صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

*17. 1818.-Queen Charlotte died, æt. 74.

Few Sovereigns ever exhibited a more dignified manner, or knew better how to maintain the pre-eminence of her exalted station. When her face was lighted up with a benignant smile, no princess could exhibit a more gracious aspect, even in the decline of life; and in her youth there was a play of grace and of condescending loveliness in her look, that charmed and conciliated, while it excited the esteem of all within its influence. This distinguished personage was greatly addicted to harmony, which she studied in a scientific manner, and possessed a fine taste, not only for instrumental but vocal music. The assistance of Bach and Abel was obtained in succession and rewarded with liberality. With the higher ranks of our nobility, in her vicinity, the Queen lived in the constant interchange of good offices, and many distinguished families were accustomed to reside occasionally at the castle. Among her Majesty's particular favourites, were several ladies, always acknowledged to be both the patterns and ornaments of their sex; and neither any of these nor their connections were forgotten in the distribution of favours. Her Majesty was a queen and a woman, and of course subject to the infirmities peculiar to her sex and her station. But these were but as dust in the balance,' in comparison with the numerous assemblage of private virtues displayed throughout a long and eventful period of nearly threescore years. She scrupulously abstained from paint, but was accustomed to indulge in snuff. In point of jewels and wardrobe, her Majesty was assuredly the richest sovereign iu the world: although neither possessed of the Pitt nor of the Pigot diamond, yet the number, size, and variety of her brilliants, exceeded all ordinary calculation, and have been estimated at half a million sterling '!

* See a Life of Her Majesty, with a silhouette, in the Annual Biography and Obituary for the Year 1819, p. 405.


Edmund, king of the East-Angles, having been attacked by the Danes in 870, and unable to resist them, heroically offered to surrender himself a prisoner, provided they would spare his subjects. The Danes, however, having seized him, used their utmost endeavours to induce Edmund to renounce his religion; but, refusing to comply, they first beat him with clubs, then scourged him with whips, and afterwards, binding him to a stake, killed him with their



Cecilia was a Roman lady, who, refusing to renounce her religion, was thrown into a furnace of boiling water, and scalded to death. Others say that she was stifled in a bath, a punishment frequently inflicted, at that time, on female criminals of rank. She suffered martyrdom about the year 225. Cecilia is regarded as the patroness of music, and is represented by Raffaelle with a regal in her hand.


When whispering streams do softly steal
With creeping passions through the heart;
And when, at every touch, we feel
Our pulses beat, and bear a part;

When threads can make

A heart-string quake,


Can scarce deny

The soul can melt in harmony.

O lull me, lull me! charming air,
My sense is rocked with wonders sweet,
Like snow on wool thy fallings are,

Soft, like a spirit's, are thy feet;

Grief who need fear

That hath an ear?

Down let him lie,

And slumbering die,

And change his soul for harmony.



Clement I was born at Rome, and was one of the

first bishops of that place: this see he held about sixteen years; from the year 64 or 65 to 81. He was remarkable for having written two Epistles, so excellent, and so highly esteemed, by the primitive Christians, that the first was for some time considered canonical. Clement was sentenced to work in the quarries, and afterwards, having an anchor fastened about his neck, was drowned in the sea.

23.-0. MART.

Old Martinmas-day, an antient quarter-day. 25.-SAINT CATHERINE.

Our saint was born at Alexandria, and received a liberal education. About the year 305, she was converted to Christianity, which she afterwards professed with the utmost intrepidity, openly reproving the pagans for offering sacrifices to their idols, and upbraiding the Emperor Maxentius, to his face, with the most flagrant acts of tyranny and oppression. She was condemned to suffer death by rolling a wheel over her body stuck round with iron spikes.


Andrew was the son of James, a fisherman at Bethsaida, and younger brother of Peter. He was condemned to be crucified on a cross of the form of an X; and, that his death might be more lingering, he was fastened with cords. The Order of the Thistle is described in T. T. for 1818, p. 283.-See also our last volume, p. 280, for some poetry on the subject.

Astronomical Occurrences



THE Sun enters Sagittarius at 10 m. past 2 in the afternoon of the 22d of this month; and his rising and setting will take place, during the same period, as in the following


Of the Sun's Rising and Setting for every fifth Day.

November 1st, Sun rises 12 m. after 7.

Sets 48 m. after 4

6th, 11th,

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Equation of Time.

To find the true time from the apparent, the fol lowing quantities must be subtracted from that indicated by a good sun-dial, viz.

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Thursday, Nov. 1st, from the time by the dial subtract 16 15

Tuesday, 6th,

Sunday, 11th,


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Wednesday, 21st,


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Phases of the Moon.

First Quarter 3d day, at 13 m. after

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Full Moon. 9th

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The Moon's Passage over the Meridian.

The Moon will pass the meridian of the Royal Observatory at the following times during this month, which will be proper for observations if the weather permit, viz.

November 1st, at 16 m. after 5 in the evening

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Phases of Venus.

Illuminated part 8745692

November 1st, {Dark part

= 3.254308

Eclipses of Jupiter's Satellites.

The following visible eclipses of Jupiter's first and second satellites will take place during this month,



First Satellite, 3d day, at 38 m. after 4 in the morning

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as the principal Mercury will be inferior conjunc

The following may be enumerated phenomena observable this month. stationary on the 9th, and in his tion at 45 m. after 8 in the evening of the 20th. The Moon will be in conjunction with 8 in Taurus at 18 m. after 10 in the evening of the 11th; with Mars at 38 m. past 5 in the afternoon of the 16th; and with a in Leo at 6 m. past 9 in the evening of the same day. Mars will be in quadrature at 30 m. after 7 in the morning of the 19th of this month, and he will be in conjunction with a in Leo on the 20th, when he will be 88' north of the star. The Moon will be in conjunction with a in Scorpio at 17 m. after 5 in the morning of the 25th; and Mercury will be stationary on the 30th.

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