صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

1854.-Treaty of Reciprocity with England. Commercial Treaty with Japan concluded through Commodore Perry. American party formed.

1841.-Congress meets in extra session. { 1854.-Congress passes the Kansas Nebraska Imprisonment for debts due the United States bill. United States Neutral on the Eastern abolished. Central Bankrupt Law passed. A Question. loan of $12,000,000 authorized. Sub-Treasury Act repealed. Revenues received from public lands ordered to be distributed among the States. Two bills for re-chartering the United States Bank vetoed. All members of the Cabinet, except Mr. Webster, resign. Failure of United States Bank under Pennsylvania charter. Harrison dies; Tyler succeeds him.

1842.-The Dover Insurrection in Rhode Island. The Seminole war terminated. Treaty with England settling North-Eastern boundary question. Senate ratifies the AshburtonWebster Treaty. Ratio of representation fixed at 70,680; Representatives 223. United States fiscal year ordered to begin with July 1st.

1843.-$30,000 appropriated for the construction of Morse's Electric Telegraph between Washington and Baltimore.

1844.-First message by the electric telegraph. James K. Polk, Democrat, elected President.


1845.-Anti-rent riots in New York. first Tuesday after the first Monday in November on which to hold Presidential elections. Treaty made with China. Speech of Mr. Cass on North-Western boundary of Oregon. Annexation of Texas, and war with Mexico.

1846.-Hostilities commence with Mexico. New Mexico annexed to the United States, 10,000,000 voted; and 50,000 men called out, to carry on the war. The Wilmot Proviso, Tariff on Imports reduced. Treaty settling Northwestern boundary. Congress declared the war "existed by act of Mexico."

1855. The Court of Claims established. Election troubles in Kansas. U. S. steamer "Waterwitch" fired on, on the Paraguay. Passmore Williamson released from three months imprisonment in the Wheeler Slave Case.

1856.-Quebec made the seat of Canadian government, P. W. Geary confirmed as Governor of Kansas. Extra session of Congress adjourns. 133 ballots required to elect Nathaniel P. Banks Speaker of the House. Mr. Brooks of S. C., assaults Senator Summer in the Senate Chamber. British envoy ordered to leave Washington. Great excitement in Congress on the Slavery question and over the admission of Kansas and Nebraska. Republican party formed. James Buchanan, Democrat, elected President.

1857.-A great Financial Panic; 5,123 Commercial Failures. Buchanan inaugurated; pays 8 and 10 per cent. for loans. The Dred Scott Decision delivered by Chief Justice Taney. R. J. Walker appointed Governor of Kansas.

1858.-Congress passes the English Kansas Bill but State refuses to accept. Treaty of amity with China.

1858.-First Atlantic Cable laid; second in 1866. U. S. Army defeats the Mormons in Utah. Minnesota State Government organized. Nicaragua seeks the protection of the United

1847. The city of Mexico taken by Ameri-States. cans under General Scott. War rages with Mexico.

1848.-Congress ratifies Treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo. Postal Treaty with England negotiated; concluded in 1849. Peace with Mexico declared, July 4th. Zachary Taylor, Whig, elected President Upper California ceded to United States. First deposit of California gold in the mint,

1849.-The French Embassador dismissed from Washington. Taylor inaugurated, dies; Fillmore succeeds him,

1850.-The Fugitive Slave Act passed. Texas boundary settled by payment of $10, 000,000 to Texas. New Mexico and Utah admitted as territories. Slave trade abolished in the District of Columbia. Webster's great speech on the Union delivered in reply to Hayne. Treaty of Amity and Commerce with Switzerland. Treaty with England securing a transit over Panama. Seventh census; population 23,191,876.

1851.-Southern Rights Convention at South Carolina. A Cheap Postage Law enacted. Kossuth visits United States.

1852.-Ratio of Representation fixed at 93,423; members, 237. Dispute with England in regard to fisheries. Henry Clay and Daniel Webster died this year. Franklin Pierce, Democrat, elected President.

1853.-Pierce inaugurated. A partisan inaugural address.

1859.-John Brown's raid at Harper's Ferry, Va., his capture and execution.

1860.-Ratio of Representation fixed at 127,000. Crittenden Compromise introduced and defeated. Prince of Wales visits the United States. Senators and Federal Officers from the South favoring disunion, resign. President Buchanan denies the right of a State to secede, and declines to receive the South Carolina Commission. Eighth census; population 31,443,321. Abraham Lincoln, Republi can, elected President. The "Palmetto Flag' hoisted in Charleston harbor. Georgia appropriates $1,000,000 to another state. Maj. Anderson takes posession of Fort Sumter.

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1861.-Congress meets in Special Session. The President calls the volunteers and $400,000,000 to put down the Rebellion. Jacob Thompson, Secretary of Interior, resigns. Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas passed secession ordinances. John A. Dix appointed Secretary of Treasury, vice Thomas, resigned. Jeff Davis resigns his seat in the U. S. Senate.

Southern Confederacy formed at Montgomery, Ala. Peace Congress meets at Washington. Jeff Davis elected President of Southern Confederacy. Gen. Twiggs expelled from the army for treason. Peace Congress adjourned after a stormy session-accomplished nothing. Beauregard takes command at Charleston, S. C.; and stops intercourse be

tween Fort Sumter and Charleston. President Lincoln calls for 75,000 volunteers. Jeff Davis offers letters of marque to privateers. President Lincoln declares the Southern ports in a state of blockade. Virginia proclaimed a member of the Southern Confederacy. McClellan placed in command of the Department of Ohio. Arkansas secedes. England acknowledges the insurgent States as belligerents. North Carolina secedes; Kentucky declares neutrality. Tennessee secedes. Federal troops cross the Potomac. All postal services in the seceded States suspended. Gen. McClellan assumes command in West Virginia. The Wheeling Government, Virginia, acknowledged by the President. July 4, Congress meets in extra session. Fremont appointed to command of Western Department. Nine Southern members expelled from U. S. Senate.

Confiscation bill passed. Congress adjourns. President suspends all commerce with seceded States. President Lincoln orders Gen. Fremont to modify his emancipation proclamation. Secession members of Maryland Legislature sent to Fort McHenry. Gen. Scott resigns as Commander-in-Chief; Gen. McClellan succeeds him. C. S. Congress convened at Richmond, Va. Breckinridge expelled from U. S. Senate for treason. New York and Boston banks suspend specie payment.

1862.-Slavery prohibited in the Territories. Internal Revenue Bill passed. Polygamy forbidden in United States. Union Pacific Railroad chartered. Department of Agriculture organized. A draft of 300,000 men to serve for nine months, ordered by the Secretary of war; 600,000 volunteers called. Mason and Slidell delivered to the British Minister. E. M. Stanton appointed Secretary of war, vice Cameron, resigned. Cameron nominated Minister to Russia, vice Clay, resigned. Jesse D. Bright expelled from U. S. Senate. Jefferson Davis inaugurated President of the Southern Confederacy. Brigham Young elected Governor of Deseret, Utah. National Tax Bill passed U. S. House of Representatives. Gen. Halleck (July 11) appointed commander of all land forces. Martial law declared in Cincinnati. McClellan, Sept. 7, takes command in person of Potomac Army. Sept. 22, President Lincoln issues his Emancipation Proclamation. Habeas Corpus suspended by U. S. Government. Nov. 5, Gen. Burnside succeeds McClellan. All political prisoners released. Nov. 22, West Virginia admitted as

a state.

1863.-Jan. 1.-Lincoln declares all the slaves free. Bureau of Currency and National Banks established. Death of "Stonewall" Jackson. First colored regiment from the north leaves Boston. A loan of $900,000,000 ten-forties authorized. Proclamation issued. Gen. Grant takes command of the West. Slavery abolished by Proclamation.

1864.-Fugitive Slave Law repealed. A draft of 500,000 men ordered, and 700,000 men called for, 85,000 men accepted from Governors of Western States. Lincoln reelected President. Gen. Grant appointed to command U. S. Armies.

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1865.-The 13th Amendment passed. Amnesty Proclamation issued. Blockade of Southern ports ended. $98,000,000 subscribed to the 7:30 loan during the week ending May 13. A day of fasting on account of the death of President Lincoln. All the nation in mourning. Lee surrenders to Grant. Johnson succeeds Lincoln.

1866. Freedman's Bureau Bill and Civil Rights Bill passed. 14th Amendment passed. Proclamation of Peace. Colorado bill vetoed. Suffrage given to colored men in District of Columbia.

1867.-Southern States organized into Military Districts. Military Government Bill and Tenure-of-Office Bill passed. Treaty with Russia for purchase of Alaska concluded, price $7,200,000. Nebraska admitted as a State. Reconstruction bill passed over President Johnson's veto. Russian American Treaty approved by the Senate. Jeff Davis released on bail. Congress meets in extra session. Supplimentary Reconstruction Bill passed, over veto.

1868.-Impeachment trial of President Johnson ends in acquittal. Fourteenth Amendrent declared part of the Constitution. Proclamation of Political Amnesty issued. Grant, Republican, elected President. Congress meets. Senate bill passed for the reduction of the army. Bill passed to abolish tax on manufactures. The Chinese Embassy received by the President. Bill passed Senate for admission of S. States. Commencement of difficul ties between U. S. Ambassador and the Government of Paraguay. The Senate ratifies the Chinese Treaty. Freedman's Bureau Bill passed over Johnson's veto. Laws of United States extended over Alaska. Failure of the Atlantic Cable of 1866. President Johnson issues a universal amnesty proclamation,

1869.-Central Pacific and Union Pacific railroads completed.-1,913 miles in length. United States Supreme Court decides Internal Revenue laws constitutional. The Copper Tariff Bill passed over the veto. Passage of the Reconstruction Bill. Indiana Supreme Court decide National Bank currency taxable. Female Suffrage Bill passed by Wyoming Legislature. E. M. Stanton confirmed as Judge of United States Supreme Court.

1870.-Fifteenth Amendment passed. Recall of the Russian Minister, Catacazy, requested. Proclamation against Fenian raids into Canada issued. Ninth census, population 38,555,883. Bill passed for the re-admission of Virginia. Legal Tender Act declared unconstitutional. The Saint Thomas treaty expires by limitation. The North Pacific R. R. Bill becomes a law. Bill to abolish Franking privilege defeated. The San Domingo Treaty rejected by the Senate. The new Constitution of Illinois adopted.

1871.--Congress passes Bill against Ku-Klux, also Enforcement Bill. The United States Senate passes the San Domingo Commission Bill. The $300,000, on Five Per Cent. Refunding Bill passed by the House. Congress admits the Georgia Senators. Deadlock in Indiana Legislature; thirty-four Republicans

resign. The Forty-first Congress expires; Forty-second organized. Alabama Claims $12,830,384. Expenses of the United States census reported at $3,287,600. The Apportionment Bill passed by Congress.

1872-Tax and Tariff Bill passed diminishing Revenue. Ratio of Representation fixed at 131,425; Representatives limited to 293. General Amnesty Bill signed. $15,500,000 awarded the United States by Geneva Tribunal. Emperor William of Germany decides the San Juan Question in favor of the United States. Salary Retroactive Act passed. First repeal of the Franking privilege. Federal officers are forbidden to hold State Offices. Suspension of the Bank of Jay Cook & Co., causes a financial panic.

Modoc War.

1874-Political excitement in Louisiana. Grant vetoes the Finance Bill. United States Senate passes Civil Rights Bill. Currency

Bill vetoed. Fillmore and Sumner die.

1875-Senate ratifies the Treaty with Hawaii. Civil Rights Bill passed. New Treaty with Belgium concluded. Financial trouble continued. Louisiana Legislative hall taken possession of by United States troops. Colorado admitted as a State.

1876-Centennial Bill appropriating $15,000,000 passed. Secretary Belknap impeached by the House, acquitted by the Senate. Postal Treaty with Japan. Termination of the English Extradition Treaty


1877-Electoral Commission decided in favor of Hays. Spanish Extradition Treaty announced. Federal troops recalled from the South. Nez Perces War. 1878-Silver Bill. Halifax Fishing Award; Ben Butler opposes it. 1879-Specie payment. Negro exodus begins. Ute War.

1880-Election of Garfield as President, the October election in Ohio and Indiana virtually deciding the issue in advance.

1881-Assassination of President Garfield by Charles J. Guiteau; Vice-President Arthur succeeds him. Resignation of Senators Conkling and Platt, of New York.

1882-Extended trial and final conviction of Guiteau, who set up the plea that his assassination of President Garfield was due to an irristible pressure from Deity. Nomination of Roscoe Conkling to the Supreme Court. Blaine's eulogy on Garfield. The Mormon issue revived by Edmunds' Bill; Chinese issue revived by bill to prevent their immigration for twenty years. California and Nevada make a holiday of Saturday, March 4, and devote it to mass meetings, which said "the Chinese must go." March 1, Senator Hoar, of Massachusetts, makes a great speech against Chinese Bill; Senator Miller, of California, replies.

1883-Jefferson Davis replies to ex-Judge

Jeremiah S. Black's article on "Secession

Secrets." Death of ex-Attorney-General


1884-Nomination of James G. Blaine, and John A. Logan, at Chicago, for President and Vice-President, who were defeated by Grover Cleveland and Thomas A. Hendricks. Death of Hon. Charles J. Folger, Secretary of the Treasury.

1885-General Ulysses S. Grant, exPresident of the United States, died at Mt. McGregor, July 22d, after a lingering and most painful illness of many months. Death of Vice-President Thomas A. Hendricks, and election of Hon. John Sherman as Acting Vice-President of the United States.

1886-Marriage of Grover Cleveland and Miss Frances Folsom at the Executive Mansion; and death of General George B. McClellan, General Winfield Scott Hancock,

ex-Governor Samuel J. Tilden-all three of whom had been nominated for President of the United States; McClellan in 1864, Tilden in 1876, and Hancock in 1880.

1887-High License Campaign in Pennsylvania; liquor men resisted and formed Personal Liberty Leagues; Republicans contended for High License and Sunday Laws, and won by 46,000 majority. Death of General Philip Sheridan. In December, at opening of Congress, President Cleveland sent in an Annual Message devoted alone to Revenue Reform; Mr. Blaine_wired an and in this way the issue was opened. answer from Paris in favor of Protection,

Cleveland on Tariff for Revenue platform; 1888-Re-nomination of President Harrison on a Protective platform. A brilthe Republicans nominated General Benjamin liant campaign followed and resulted in a Republican victory. Warner Miller led a High License battle for Governor of New York; beaten by Governor Hill by 18,000 majority. Delaware elected Anthony Higgins, a Republican, for United States Senator.

1889-Admission by Congress as States of North and South Dakota, Montana and Washington, making 42 in all. The PanAmerican Congress assembled in Washington. Representatives of nearly all the Central and South American governments attended. International Marine Conference also assembled. Race troubles in the Southern States. Death of Jefferson Davis.

1890-Death of Hon. William D. Kelly, known as "The Father of the House," after a service of thirty years in Congress.

The McKinley Tariff Bill and the AntiLottery Bill become laws. Democratic "tidal wave" in the fall elections, overturning the Republican majority in the House of Representatives and the State governments in many heretofore reliable Republican_States.

1892.-Re-nomination of President Harrison and nomination of Whitelaw Reid at Minneapolis, for President and President Cleveland and nomination of Vice-President. Re-nomination of exAdlai Stevenson at Chicago, for President and Vice-President.

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Act to elect President and Vice President by a direct vote of the people.
Act to prohibit African slave trade. . .

Act to provide for collection, disbursement and safe keeping of public money
Acquisition of Florida. .

Adams, John, inaugurated.






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Admission of Missouri, to the Union, with an attempt to restrict slavery in its limit

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Attempt to amend bill for admission of California by extension of Missouri Compromise
to the Pacific..

Attempt to pass Tenure of Office bill.

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Bank of the United States, expiration of charter.

Bank and State, separation of..





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