صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

most all North America into the Atlantic Ocean, is heret poured precipitately down a ledge of rocks, that rifes, like a wall, across the whole bed of its stream. The river,

a little above, is near three quarters of a mile broad; and the rocks, where it grows narrower, are four hundred yards over. Their direction is not ftraight across, but hollowing inwards like a horfefhoe : fo that the cataract, which bends to the fhape of the obftacle, rounding inwards, presents a kind of theatre the most tremendous in nature. Juft in the middle of this circular wall of waters, a little, ifland, that has braved the fury of the current, prefents one of its points, and divides the ftream at top into two parts; but they unite again long before they reach the bottom. The noife of the fall is heard at the distance of feveral leagues; and the fury of the waters at the termination of their fall, is inconceivable. The dashing produces a mift that rifes to the very clouds; and which forms a. most beautiful rainbow when the fun fhines. It will readily be fuppofed, that fuch a cataract entirely deftroys. the navigation of the ftream; and yet fome Indians in their canoes, as it is faid, have ventured down it with fafety.




Or all the fubterraneous caverns now known, the grotto of Antiparos is the most remarkable, as well for its extent,, as for the beauty of its fpatry incrustations. This celebrated cavern was first explored by one Magni, an Italian traveller, about a hundred years ago, at Antiparos, an inconfiderable ifland of the Archipelago. "Having been. informed," fays he, "by the natives of Paros, that, in the little ifland of Antiparos, which lies about two miles from the former, a gigantic flatue was to be feen at the mouth of a cavern in that place, it was refolved that we (the French conful and himself) fhould pay it a vifit. In pur fuance of this resolution, after we had landed on the ifland, and walked about four miles through the midst of beautifal plains, and floping woodlands, we at length came to a little hill, on the fide of which yawned a molt horrid cavern, that by its gloom at firft ftruck us with terror, and almost repreffed curiofity. Recovering the first fur

prife, however, we entered boldly; and had not proceeded above twenty paces, when the fuppofed ftatue of the giant prefented itself to our view. We quickly perceived, that what the ignorant natives had been terrified at as a giant, was nothing more than a fparry concretion, formed by the water dropping from the roof of the cave and by degrees hardening into a figure, which their fears had formed into a monfter. Incited by this extraordinary appearance, we were induced to proceed ftill further, in queft of new adventures in this fubterranean abode. As we proceeded, new wonders offered themfelves; the fpars, formed into trees and fhrubs, prefented a kind of pétrified grove; fome white, fome green; and all receding in due perfpective. They ftruck us with the more amazement, as we knew them to be mere productions of nature, who, hitherto in folitude, had, in her playful moments, dreffed the scene, as if for her own amufement."

"We had as yet feen but a few of the wonders of the place; and we were introduced only into the portico of this amazing temple. In one corner of this half illuminated recefs, there appeared an opening of about three feet wide, which feemed to lead to a place totally dark, and which one-of the natives affured us contained nothing more than a refervoir of water. Upon this information, we made an experiment, by throwing down fome ftones, which rumbling along the fides of the defcent for fome time, the found seemed at last quashed in a bed of water. In order, however, to be more certain, we fent in a Levantine mariner, who, by the promise of a good reward, ventured, with a flambeau in his hand into this narrow aperture. After continuing within it for about a quarter of an hour, he returned, bearing in his hand, fome beautiful pieces of white fpar, which art could neither equal nor imitate. Upon being informed by him that the place was full of thefe beautiful incruftations, I ventured in once more with him, about fifty paces, anxioufly and cautiously defcending, by a fleep and dangerous way. Finding however, that we came to a precipice which led into a fpacious amphitheatre, (if I may fo call it,) ftill deeper than any other part, we returned, and being provided with a ladder, flambeau, and other things to expedite our defcent, our whole company, man by man, ventured into the fame

opening; and defcending one after another, we at lat faw ourfelves all together in the most magnificent part of the cavern."



"OUR candles being now all lighted up, and the wholer place completely illuminated, never could the eye be prefented with a more glittering, or a more magnificent scene. The whole roof hung with folid ificles, tranfparent as glaís, yet folid as marble. The eye could fcarcely reach the lofty and noble ceiling; the fides were regularly formed with fpars; and the whole prefented the idea of a magnificent theatre, illuminated with an immenfe profufion of: lights. The floor confifted of folid marble: and, in feveral places, magnificent columns, thrones, altars, and other objects, appeared, as if nature had defigned to mock the curiofities of art. Our voices, upon speaking or finging, were redoubled to an aftonishing loudness; and upon the firing of a gun, the noife and reverberations were almost deafening, In the midst of this grand am. phitheatre rofe a concretion of about fifteen feet high, that, in fome measure, resembled an altar; from which, taking the hint, we caufed mafs to be celebrated there. The beautiful columns that fhot up round the altar, appeared like candlesticks; and many other natural objects reprefented the customary ornaments of this rite."

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"Below even this fpacious grotto there feemed another cavern; down which I ventured with my former mariner, and defcended about fifty paces by means of a rope. laft arrived at a small spot of level ground, where the bottom appeared different from that of the amphitheatre, being compofed of foft clay, yielding to the preffure, and in which I thrust a tick to the depth of fix feet. In this, however, as above, numbers of the most beautiful cryftals were formed; one of which, particularly, refembled a table. Upon our egrefs from this amazing cavern, we perceived a Greek infcription upon a rock at the mouth, but fo obliterated by time, that we could not read it dif tinctly. It feemed to import that one Antipater, in the time of Alexander, had come hither; but whether he penetrated into the depths of the cavern, he does not think.

fit to inform us."

This account of fo beautiful and ftriking a scene, may ferve to give us fome idea of the fubterraneous wonders of nature.




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ONE of the earthquakes most particularly defcribed in history, is that which happened in the year r693; the damages of which were chiefly felt in Sicily, but its motion was perceived in Germany, France, and England. It extended to a circumference of two thoufand fix hundred leagues; chiefly affecting the fea coafts, and great rivers; more perceivable alfo upon the mountains than in the vallies. Its motions were fo rapid, that persons who lay at their length, were toffed from fide to fide, as upon a rolling billow. The walls were dafhed from their foundations; and no fewer than fifty four cities, with an incredible number of villages, were either defroyed or greatly damaged. The city of Catanea,. in particular, was utterly overthrown. A traveller, who was on his way thither, perceived, at the diftance of fome miles, a black cloud, like night hanging over the place. The fea, all of a fudden began to roar ; Mount Etna to fend forth great fpires of flame; and foon after a fhock enfued, with a noife as if all the artillery in the world had been at once discharged. Our traveller, being obliged to alight inftantly, felt himself råised a foot from the ground; and turning his eyes to the city, he with amazement faw nothing but a thick cloud of dust in the air. The birds flew about aftonifhed; the fun was darkened; the beats ran howling from the hills; and although the fhock did not continue above three minutes, yet near nineteen thousand of the inhabitants of Sicily perifhed in the ruins. Catanea, to which city the deferiber was travelling, feemed the principal fcene of ruin; its place only was to be found; and not a footstep of its former magnificence was to be feen remaining.




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In the progress of the Divine works and government, there arrived a period, in which the earth was to be called

into existence. When the fignal moment, predefined from all eternity, was come, the Deity arofe in his might; and with a word created the world. What an illuftrious moment was that, when from nonexistence, there fprang at once into being, this mighty globe, on which so many millions of creatures now dwell! No preparatory meafures were required. No long circuit of means was employed. "He fpake; and it was done he commanded; and it ftood faft. The earth was at firft without form, and void; and darknefs was on the face of the deep." The Almighty furveyed the dark abyfs; and fixed bounds. to the feveral divifions of nature. He faid "let there be light; and there was light." Then appeared the fea, and the dry land. The mountains rofe; and the rivers. flowed. The fun and moon began their course in the fkies. Herbs and plants clothed the ground. The air, the earth, and the waters, were ftored with their respective inhabitants. At laft, man was made after the image of God. He appeared, walking with countenance erect; and received his Creator's benediction, as the lord of this new world. The Almighty beheld his work when it was finifhed; and pronounced it GOOD. Superior beings faw with wonder this new acceflion to existence. "The morning ftars fang together; and all the fons of God fhouted for joy."




CHARITY is the fame with benevolence or love; and is the term uniformly employed in the New Testament, to denote all the good affections which we ought to bear towards one another. It confifts not in fpeculative ideas of general benevolence, floating in the head, and leaving the heart, as fpeculations too often do, untouched and cold. Neither is it confined to that indolent good nature, which makes us reft fatisfied with being free from inveterate malice, or ill will to our fellow creatures, without prompting us to be of fervice to any. True charity is an active principle. It is not properly a fingle virtue; but a dupofition refiding in the heart, as a fountain whence all the virtues of benignity, candour, forbearance, generofity, compassion, and liberality, flow, as fo many native freams

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