LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. CONTENTS ROMANESQUE ARCHITECTURE OF THE ILE DE FRANCE The Ile de France in the Eleventh Century Decline of the Episcopacy - The Gregorian Reform - Attitude of the - Attitude of the King - The New Papacy The French Church Religious Enthusiasm The Crusade - The Peace of God - The Truce Difficulties of Chronology - Sub-Schools Origin of the Rib Vault - Lombard Influence Vaults-Barrel Vaults Pointed Arch -Its Advantages -Loaded Transverse Ribs - Increasing Use of the Pointed Arch Preferred for Esthetic Reasons - Rib Vaults on Curved Oblong Plans - Morienval Solution at Morienval - Later Solutions - Pontoise Ambulatory of St. Denis - Lowered Capitals - Mastery of the Ambulatory Vault - Significance - Second Quarter of the Twelfth Century - Vaulted Naves - Earliest Examples - Square Plan St. Étienne of Beauvais- St. Martin Heavy Walls — The Apse — Ribbed Half-Domes des Champs - The Chevet Vault Stilting of Wall Rib- Polygonal Apses - Second Phase of the Transition -St. Denis-Monastic Influence - Historical Signifi- cance of St. Denis - Norman Influence - Problem of the Sexpartite Vault Continuous Systems - Columns Introduced System of Sens - System of Noyon - System of Senlis Capitals Normal to Diagonals Flying But- ture - The Mirror of Science - The Mirror of Morals - The Mirror of History — Unity of the Cathedral Imagery Limitations Imposed on the Artist 1200-Summary - Territorial Expansion of Gothic Architecture - The Master Builders - Probably not Monks in the Twelfth Century - Evidence - The Chroniclers Silent - The Medieval Monk-Jean of Le Mans - Significance of this Incident - Lay Builders at St. Remi - The Masonic Guild - Master Builders of the Thirteenth Century - Their Role-Drawings - Personal Supervision Master Builder and Client - The Master Builder a Workman - Evolution of the Modern Architect - Extent of Activity of Master Builders - The Masons - Free- - Suger and Gothic Architecture - Emotional Quality of Gothic Art - - Its Imperfections - Fecundity - The Gothic Alphabet - Amiens, the Culmination Origins St. Satur-English Influence - The Ogee Arch - Genesis of Flam- boyant Early Examples - Historical Conditions National Disasters - Decline of the Church Destruction of Wealth Enemies of the Church Spirit of the Reformation - Religious Sentiments of the Age Building Activity of the Fifteenth - The Fifteenth Century 1400-50 — 1450- Medieval Forms - Last Phase of Flamboyant - Structure Pre-eminence of Orna- ment - The Ogee Arch Open Work Canopies and Niches - Tracery - Lines |