صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

though but few examples of sculpture dating from this unhappy period have come down to us, it is evident that the art was rapidly losing its architectural character and becoming ever more realistic, ever less ideal, ever softer. The sculptors came to be interested above all in the dramatic presentation of their subjects, and sacrificed the architectural lines to obtain suitable spaces for the display of sculptured narrative. At length sculpture rebelled absolutely against the restrictions of architectural art, and at the end of the Gothic period it was evident that the day when the two must forever part company was not far distant.



AMIENS, Somme. Église Cathédrale Notre Dame. (Ill. 219, 234, 236, 250, 253, 254, 265, 266, 289.) The most important documentary evidence for the date of Amiens is the inscription that was formerly placed in the labyrinth of the pavement. This inscription, preserved in several ancient documents, may be translated as follows: "In the year of grace 1220 this work was first begun. Evrard of blessed memory was then bishop of this diocese and Louis, son of Philippe the Wise [i.e., Philippe-Auguste] was king of France. (Sic.) He who was master builder was called Master Robert and surnamed de Lusarches. Master Thomas de Cormont succeeded him, and afterwards his son Master Regnault, who caused this inscription to be here placed in the year 1288." The only other evidence for the date of the commencement of the cathedral is another inscription placed over the Portail de la Vierge Dorée, but this, unfortunately, seems never to have been copied until 1 Memore quant leuvre de l'eglise de cheens fu commenchie et si comme il est escript el moilon de le maison Dedalus:

En lan de grace mil IIc

Et xx fu leuvre de cheens
Premierement encommenchie.
Adonc yert de cheste evesquie
Evrart evesques benis
Et roy de France Loys

Qui fu filz Phelippe le sage.
Chil qui maistre yert de l'oeuvre
Maistre Robert estoit nommes
Et de Lusarches surnommes
Maistre Thomas fu apres luy

De Cormont et apres

Ses filz maistre Regnault qui mettre

Fist a chest point chy ceste lettre

Que lincarnacion valoit

XIIIc ans XII en faloit.

Arch. de la Somme, Chapit. d'Am., Reg. aux Distrib. II., fol. 247, cit. Durand I, 23.

[graphic][merged small]

ILL. 268. Reims. Statues of South Jamb of Central Portal

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