صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

We gladly recognize the increasing sense of responsibility on the part of the Christian Church at large for these great moral concerns of humanity. Our own Church in particular, historically and traditionally in close sympathy with the common people and ever diligent for their welfare, does not fail to recognize the greatness of its own opportunity in the present crisis and the consequent urgency of its duty.

In this connection we note with satisfaction the organization of the Methodist Federation for Social Service, composed of members and friends of our Church, and of the Methodist Brotherhood. Their objects are "to deepen within the Church the sense of social obligation and opportunity, to study social problems from the Christian point of view, to promote social service in the Spirit of Jesus Christ." These objects we heartily approve.

And now we summon our great Church to continue and increase its works of social service. We summon all our ministry, Bishops, District Superintendents, and Pastors, to patient study of these problems and to the fearless but judicious preaching of the teachings of Jesus in their significance for the moral interests of modern society. We look to the press of our Church for enlightenment and inspiration. We look to our Brotherhoods, Sunday schools, and Epworth Leagues to awaken and direct the spirit of social responsibility. We demand of every agency and organization of the Church that it shall touch the people in their human relationships with healing and helpfulness, and, finally, be it remembered that we cannot commit to any special agencies the charge that all the Church must keep. Upon every member rests a solemn duty to devote himself with his possessions, his citizenship, and his influence to the glory of God in the service of the present age. And thus by their works, as by their prayers, let all "the people called Methodists" seek that kingdom in which God's will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven.



60. Constitution for a Sunday School

ARTICLE I. This School shall be called the Sunday School of ..., auxiliary to the Board of Sunday Schools of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and connected with the Quarterly Conference of It shall consist of the Preacher in Charge, the Sunday School Committee appointed by the Quarterly Conference, the Officers, the Teachers, and the Pupils.

ARTICLE II. The object of this School shall be the promotion of Christian character through the devout and diligent study of the word of God.

ARTICLE III. The Local Sunday School Board shall consist of the Pastor, who shall be ex officio chairman, the Sunday School Committee appointed by the Quarterly Conference, the Superintendent, the Assistant Superintendents, heads of departments, the duly elected Secretaries, Treasurer, and Librarians, the Teachers of the School, the Assistant Teachers nominated and elected in the same way as the Teachers, and the President of the Sunday School Missionary Society. In case of withdrawal of Officers or Teachers from the School, they shall cease to be members of the Board.

ARTICLE IV. The Superintendent shall be nominated annually by the Local Sunday School Board, and confirmed by the Quarterly Conference at its next session after such nomination; and in case of a vacancy the Preacher in Charge shall superintend, or secure the superintending of, the School, until such time as the Superintendent nominated by the Local Sunday School Board

be confirmed by the Quarterly Conference. The other Officers of the School shall be elected by the Board annually, by ballot, on The Teachers of the School shall be nominated by the Superintendent, with the concurrence of the Pastor, and elected by the Board.

ARTICLE V. Regular meetings of this Board shall be held on the ...... of each month, for the transaction of such business as relates to the interest of the School, at which the following order shall be observed: 1. Singing and prayer. 2. Calling roll. 3. Reading minutes. 4. Unfinished business. 5. Reports from Committees. 6. Reports from Superintendents. 7. Report from Treasurer. 8. Report from Librarian concerning the state of the Library and the number and kind of periodicals taken by the School. 9. Reports from the Pastor and from the Sunday School Committee. 10. Reports from the Teachers. 11. Miscellaneous.

ARTICLE VI. At all meetings for business constitute a quorum.


ARTICLE VII. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the Pastor, the Superintendent, or by any three of the members.

ARTICLE VIII. In case of the withdrawal of Officers or Teachers from the School they cease to be members of this Board; and the place of any Officer or Teacher habitually neglecting his or her duty, or being guilty of improper conduct, may be declared vacant by a vote of two thirds of the Board present at any regular or special meeting.

ARTICLE IX. Vacancies in offices may be filled at any monthly or special meeting, one month's notice having been given of the election.

: ARTICLE X. This Constitution shall not be altered except by two thirds of all the members present at a meeting called for that purpose; and such alterations must be in harmony with the provisions of the Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church.-Journal, 1876, p. 365; 1884, p. 364.

61. Constitution for Sunday School Missionary



ARTICLE I. This Society shall be called the Missionary Society of the Methodist Sunday School, and shall be auxiliary to the Missionary Boards of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

ARTICLE II. The object of this Society shall be to promote in all practical ways the interests of the Missionary cause within the bounds of this School.

ARTICLE III. All the members of this School shall be members of the Society.

ARTICLE IV. The Officers of the Society shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, who shall together constitute a Board of Managers, to be elected annually by the Sunday School Board on the of


ARTICLE V. A part of the session of the School on the first Sunday of every month shall be set apart for Missionary exercises and the reception of gifts for the cause of Missions; and it shall be the duty of the Board of Managers to provide for such exercises, varying the program from month to month in such a way as to actively engage as many of the School as possible in acquiring and supplying information and inspiration on Missionary topics. The Managers shall also devise and set in vigorous operation whatever schemes they can, such as mite-boxes, collection cards, occasional Missionary concerts, or sales, etc., for increasing the Missionary contributions of the School.

ARTICLE VI. The President shall preside during that part of the school time which is devoted to Missions; the Secretary shall read at each monthly meeting a report of the previous meeting. The Treasurer shall hold the funds raised by the Society and pay them in equal amounts to the Board of Foreign Missions and the Board of Home Missions and Church Extension. The President,

Secretary, and Treasurer shall make a semiannual report to the Society on the first Sundays of April and


ARTICLE VII. any regular or Board.

Vacancies in the offices may be filled at special meeting of the Sunday School

ARTICLE VIII, This Constitution shall not be altered except by vote of two thirds of all the members of the Local Sunday School Board, at a meeting called for that


¶ 62. Charges

In drafting charges and specifications for the trial of an accused member of the Church there should be a brief statement defining the offense by its generic name, such as "Defamation," "Dishonesty," "Lying," "Imprudent Conduct," "Indulging Sinful Tempers or Words," "Disobedience to the Order and Discipline of the Church.” "Neglecting Prayer Meetings," "Neglecting Class Meetings," etc. Each charge should be accompanied with one or more specifications germane to the charge; and the following forms may serve to illustrate the manner of preparing charges and specifications. The charges and specifications must be so varied in the several cases as to meet the facts or evidence relied upon for conviction. The bill of charges should be signed by one or more members of the Church, and must be addressed to the Preacher in Charge of the Circuit or Station in which the accused person holds his membership.



To A. B., Preacher in Charge of .... Circuit or Station: DEAR BROTHER: The undersigned, a Member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, complains to you that C. D.,

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