صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Q. How did the Whites get possession of the land?

A. Sometimes they bought it, but often took it by force.

Q. How did the Quakers obtain their land?

A. They paid the Indians for all the land they occupied.

Q. What did the Indians think of the fair dealing of the Quakers?

A. They held them in great respect many years after.

Q. What does the word Pennsylvania mean?

A. Penn's Woods.

Q. For what is Pennsylvania noted?

A. For coal and iron.

Q. Who were the first settlers of New Jersey ?

A. The Dutch, in 1620.

Q. What does New Jersey produce?

A. Fine fruits and vegetables.

Q. Which is the largest City in New Jersey ?

A. Newark.

Q. For what is Paterson noted?

A. For its Cotton Mills, and the building of Locomotives and Machines.

Q. What are raised in Delaware ?

A. Good crops of Indian Corn and Wheat.

Q. For what is Philadelphia noted?

A. For the regularity of its streets, and the neatness of its buildings.

Q. How is the City supplied with water?

A. By the Fairmount Water Works, on the Schuyl

kill River.




That State north of Maryland?

What State and Ocean east?

What large Bay extends into Maryland?

How many Counties does Maryland contain?

What River between Maryland and Virginia?


What two chains of Mountains extend through these two States? Which is the largest City in Maryland?


What District west of Maryland?

District of Columbia.

What City is in the District of Columbia?
What States north of Virginia? South?

What Ocean east?

What two Capes at the mouth of Chesapeake Bay?
What Mountains between Virginia and Kentucky?

What River between Virginia and Ohio?

What River from Virginia flows north into Pennsylvania?

What large River flows east into Chesapeake Bay?

What River flows north-west into the Ohio ?

How many Counties in Virginia ?




What Ocean east of North Carolina?

What State north? South? West?
What two Sounds east?

Albemarle and Pamlico.

What River flows into Albemarle Sound?
What River flows into Pamlico Sound?


What River flows into the Atlantic, from North Carolina?
How many Counties in North Carolina?

What Mountains west of this State?

What three Capes on the east coast of N. Carolina ?


What State north of South Carolina? West?

What two large Rivers in S. Carolina?

What is that part of the Great Pedee in N. Carolina called?

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What two States north of Georgia ?

What State east? South? West?

What River between Georgia and South Carolina ?

What River between Georgia and Alabama?

What River flows south-east into the Atlantic?

What River in the western part?

What two Towns in this State, on the Savannah River?
How many Counties does Georgia contain?


What two States north of Florida?

What water east? West?

What large River in the north-east?
What Bay west?

What Cape on the east coast?

What is the southern Cape of Florida?

What Town in the north-east?

What Town in the north-west?

What Reef south of Florida ?

Florida Reef.

What is a Reef?

A chain of rocks, at or near the surface of the water.

[blocks in formation]

What Bay in the south opens into the Gulf?'

Mobile Bay.*

What River flows into Mobile Bay?

Mobile R.

What two Rivers unite and form the Mobile ?

What River between Alabama and Georgia?

What River flows through the northern part of Alabama?

What Town on Mobile Bay?

What Town west of the central part of Alabama?

How many Counties in Alabama ?


What River on the western side of Mississippi?

What two States west of Mississippi?

What State north? East? South?

What River from this State flows into the Mississippi ?

What River in the south?

What two Towns on the Mississippi ?

How many Counties in Mississippi?

* mo-beel'.


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