صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]



Containing discussions on the most important questions that can occupy the attention of man as a creature of God, a denizen of the universe, and a candidate for eternity, is humbly and respectfully dedicated to those who value truth above all conventionalities, all orders, all castes, all authorities, all interests, and who render it the homage of sympathetic, true, and earnest lives, by Their servant in the truth, THE EDITOR.

ERRATA. Page 315, line 30, for diamonds read myriad. Page 316, line 3, for previous dromises read passing prowess.

Our readers will have the kindness to mark with the pen many literal errors which have arisen, sometimes from the editor's absence, and frequently from inattention to the corrections,


OUR great object in this volume has been to allow infidels to speak for themselves, and to present them with such views of Christianity as would disarm their prejudice, silence their opposition, and lead them to the peace which the truth alone can impart. We confess to have come far short of the standard which we erected for ourselves. We have not been able to induce any of the more conspicuous leaders of modern infidelity to come forward in its defence. They have skulked away behind their own batteries, and have avoided a fair and open encounter. Their tactics have been entirely changed. Erewhile they made the country ring with the question- Why do the clergy avoid discussion;' now it is our turn to ask why they avoid it; at least in a periodical which is weekly open to them. Some of them, we are informed, are ashamed of the miserable meagreness of the arguments which some of their brethren have sent for insertion. We can only say we have inserted the best we have got; and shall be glad to have their views put more powerfully, if it can be done. We hope that they will furnish their honorary secretary in Yorkshire with all the assistance they can render him in the shape of advice and suggestion, in the controversy on atheism now going on in our columns, that his letters may be a faithful mirror of their principles.

A ceaseless pressure of labour has prevented us from accomplishing all that we intended in the literary conduct of our little serial; and we have often feared that from this cause alone, we should be obliged to relinquish the work. While it has brought us much pleasant labour, it has also brought not a few anxieties and cares. These, however, we have willingly born with the hope that some kind true friends of the Gospel would come to our assistance and permanently relieve us of a part, if not the whole, of our commercial responsibility in the undertaking. This, we are happy to say, we have some prospect shortly of accomplishing; and when it is done we shall be in a better position for rendering our work more worthy of the cause to which it is devoted.

We have to acknowledge, that during the first half-year of our issue the work has not been wholly self-sustaining. But now that the expense of launching it is over, we hope to be able, with the kind assistance of our friends, to continue it, and considerably to extend its circulation. To those who have generously contributed to the PROPAGANDIST FUND, We tender our most hearty thanks. They will be cheered to know that their free-will offerings have been of service in the good work. We have testimonies from many quarters of the good which has been accomplished. Not a few, who were being entangled in the meshes of scepticism, have been freed. Several young men, known to us, have abandoned their infidel principles altogether, and have become true, useful, earnest, Christians,

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