صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]

St. Paul, A., 424, 425, (3), 426, 427, (2), 430,

435, 448, (2), 454, (2), 457, 459, 461, 464.
St.-Pierre-Église, 465.

St.-Pierre-de-Montsort, 465.

St.-Pierre-sur-Dives, 465.

St. Quentin, 465.

St. Satur, 465.

St. Thibaud, 466.

St. Wandrille, 466.
Salvaudy, de, 445.
Sanoner, G., 470.
Santeuil, 466.

Sarthe, 432.

[blocks in formation]

Sourdel, Abbé, 442.

Souvigné, 468.
Stained Glass, 435.

Stein, H., 424, 445.
Suger, 420.
Suze, 468.
Symbolism, 434.

Taillefontaine, 468.
Taillepied, C. N., 459.
Tarbé, P., 428, 460, 461.
Tarbé, T., 466.
Tavernier et Née, 426.
Taylor, I., 453, 400.
Technical Works, 438.

Texier, J. R. A., 436.

Theophilus, 420.

Thibaud, É., 436.

Thorigny, 431.

Toncé, 468.

Toublet, E., 451, 459.

Touring Club de France, 428, 429, 430, (2),


Tourneur, V., 460, 461.

Toussaint-Duplessis, D., 453.

Transition, the, 424.

Travel and Description, 426.
Trébutien, 443.

Tremblay, V., 432, 441.

Tresson, 468.

Triel, 438.

Triger, R., 453, 466.

Troche, N. M., 458, (2).

Trompette, M., 460.

Trou, Abbé, 460.

Troyes, 434; general, 468; cathedral, 469;

St. Jean, 469; St. Pantaléon, 469; St. Ur-
bain, 469.

Turner, D., 429.

Ungewitter, 438.

Vailly, 469.

Valognes, 469.

Valois, 430.

Vangelas, L. de, 424.

Vangeois, 469.

Vansittard, S. N., 445, 470.

Varin, 447.

Vaudin-Bataille, E., 466.

Vautier, 443.

Vavasseur, Em., 449, (2).

Vavasseur, J., 444.

Vendôme, 434, 469.

Verhaegen, A., 436.

Verneilh, F. de, 425, 459, 464.

Vérité - Lefèvre-Pontalis, 453.
Verneuil, 469.
Vernier, A., 446.

Verron, 469.

Vers, 469.

Vertus, de, 438.

Vézelay, 469.

Viau, M. P., 450.
Vic, 470.

Vignat, G., 455.

Villard de Honnecourt, 420.
Villedieu-les-Poêles, 470.
Villefosse et Courajod, 455.
Villers-St.-Paul, 470.
Viole, Dom, 422.
Viollet-le-Duc, 438.
Vitet, 426, 432.
Vitet et Ramée, 455.

Vitry et Brière, 437, 464.
Vöge, W., 436.
Votarius, H. P., 421.

Wace, R., 420.

Westlake, N. H. J., 435.
Whittington, 423.

Wild, C., 424.

Willemin et Pottier, 437.

Willis, R., 425.

Wilson, E., 426.

Winkles, B., 426.

Wismes, 429.

Witte, J. de, 443.

Woillez, E., 430, (3), 432, 434.

Woillez, E. J., 425, (2), 433.

Works dealing with separate provinces, 428.

Works of Limited Technical or Historic
Scope, 434.

Works of Reference, 428.

Works on Separate Bishoprics, 433.

Xivrey, M. B. de, 442.

Yonne, 433.
Yriarte, Ch., 459.
Yvetot, 470.


References to definitions and explanations are followed by a cross (†) those to the lists of
monuments by an asterisk (*).

Aachen, Dom, 70, 276.

Abacus, continued as a string-course, 98; pro-
file in Gothic period, 294; profile in tran-
sitional period, 98; proportioned to size of
load in transitional period, 98; round, 295;
transitional, Ill. 194.

Abbeville, commune, 164.

Abbeville, St. Vulfran, 393,* Ill. 281; mould-
ings, 381.

Abbecourt, Église, 248.*

Abelard, 146.

Abraham, symbol of God, 129.

Acanthus, development of in the transitional
period, 104; in cornices in the transitional
period, 100; in flamboyant period, 386.
Achères, Église, 43.*

Achy, Église, 21.*

Acy-en-Multien, Église, 230,* 59; rib vault,


Adam, symbol of Christ, 127.
Agincourt, battle of, 366.

Agneaux, Chapelle, 359.*

Agnetz, Église, 341.*

Aigle, St. Martin, 410.*

Aigneville, St. Martin, 249.*
Ailly-sur-Noye, Église, 358.*
Ainay-le-Vieil, Église, 340.*

Airaines, Notre Dame, 213;* date, 53; nave

vaults, 76; rib vaults, 57; system, 59.
Aires-les-Mello, Église, 339.*

Aisne, transitional architecture of, 55.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Ambulatory in Auvergne, 70; in use on the
borders of the Ile de France in the XI
century, 8.

Ambulatory Vaults at Morienval, 69 seq; at
Sens, 73; developed at Pontoise, 73; im-
proved at St. Denis, 73; in the Gothic era,
276 seq.; significance of, 75.
Amiens, Église Cathédrale Notre Dame, 304,*
Ill. 219, Ill. 234, Ill. 236, Ill. 250, Ill. 253,
Ill. 254, Ill. 265, Ill. 266, Ill. 289; abaci of
triforium capitals, 295; Beau Dieu, 301;
capitals, 272; chapel of St. Jean-Baptiste,
365; façade, 284; flying buttresses, 274;
glazed triforium in chevet, 278; iconography
of sculptures, 134; interior design, 277;
nave chapels, 279; parapets, 287; pinnacles,
274; plan, 281; sculptures, 131, 301; sculp-
tures of choir screen, 387; sculptures of
south transept portal, 303; statue of St.
Dominic, 301; statue of St. George, 301;
statue of St. Jerome, 301; statue of St.
Martin, 301; statue of St. Stephen, 301;
statue of St. Warlus, 302; string-course of
nave, 293; system, 271; vault of crossing,
382; commune of, 163; diocese of, transi-
tional architecture, 55; St. Germain, 398,*
Ill. 282; mouldings, 381; vaults, 382; St.
Leu, 398;* St. Remi, 398.*
Anagni, 261.
Ancourt, Église, 414.*
Angicourt, Église, 219.*

Angivillers, Église, 21.*

Angle turrets, applied to spires, 94.

Angy, Église, 924.

Angy-sur-l'Aubois, Église, 30.*
Annoye, Église, 32.*

Ansacq, St. Lucien, 232.*

Appeville-Annebaut, Église, 395.*

Apse, polygonal, advantages of, 82; evolution

of, 80.

Apsidal chapels, number increased, 75.
Arçay, Église, 48.*

Arceuil, St. Denis, 339.*

Arch, flattened, 374; † four-centered, 373; †
hanging, 375; † ogee, see ogee arch; three-
centered, 373; † Tudor, 373.†
Archivolts, flamboyant, 385; profiles of in
transitional period, 100; of windows and
doorways, 101; in two orders, 11; transi-
tional of arches, Ill. 199; transitional of
doorways, Ill. 201; transitional of windows,
Ill. 200.

Arcomps, Église, 35.*

Arcy-Ste.-Restitute, Église, 218; * flying but-
tresses, 92.

Ardennais, Église, 35.*

Ardennes, Abbaye, 337.*

Ardevon, Chapelle de St. Gilles, 413.*
Argent, Église, 351.*

Argentan, St. Martin, 396; * St. Germain,

Aristotle, influence on the thought of the XIII

century, 257.

Arithmetic, 131.

Arles, St. Trophine, 112, 113.

Arques, Notre Dame, 395.*
Arsago, Baptistery, 70.

Arts, seven, 131.

Asnières, Église, 37,* 352.*
Aspic, symbolism of, 130.
Assigny, Église, 45.*
Astronomy, 131.

Athis, Église, 249.* 414.*

Attic base, used in the transitional period, 98.
Attributes in medieval iconography, 133.
Aube, roof scheme of flamboyant churches,
Ill. 280, 379.
Aubervilliers, Église, 409.*
Aubigny, St. Martin, 333.*
Aubri, Église, 360.*

Audemer, St. Ouen, 372.
Audrieu, Chapelle, 361.*

Aumale, Église, 406; * St. Pierre, 400.*
Aumâtre, Église, 362.*

Aunon-sur-Orne, Ste. Eulalie, 388.*
Aureole, 133; † significance of, 133.

Autheuil, Église, 241.*

Autheuil-en-Valois, Prieuré, 236; * St. Mar-
tin, 236.*

Auvergne, ambulatories of, 70.

Auvers, Église, 216,* Ill. 174; apse, 80.
Auvers-le-Hamon, Église, 37.*

Auviller, Église, 228.*

Auxerre, Abbaye St. Germain, 325;* Cathe-

dral, 324;* quadripartite vaults, 268; St.
Eusèbe, 325.*

Auxon, Église, 410.*

Avalleurs, Commanderie du Temple, 356.*

Avallon, St. Ladre, 23;* St. Martin, 24.*
Avor, Église, 29.*

Avranches, Notre Dame-des-Champs, 357; *
St. Saturnin, 357.*

Avrechy, St. Lucien, 234.*

Axis, columns and angles placed on, 281.
Azy, Église, 340.*

Azy-Bonneil, Église, 221.*

Babylonian Captivity, 262.
Bacqueville, Église, 414.*

Bagnolles-les-Bains, Chapelle de Lignoux,


Bailleul, Église, 356.*

Bailleval, Église, 225.*

Balagny-sur-Thérain, Église, 21.*

Balleroy, Église, 350.*

Ballon, St. Mers-sous-Ballon, 47.*

Balustrades, triforium, 288.

Bangy, St. Martin, 36.*

Bannay, Église, 409.*

Bannegou, St. Martin, 48.*

Barbery-St.-Sulpice, St. Sulpice, 41.*

Barc, Église, 356.*

Bare feet, significance of, 133.
Barlieu, Église, 361.*

Barrel vault, in the Ile de France in the XI
century, 12; in the Ile de France in the
XII century, 62; pointed, in Berry in the
XI and XII centuries, 8; semicircular in
Berry in the XI century, 9.

Bar-sur-Aube, Chapelle St. Jean, 412;* St.
Maclou, 25; * St. Pierre, 25.*
Bar-sur-Seine, Église, 395.*

Base, Gothic, 295 seq.; Gothic, evolution of,
99; interpenetrating at St. Satur, 364; of
the Romanesque of the Ile de France, 13;
profile in flamboyant period, 385; profile
in transitional period, 98; supplied with
griffes in the transitional period, 99; tran-
sitional, Ill. 195.

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