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النشر الإلكتروني

H. multiflóra.-Many-flowered. The double-flowered variety of this plant has large deep-yellow flowers, in August and September, of the size and form of the Dahlia; so much so, that many persons not acquainted with plants, have taken the flowers to be Dahlias. It is a perennial, with thick fleshy roots, every piece of which will make a strong plant when planted in the spring. I have found it tender in moist ground, but in dry soil, with a little protection, it stands the winter; four or five feet high.




[From Greek words, signifying the sun and gold, in allusion to the brilliant yellow color of the flowers.]

The species are much admired for the brilliancy of their colors in a dried state. If gathered when they first open, and carefully dried in the shade, the flowers retain their color and shape for many years, and with Amaranths and other immortals, are highly prized for winter mantel bouquets, wreaths, and ornaments for vases, etc. Annuals of easy culture, in any rich garden soil. Plants forwarded in frames, and planted out in June, will be in flower from July to November. With the exception of a few Dwarfs, they are all about two feet high.

Helichrysum bracteátum. Golden Eternal Flower, with golden yellow, and a variety with white flowers, were first cultivated among us.

H. macránthrum.-Large Everlasting Flower.-Has flowers much larger than the last, with varieties of yellow, white, white tipped with red, and yellow tipped in the

same way.

H. compósitum monstrósum.-This variety has very large full double flowers of various shades and colors,

viz.: brown, orange and brown, white-yellow, purple, carmine, and rich rose, variously shaded and tipped.

H. nánum atrosanguíneum.-A beautiful everlasting plant, with brilliant deep crimson flowers, very constant; one and one-half foot high.


[The name was given by Linnæus, from Helios, the sun, and trope, a turn; in allusion to the flowers being turned to the sun.]

Heliotropium Peruviánum.-Peruvian or Sweet Heliotrope, Peruvian Turnsole.-A native of Peru, whence it was introduced in 1757. It is an elegant and delicate plant, but not showy; it is chiefly admired for its fragrance. The blossom is very small, of a pale blue, often inclining to white; with varieties of a dark-purplish blue. It sheds an almond-like perfume, which has gained great favor. It will not stand severe weather, and must be housed as soon as there is an appearance of frost. Notwithstanding the tenderness of the plant, it is valuable for massing in beds. It produces an abundance of bloom through the summer months, and will repay any care that may be requisite for its treatment. Plants may be obtained from nurserymen in the spring, and may be preserved through the winter to plant out the following summer. When they have done flowering, the plants should be taken up and potted, and placed in the house, in a cool room, trimming off the young soft wood; before freezing weather, they must be removed to the sitting room where they will soon begin to throw out new leaves, and by February or March, produce flowers. When planted out in June, they should be cut down again, so as to form thick bushy plants. Young plants may be easily raised from cuttings, but as a general rule, it will be found more economical to

purchase new plants for summer planting, than to attempt it, unless you have a person in your employ who understands the process.

The name Heliotrope is sometimes given to the Sunflower, commonly so called: (Helianthus), as in the following passage

"These lovely flowers profuse

Appear as vivid stars;

The snowy rose is there

A silver moon, the Heliotrope the sun."


[From Greek words, for sun and wing.]

Helipterum Sanfórdii.—This very pretty and distinct everlasting is of dwarf tufted habit, growing in ordinary soil about nine inches high, with neat oblong-lanceolate entire foliage, and large globular clusters of bright golden yellow flowers. It is not only a valuable addition to our summer flowers, but is also an excellent plant for winter bouquets, its flowers remaining long in perfection.


[From Greek words, signifying to injure, and food, on account of its dangerous qualities.]

Leathery leaved-plants, most of which are evergreen, and flower in winter and early in spring.

Helleborus níger.-Christmas Rose.-So called because it is in bloom about that time in England. The leaves are deeply divided, evergreen, and of a leathery texture. The flowers are handsome, pinkish-white, tinged with green, as large as a small single rose. With us it commences flowering the last of November, and continues all

winter to throw up flower-stems, if the season is open and mild; cold does not seem to affect it. Propagated by dividing the roots in the spring.


[Name derived from Greek words, signifying beautiful and day.] It is an ornamental genus of hardy perennials of the easiest cultivation, and suitable for the borders.

Hemerocallis fláva.-Yellow Day Lily.-Has a brilliant yellow lily-shaped flower, in June, two feet high; leaves long, linear, keeled.

H. fúlva.-Copper-colored Day Lily.—An old inhabitant of the flower-garden; in flower most of the season; four feet high; flower, yellowish copper-color; leaves like the last, but much larger.


[Hepatica-from Greek words, signifying belonging to the liver, the three lobes of the leaves having been compared to the lobes of the liver.]

Hepática triloba.—This is a great favorite in the flower-border, on account of its abundant blossoms and great variety of colors and shades. It is a hardy perennial, with varieties of double-red, blue, and white. This charming early flower is found in its single state both red, blue, and white, in great abundance in old woods and copses, where it embellishes the ground with its clumps of numerous flowers. About the latter end of April and beginning of May they appear before the new leaves, which show themselves only when the flower is gone, but the old leaves remain through the winter. The leaves are divided into three lobes (triloba) of a brownish-green color, by which the plant may be known in the summer.

Another species, H. acutiloba, is less common than H. triloba, has more pointed lobes to the leaves, but is similar in other respects.

The double flowers are extremely handsome, colors very bright; they are quite hardy here, and will thrive well if

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not planted in too damp a soil. I have seen the red in per fection at a garden in Roxbury, where it had endured the winter in the open air.

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