صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Students of the first two years require to attend the class of Philosophy.

Number of Students,

No special Library, the early Academy Library
has become the library of the Canton, and con-
tains between,

Yearly Income,


60,000 and 70,000 volumes. fr. 18,000

The ordinary Professors must belong to the National Reformed Church. By law they are members of the Synod. Three of the Faculty are on the Ordaining Committee which examines students for the ministry, and judges of their qualifications, while each year the Faculty presents to the Synod a report of its proceedings.

The course of study depends on the subjects appointed for the examinations that the students undergo at the end of the fourth and at the end of the eighth semester.

The first examination is in the following subjects :-Encyclopædia, History of Religions, Exegesis of the Old Testament, Biblical Geography, Introduction to Old Testament, Biblical Theology of Old Testament, Exegesis of New Testament, Biblical Theology of the New Testament, Introduction to Dogmatics, History of Philosophy, and Natural Law.

The second examination is on the following subjects:-Exegesis of Old Testament, History of the Times of Christ, Introduction to New Testament, Exegesis of New Testament, Church History, History of Doctrines and Symbolics, History of Modern Theology, Dogmatic and Christian Ethics, Homiletics, Catechetics and Pastoral Theology.

Students needing assistance are aided to a moderate extent, and are exempted from all College fees.

The Professors are appointed by the Cantonal State Council. When this is about to appoint, the Synodal Commission has a right to be consulted previously, but when it fills a chair by way of joint action, the Commission nominates one member of the Examining Committee.

Legally, the Professors possess absolute freedom of teaching, but morally, the teaching should be confined to the doctrines of the National Reformed Church, which has for its standard the Word of God contained in the Holy Scriptures. Since 1839, the Helvetic Confession has ceased to be obligatory. Students commence their Homiletic exercises before the Professors in the second year of their studies. They do not deliver in the Churches any sermons but such as have been approved by the Professor of Practical Theology.

The Theological studies and examinations qualify the student for the degree of Licentiate in Theology. This he must possess to entitle him to appear before the Ordaining Committee.

The examination for licensure (similar to the Bacculaureate or Degree examination in France) includes two written exercises, one on a passage of Scripture which has not been explained by the Professor during the four years of study, and the other on some Theological question.

At the close of his course the candidate for the ministry is examined by the Synodal Ordination Committee as to his gifts and attainments, which also decides as to a confession of faith, in which the candidate states his views, religious and ecclesiastical. Students who have completed their Theological course, and who seek ordination, are called Proposants.



Theological Faculty, founded at Lausanne 1847.

The Free Church of the Canton de Vaud had its origin in the resignation of their charges, on 12th March 1845, by 190 pastors of the National Church. The Church was definitely constituted on 12th March 1847. A Theological Seminary was at once instituted, which since then has prepared many for the pastorate, not only in Vaud, but in France, Spain, Belgium, and the Foreign Mission field.

This school

The Theological Faculty includes a Preparatory School. instructs young men in Greek, Latin, History, Mathematics, Literature, etc., so as to enable them after two or three years of general education to begin their Theological studies along with such as have had a regular and normal classical training as Bachelors of Letters. It is intended mainly for such as had not in their earlier years opportunity for classical studies.

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Course of Study:

First Year.-Church History, History of the People of Israel and Old Testament Theology, History of Ancient Philosophy, New Testament Exegesis, Hebrew Grammar, Patristic Studies, Encyclopædia.

Second Year.-Church History, Introduction to Old and New Testaments, History of Modern Philosophy, History of Religion, Homiletics, Exegesis of Old and New Testament.

Third Year.--History of Dogma, Theology of the New Testament, Ethics, Exegesis of Old and New Testament, Symbolics, Catechetics and Ecclesiology. Fourth Year.-History of Dogma, Dogmatics, Pastoral Theology, Exegesis of Old and New Testaments, History of Modern Theology.

Students are occasionally aided financially to a small extent, if they are


The Professors are appointed by the Commission on Studies along with the existing Professors and certain delegates from the Synod, forming a special committee for this purpose. These Professors must conform to the teaching of the Church's Confession. Students seeking licensure must have studied for four years of nine months each ;-passed the half-yearly exami nations of these years; written seven sermons and two catechetical exercises; passed the final examination of the course, and prepared and maintained a (printed) dissertation called Thèse. Having fulfilled these conditions, they will receive the diploma of Licentiate in Theology, and are then eligible for a pastorate. Before installation, however, the student must present himself to the Synodal Commission to go through a colloquium or conversational inquiry into his faith, views, vocation, and ecclesiastical position.


Academy of Neuchatel, founded 1700; reorganised 1882.

The Theological Faculty was organised about the year 1700, by J. P. Ostervald, and down to 1848, was under the direction of the Classis. In that year it was placed under the control of the Synod, without any interference by the State. The Professors are paid from the interest of money that had been left to the ministers. In 1873 the Faculty of Theology was incorporated with the Academy, and reorganised in the spring-time of 1874.

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The Seminary is so far subject to the National Church that the Synod appoints three members of the Advisory Committee of Higher Instruction. Course of Study :


First Year.-Encyclopædia, Archæology, Hebrew, History of Israel, along with a certain attendance in the Faculty of Arts.

Second Year-Old and New Testament Exegesis and Criticism, Dogmatics, Ethics, Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments.

Third Year.-Church History, History of Doctrines, Homiletics, Catechetics, Liturgics, Pastoral Theology.

Students can receive aid from Church funds to a moderate amount the State Council giving similar assistance to poor Neuchatelois, or Swiss students living within the Canton. These "Bursars" pledge themselves to serve the National Church for at least two years.

The Professors are appointed by the State Council, and have absolute freedom of teaching.

Students must possess the degree of Bachelor in Theology before they can become ministers of the National Church.


Faculty of Theology, founded 1875.

From the Reformation down to 1848 the National Reformed Church of Neuchâtel was governed by the Assembly of its pastors. In that year, the control of the Church was transferred from this Assembly to a Synod, consisting of three-fifths laymen and two-fifths ministers. The Synod, in doctrinal matters, adhered to the position held by the Assembly; but in 1873, there took place a disruption of the Church in consequence of certain legislation by the State which set aside all creeds and confessions. A Theological Faculty was at once organised to educate ministers for the newly formed Evangelical Free Church, and since then, has continued in operation.

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The students require to attend at least seven semesters of Theological tuition. These need not necessarily be at Neuchâtel, the Commission indeed encouraging them to attend part of their course elsewhere.

Students may receive moderate assistance from the Commission or funds of the Faculty.

The Professors are appointed by the Synod on the nomination of the Committee on Studies. The doctrinal standard of the Church is expressed in the following article :-"The Evangelical Church of Neuchâtel, independent of the State, acknowledges as the source and only rule of faith, the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments. It proclaims, in common with all Christian Churches, the great truths of salvation contained in the creed known as that of the Apostles. It believes in God the Father, who has saved us by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ his only begotten Son, our only Lord, and who regenerates us by the Holy Spirit; and it acknowledges this faith by observing, according to the appointment of the Lord, the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper.'

Students for the ministry must pass the examinations in Theology conducted by the Committee on Studies, and those in morals and personal piety, conducted by the Ordaining Committee. The former examinations give a right to the diploma of Licentiate in Theology, the latter to the Certificate of Ordination.

The Faculty is under the supervision of a Committee on Studies appointed by the Synod, whose members are chosen for four years, and of which the Professors are members.

University of Geneva, founded 1559.

Hugues Oltramare,

Auguste Bouvier,

Jean Cougnard,

Auguste Chantre,

Edouard Montet,


1854 New Testament Exegesis.

1861 Dogmatics.

1865 Practical Theology, Homiletics.
1881 Church History.

1885 Hebrew, Old Testament Exegesis.

(Each Professor considers all the subjects involved in the particular branch he teaches. Thus Professor Bouvier gives instruction in Apologetics and Biblical Theology; Professor Montet lectures on the History of Israel, Biblical Archæology, etc.)

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Number of Students, 1886-87,
Volumes in Library, about.



There is no direct connection between the Theological Faculty and the National Church of Geneva. The former is a University arrangement, not an ecclesiastical foundation; but the graduates in the Theological course of study are entitled to become ministers of the Geneva National Church.

There are admitted to the Theological classes-1st, Bachelors of Science and Licentiates of Arts; 2d, Students who have for two years attended the Philosophy classes and passed the examinations; 3d, strangers (Bachelors in Arts) in whose cases the Committee, on the request of the Faculty, has dispensed with some of the customary requirements.

Students when they have completed three years' study under the Faculty, and whose examinations have been sustained, are allowed to seek the degree of B.D. The exercises required are an oral and a written examination, a sermon, and an essay.

The Course of Study is as follows:-

First Year.-Preparatory Studies-literary, philosophical, and scientific, Hebrew, German, Readings in the New Testament.

Second Year.-Apologetics, Church History, History of Israel, Old Testament Exegesis, History of the New Testament Text and Canon, Exegesis of John's Gospel.

Third Year.-Biblical Theology, Church History, Biblical Archæology, Exegesis of Old and New Testaments, Homiletics.

Fourth Year.-Dogmatics, Church History, Old Testament Introduction, History of the Books-text, Canon, Versions of Scripture, New Testament Introduction, Hermeneutics, Practical Theology.

Students requiring assistance can receive such; Swiss,-from certain old foundations, and French,-from the "French foundation," an old endowment of foreign origin and intended exclusively for students from France. These endowments are given only to regular students.

The Professors are appointed by the State Council (or the University's Council) of the Canton of Geneva, and connect themselves with many of the tendencies of modern Theology. They may be outside the National clergy, and are not required to make any declaration of faith. The present Professors are all ministers of the National Church.

The Faculty is supported by the Canton, four of the Professors receiving 3400 francs a year, and the fifth 4200 francs.

In the Canton of Geneva, the pastors of the National Church are elected by universal suffrage of the Protestant electors. To be eligible for a pastoral charge in the Genevan National Church, one must be a bachelor, licentiate, or doctor of the Theological Faculty of this University, or possess equal standing in some recognised institution, such as the Faculty of Lausanne, Paris, or Montauban.


Theological Seminary, Oratoire, Rue Tabazan,
Founded 1831.

The Theological School of Geneva was instituted in 1831, by the Evangelical Society of Geneva, without any ecclesiastical link with any Church, and has preserved hitherto the principle of "ecclesiastical neutrality." It trains pastors for different Churches-established or non-established-in Switzerland, Belgium, and in France. At its institution the object sought was the evangelisation of France. Afterwards, other countries have been aided by it, so that now students from different countries and for different Churches, receive their theological education from its Professors.


David Tissot,

1862 Practical Theology,
French Literature.


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