صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

feel no objection to the return of those deluded people. They have, to be sure, mistaken their own interests most wofully; and most wofully have they suffered the punishment due to their offences. But the relations which we bear to them, and to their native country, are now changed. Their king has acknowledged our independence; the quarrel is over; peace has returned, and found us a free people.

7. Let us have the magnanimity, sir, to lay aside our antipathies and prejudices, and consider the subject in a political light. They are an enterprising, moneyed class. They will be serviceable in taking off the surplus produce of our lands, and supplying us with necessaries, during the infant state of our manufactures. Even if they be inimical to us in point of feeling and principle, I can see no objection, in a political view, to making them tributary to our advantage. And, as I have no prejudices to prevent my making this use of them, so, sir, I have no fear of any mischief that they can do us. Afraid of them! What, sir, shall we, who have laid the proud now be afraid of his whelps?

British lion at our feet,


[blocks in formation]

YONDER is a little drum, hanging on the wall;

Dusty wreaths and tattered flags round about it fall.


A shepherd youth on Cheviot's hills watched the sheep whose skin
A cunning workman wrought, and gave the little drum its din:
And happy was the shepherd-boy whilst tending of his fold,
Nor thought he there was in the world a spot like Cheviot's wold.
And so it was for many a day; but change with time will come;
And he - (alas for him the day!) — he heard the little drum.
"Follow," said the drummer-boy, "would you live in story!
For he who strikes a foeman down wins a wreath of glory."
Rub-a-dub! and rub-a-dub!" the drummer beats away
The shepherd lets his bleating flock on Cheviot wildly stray.
On Egypt's arid wastes of sand the shepherd now is lying;
Around him many a parching tongue for "water" faintly crying:
O, that he were on Cheviot's hills, with velvet verdure spread,
Or lying 'mid the blooming heath where oft he made his bed!

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Or could he drink of those sweet rills that trickle to its vales, Or breathe once more the balminess of Cheviot's mountain gales! At length upon his wearied eyes the mists of slumber come, And he is in his home again - till wakened by the drum! "To arms! to arms!" his leader cries; "the foe - the foe is nigh!"

Guns loudly roar, steel clanks on steel, and thousands fall to die. The shepherd's blood makes red the sand: "O! water- give

me some!

My voice might reach a friendly ear-but for that little drum!" 'Mid moaning men, and dying men, the drummer kept his way, And many a one by "glory" lured abhorred the drum that day. “Rub-a-dub! and rub-a-dub!" the drummer beat aloud The shepherd died! and, ere the morn, the hot sand was his


And this is "glory"?—Yes; and still will man the tempter follow,

Nor learn that glory, like its drum, is but a sound—and hollow.



1. You have committed to my conduct, O Romans, the war against Jugurtha. The Patricians are offended at this. "He has no family statues!" they exclaim: "he can point to no illustrious line of ancestors!" - What then? Will dead ancestors, will motionless statues, help fight your battles? Will it avail your general to appeal to these in the perilous hour?

2. Rare wisdom would it be, my countrymen, to intrust the command of your army to one whose only qualification for it would be the virtue of- his forefathers; to one untried and inexperienced, but of most unexceptionable family; who could not show a solitary scar, but any number of ancestral statues; who knew not the first rudiments of war, but was very perfect in pedigrees!

3. Truly, I have known of such holiday heroes, — raised, because of family considerations, to a command for which they

were not fitted,


who, when the moment for action arrived,

were obliged, in their ignorance and trepidation, to give to some - to some despised Plebeian - the ordering of

inferior officer every movement.

4. I submit it to you, Romans,-is Patrician pride or Plebeian experience the safer reliance? The actions of which my opponents have merely read, I have achieved or shared in. What they have seen written in books, I have seen written on battle-fields with steel and blood. They object to my humble birth. They sneer at my lowly origin. Im'potent objection! Ignominious sneer! Where but in the spirit of a man can his true nobility be lodged? and where his dishonor, but in his own cowardly inaction, or in his unworthy deeds? Tell these railers at my obscure extraction, their haughty lin'e-age could not make them noble, my humble birth could never make me base.

5. I profess no indifference to noble descent. It is a good thing to number great men among one's ancestry. But when a descendant is dwarfed in the comparison with his forefathers, nobility of birth should be accounted a shame rather than a matter of boast. These Patricians cannot despise me, if they would, since their titles date from ancestral services similar to those which I myself have rendered.


6. And what if I can show no family statues? I can show the standards, the armor, the spoils, which I myself have wrested from the vanquished. I can show the scars of many wounds received in combating the enemies of Rome. These are my statues ! These, the honors I can boast of! Not an accidental inheritance; but earned by toil, by abstinence, by valor, amid scenes of strife and carnage; scenes in which these effeminate Patricians, who would now depreciate me in your esteem, have never dared to appear, - no, not even as spectators! Here, Romans, are my credentials; here, my titles of nobility; here, my claims to the generalship of your army! Tell me, are they not as respectable, are they not as valid, are they not as deserving of your confidence and reward, as those which any Patrician of them all can offer?







See Notice on pages 76, 77

AB-BRE-VI-A'TION, the act of shortening. A letter or a few letters, used for a word or for words, is called an abbreviation; as is also an arbitrary mark, as $ for dollar. Among the principal abbreviations used in literature at the present day are the following: A.B., Bachelor of Arts; A.M., Master of Arts; A. M., before noon; Anon., anonymous; B. C., before Christ; Cal., California; Co., company, county; Conn. or Ct., Connecticut; Cr., credit; D. C., District of Columbia; D.D., Doctor of Divinity; Del., Delaware; Do., ditto, the same; Dr., doctor, debtor; Esq., esquire; Etc. or &c., and others, and so forth; Feb., February; Fl. or Fa., Florida; Ga. or Geo., Georgia; Hon., honorable; Ib. or Ibid, in the same place; i. e., that is (Latin, id est); Ill., Illinois; Ia., Indiana; Incog., unknown; Inst., instant, or of the present month; Ken. or Ky., Kentucky; L. or £, pound sterling; La. or Lou., Louisiana; L. I., Long Island; LL.D., Doctor of Laws; M., Monsieur; Ma., Minesota; Mass. or Ms., Massachusetts; M.C., Member of Congress; M.D., Doctor of Medicine; Md., Maryland; Me., Maine; Messrs. or MM., Messieurs (Sirs); Mme., Madame; Mich., Michigan; Miss. or Mi., Mississippi; Mo., Missouri; M.P., Member of Parliament; Mr., Master or Mister; Mrs., Mistress (pronounced Missis); MS., manuscript; MSS., manuscripts; N. A., North America; N. B. (nota be-ne), mark well; N. C., North Carolina; Nem. con. (nemi-ne contradicen-te), no one contradicting; N. H., New Hampshire; N. J., New Jersey; No., number; N. Y., New York; O., Ohio; P. or p., page; Pa. or Penn., Pennsylvania; per cent. (per centum), by the hundred; P. M. (post meridiem), afternoon; Pro tem. (pro tempo-re), for

the time; Pro., in favor of, for; Prox (prox-imo), next, or of the next month, P.S. (post scriptum), postscript; Q. E. D. (quot erat demonstrandum), which was to be demonstrated; R. I., Rhode Island; S. C., South Carolina; St., Saint; Tenn., Tennessee; U. S., United States; U. S. A., United States of America; U. S. N., United States Navy; Va., Virginia; Viz. (videli'cet), to wit, namely; Vol., volume; V.P., Vice President; Vs. (versus), against; Vt., Vermont; W. I., West Indies; &c. (et cætera), and the rest, and so forth; 4to, quarto; 8vo, octavo; 12mo, duodecimo; 16mo, sextodecimo; 18mo, octo-decimo. ABERNETHY, JOHN, a celebrated surgeon; born in London in 1765, died 1831. He

acquired great reputation as an anatomist and medical teacher. See his opinion on the cause of the majority of diseases, page 276.

AB-JURE', to abandon upon oath. AB-STRACTION. We are said to consider an idea abstractly, or in the abstract, when we consider it separated from other ideas which naturally accompany it. Abstract numbers are numbers used without ap plication to things, as 1, 2, 3; but when applied to anything, as 1 foot, 2 men, 3 dogs, they become concrete. By "abstraction," we mean the act of separating, or of being separated. Ac'CENT. Remarks on, page 29. Exercises in, page 51. Misplacing of, page 59. AC-CENT'U-ATE, to mark with an accent. Ac-coOU'TRE (ac-coot'er) to dress, equip. This word is spelled by Webster, accouter. AD-HE'SION, the act or state of sticking to. AD'JEC-TIVE, a word added to a noun to express some quality or circumstance. Its derivation is from the Latin words aa, to, and jactum, thrown on or added.

AD'MI-KAL. AS used by Milton, page 72, | this word means a ship that carries the admiral, or simply a grea: ship. AD'VERB, a word joined to a verb, participle, an adjective, or another adverb, to qualify its meaning. It is derived from the Latin words ad, to, and verbum, a word. AF-FIN'I-TY, agreement, connection. It is from the Latin words ad, to, and finis, an end, also a boundary or limit; whence the Latin word affinis, neighboring, or bordering.

AIKIN, JOHN, born in England in 1747; established himself as a physician in London. He was a brother of Mrs. Barbauld, and the author of several excellent works for the young. He died 1822.

The Tutor and his Pupils, page 92.
Lokman, 277.

AL'BI-CORE, a marine fish, noted for following ships.

ALEXANDER, SIR JAMES. The Falls of Niagara in Winter, by, page 249. AL-LU'VI-AL, added to land by the wash of water. The word is derived from the Latin words ad, to, and luo, I wash. ALPHA, the first letter in the Greek alphabet, answering to A, and used to denote first, or beginning, as O-me'ga, the last letter of the Greek alphabet, does last, or end.

AL'PINE, pertaining to the Alps, or to any

lofty mountain; very high. A-MAIN', with force; suddenly. AM-BRO'SIAL. Ambrosia was, in heathen antiquity, the imaginary food of the gods. The word is derived from the Greek, -a, without, and rotos, mortal, because ambrosia was supposed to confer immortality. An ambrosial beverage is one partaking of the quality of ambrosia. AM-PHI-THE A-TRE. (The final syllable is also spelled ter by Webster.) An edifice in an oval or circular form, with an area where combats with wild beasts were exhibited. The area, being covered with sand, was called a-rena, a Latin word, meaning sand. The derivation of the word amphitheatre is from the Greek amphi, about, and theatron, a seeingplace.

AN-AB'A-SIS (meaning a going-up, an expedition), the title of a Greek work, by Xenophon, describing an expedition undertaken by the younger Cyrus, B. C. 401, against his brother Artaxerxes, King of Persia.

AN-AL'O-GY, resemblance, similarity, proportion.

A-NAL'O-GOUS, having resemblance. AN'GLO-SAX'ON, pertaining to the Saxons who settled in England, or English Sax


AN-NEAL, to heat in order to fix colors; to temper glass. A-NON', quickly; soon.

A-NON.', an abbreviation of Anonymous. A-NON'Y-MOUS, wanting a name. It is from the Greek words a, without, and on'oma,

a name.

AN-TITA E-SIS, Opposition of words or sentiments; contrast. The plural of this word is an-tith'e-sēs. The derivation is from the Greek anti, against, and thesis, a placing or arranging.

AN-TI-THETI-CAL, placed in contrast. A-POL-LO, a heathen divinity; the god of medicine, prophecy and song. He is alsc called Phoebus.

AP-PA-RA'TUS, instruments necessary for any art, study or trade. It is from the Latin ap'paro, I prepare.

ARE. This word is pronounced to rhyme with bar, car, &c; the a having the first elementary sound. See Exercises page 34. A-RE'NA. See Amphitheatre. AR-RAIGN' (ăr-rān), to accuse; to call in question; to indict.

ARTE-RY, one of the canals or pipes through which the blood from the heart runs, like water in a pipe brought from a reservoir. When an artery is cut it bleeds very violently; and the only way to stop it is to make a pressure between the wounded place and the heart, in order to intercept the course of the blood towards it. AR-TI-CLE is the name given by grammarians to the two little adjectives the and an or a in our language; the former being called the definite, the latter the indefinite article. The indefinite article an is only a corruption of the adjective one, or, as our ancestors wrote, ane; and a is a still more violent corruption of the same word.

AR-TIC-U-LA'TION. Rules for, page 31. Faults in, page 53.

A-SIDE. In dramatic writing, a character is supposed to utter a remark aside when he does not mean that the other person or persons of the drama who may be present shall hear it.

AS'PI-RATE, pronounced with a strong emission of breath. The word is from the Latin as-pi'ro, I breathe, or blow. See pages 18, 39 and 50, in regard to aspirate consonant sounds.

ATE, the preterite of the verb to eat. It is pronounced ate by both Webster and Worcester; ět, by Smart and others. AU-RO'RAL. Aurora was in ancient mythology the goddess of the morning; hence Auroral means resembling the dawn of day; also belonging to the Aurora, or Northern Lights.

AV-A-LANCHE', a snow-slide. Pronounced av-a-lansh', the italicized a having the sound of a in father.

AVAUNT, hence; begone. The au of this word has the first elementary sound. See page 34.

AYE (a) forever; continually. This word should be distinguished from ay (meaning yes). See 48, page 24.

AZURE, blue, sky colored. This word is pronounced a zhur by Walker, and ăzh'ur by Webster.

BANCROFT, GEORGE, an American historian author of a history of the United States. The Pioneers of Kentucky, by, 152.

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