43 (see Virgin Mary);

immaculate conception of,

Maurice, F. D., 91, 181.
McGiffert, A. C., on the Apostles'

Creed, 102 (note), 114, 115.
Methodius, oration attributed to,

Michael Angelo, 195.
Middle Ages, 11, 16, 39.

Minucius Felix, 208.

Mithra, religion of, 34, 35.

Mohammedanism, 37.

Monasticism, 177.

Monastic vows, 97.

Montanism, 38.

Morning Prayer, 25.

[blocks in formation]

Mother of God, 4 (see also Theo- Pseudo Ignatius, 134.

tokos), 5, 7, 131, 149.

Puritanism, II, 13, 28.

Mulford, Republic of God, 60.

Pusey, E. B., 98, 166.

National Church, authority of, Reformation, 3, 11, 16, 20, 21; 22.

"Necessary Doctrine and Erudi-
tion for any Christian Man,"


Nestorius, 151.

Newman, Cardinal, 97, 141, 154,

Nicæa, Council of, 130.

Nicene Creed, 16, 45, 54, 79, 127,

Niceta, on Communion of Saints,

25, 28.

Reformed Church, 23, 24, 40.
Renaissance, 36, 42, 160.
Resurrection, interpretations of,
58; of the body, 32 ff., 63; of
the flesh, 36, 37.
Robertson, F. W., sermons of,
60; citation from, on the hu-
manity of Christ, 191.

Roman Catholic Church, 5, 13, 21,
40; dogmatic system of, 52;
errors of, 84.

Nowell's Catechism, citation from, Roman ordinal, 16, 79, 87.


Ordinals, 79.

Oriental religion, 36, 37, 105.
Origen, on the Roman Creed,

110; comment on Isaiah, Ch.

Romanticism, influence of, 211.
Rufinus, commentary of, on the
Creed, 44, 45; on the descent
into Hell, 55, 124 (note).
Rules of faith, in Apostolic Age

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